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These results suggest an influence of depth on the maximum rates of methane oxidation, with the microbial communities at the shallower sites heavily impacted by benthic disturbances, and starved of methane by the action of intense bubble discharge. Finally, evidence from a shallow 10m depth seep suggests that methane-derived carbonates form from isolated gas pockets even in thermogenic gas seeps with elevated carbon dioxide.
In July 1972, the U.S. Office of Naval Research identified several areas that it interpreted as being of interest to the U.S. Navy. Four of these research areas were then selected for their special importance in understanding physical processes on the ocean floor. In some of these, a great wealth of data has accumulated over the past two or three decades, but controversy exists in the interpretation of the results. In others, new techniques have re cently been devised that could lead to the collection and synthesis of new information. There was yet a third area in which little study had been undertaken and the results available appeared of great potential importance. The latter subject constitutes the title of this volume. To assess the information available and to facilitate plans for further research in the fields of interest that had been identified, the U.S. Office of Naval Research sponsored four symposia. The first was held in November 1972 at the University of California Con ference Center, Lake Arrowhead. The title of the symposium was "Natural Gases in Marine Sediments and Their Mode of Distribution". Twenty lectures were presented over a three-day period. All but two participants at this symposium subsequently submitted papers, which are published in this volume. In addition, Dr. K.O. Emery, who did not attend the symposium, supplied a manuscript on a topic most re levant to the subject matter discussed.
Marine sediments contain an abundance of methane that is biologically produced and plays a significant role in the global carbon cycle. Microbes responsible for the carbon cycle in marine sediments, and the processes that they carry out, need to be characterized in order to fully understand the role of this large methane reservoir in the global carbon cycle. The objective of this research was to describe the identity, distribution, and the factors that control distributions of microbes in three biogeochemical zones that are defined by methane in marine sediments, namely: the sulfate-methane transition (SMT), the gas hydrate occurrence zone (GHOZ), and the free gas zone (FGZ). Sediments from the Cascadia margins, Indian Ocean, Andaman Sea, and Ulleung Basin were examined. Fracture-dominated SMT environments from the Pacific and Indian Oceans harbored unique macroscopic biofilms composed of ANME-1 and Deltaproteobacteria. These biofilms contained 1-2 orders of magnitude more cells cm−3 than the surrounding sediment. The Andaman Sea sediments occur in a unique forearc basin that contains biogenic methane; yet, the organic carbon content here is lower than similar environments. Sediments from the Andaman Sea contained 1-2 orders of magnitude fewer cells cm-3 than typical hydrate-containing sediments and members of the Firmicutes such as Bacillus species dominated the microbial community. Statistical analysis of the molecular data using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) and multi-response permutation procedures indicated that the GHOZ in the Andaman Sea contains a microbial community distinct from communities above and below the GHOZ. The measured abiotic variables most closely associated with the community structure were the concentration of organic carbon and variables associated with increasing depth. The Ulleung Basin sediments from above and below the SMT contained Deltaproteobacteria and the marine benthic group-B. NMS and cluster analysis identified two distinct microbial communities in the GHOZ of the Ulleung Basin. The microbial communities in the GHOZ that were typically closer to layers that contained higher hydrate saturation had indicator taxa related to Vibrio-type species. NMS ordinations also indicated that microbial communities from all three zones (SMT, GHOZ, or FGZ) were distinct from each another. Future refinements of total subsurface cellular abundance will benefit by including the cell abundance terms reported here. In addition, the biogeography of methane-containing sediments presented here will aid in understanding the carbon cycle in marine sediments by identifying environmental constraints on microbial taxa.
Marine sediments support complex interactions between macro-and microorganisms that have global implications for carbon and nutrient cycles. What is the state of the science on such interactions from coastal and estuarine environments to the deep sea? How does such knowledge effect environmental management? And what does future research hold in store for scientists, engineers, resource managers, and educators?Interactions between Macro- and Microorganisms in Marine Sediments responds to these questions, and more, by focusing on:? Interactions between plants, microorganisms, and marine sediment? Interactions between animals, microorganisms, and marine sediment? Interactions between macro- and microorganisms and the structuring of benthic communities? Impact of macrobenthic activity on microbially-mediated geochemical cycles in sediments? Conceptual and numeric models of diagenesis that incorporate interactions between macro- and microorganismsHere is an authoritative overview of the research, experimentation and modeling approaches now in use in our rapidly evolving understanding of life in marine sediments.
2012 PROSE Award, Earth Science: Honorable Mention For more than fifty years scientists have been concerned with the interrelationships of Earth and life. Over the past decade, however, geobiology, the name given to this interdisciplinary endeavour, has emerged as an exciting and rapidly expanding field, fuelled by advances in molecular phylogeny, a new microbial ecology made possible by the molecular revolution, increasingly sophisticated new techniques for imaging and determining chemical compositions of solids on nanometer scales, the development of non-traditional stable isotope analyses, Earth systems science and Earth system history, and accelerating exploration of other planets within and beyond our solar system. Geobiology has many faces: there is the microbial weathering of minerals, bacterial and skeletal biomineralization, the roles of autotrophic and heterotrophic metabolisms in elemental cycling, the redox history in the oceans and its relationship to evolution and the origin of life itself.. This book is the first to set out a coherent set of principles that underpin geobiology, and will act as a foundational text that will speed the dissemination of those principles. The chapters have been carefully chosen to provide intellectually rich but concise summaries of key topics, and each has been written by one or more of the leading scientists in that field.. Fundamentals of Geobiology is aimed at advanced undergraduates and graduates in the Earth and biological sciences, and to the growing number of scientists worldwide who have an interest in this burgeoning new discipline. Additional resources for this book can be found at:
This book provides an up-to-date overview of the microbiology, biogeochemistry, and ecology of marine hydrocarbon seeps, a globally occurring habitat for specialized microorganisms and invertebrates that depend on natural hydrocarbon seepage as a food and energy source. Prominent examples include the briny hydrocarbon seeps and mud volcanoes on the continental slope of the Gulf of Mexico and in the Mediterranean, the hydrothermally heated hydrocarbon seeps at Guaymas Basin (Mexico), and the oil and gas seeps off the coast of California and in the Gulf of Mexico. Featuring topical chapters by leading researchers in the area, the book describes geological settings, chemical characteristics of hydrocarbon seepage, hydrocarbon-dependent microbial populations, and ecosystem structure and trophic networks at hydrocarbon seeps. Further, it also discusses applied aspects such as bioremediation potential (oil-degrading microorganisms).
This volume reviews current data on the relationship between microbial processes and the synthesis and degradation of methane, nitrogen oxides and halomethanes in the environment.
Halogenated organic compounds constitute one of the largest groups of environmental chemicals. The industrial production of new halogenated organic compounds has increased throughout the last century peaking in the 1960s, and continuing in widespread use today. Organohalides are integral to a variety of industrial applications, including use as solvents, degreasing agents, biocides, pharmaceuticals, plasticizers, hydraulic and heat transfer fluids, and intermediates for chemical synthesis, to name a few. It is important to recognize the beneficial aspects of halogenated organic compounds, as well as their potentially deleterious impact on the environment and health. Recognition ofthe adverse environmental effects ofmanytypes oforganohalide compounds has led to efforts to reduce or eliminate the most problematic ones. Although organohalide compounds are typically considered to be anthropogenic industrial compounds, they have their counterpart in several thousands of natural biogenic and geogenic organohalides, representing most classes of organic chemicals. Natural sources account for a significant portion of the global organohalogen budget. This volume authored by recognized experts in the field provides a current perspective on how both natural and synthetic organohalides are formed and degraded, and how these processes are incorporated into a global halogen cycle. The focus is on microbial processes, since these play a major role both in the production and degradation, i. e. , cycling of halogenated organic compounds inthe environment. This book is organized into five parts. Part I, Introduction, provides a global perspective on the issues of organohalides and their fate in the environment.
The book offers a modern, comprehensive, and holistic view of natural gas seepage, defined as the visible or invisible flow of gaseous hydrocarbons from subsurface sources to Earth’s surface. Beginning with definitions, classifications for onshore and offshore seepage, and fundamentals on gas migration mechanisms, the book reports the latest findings for the global distribution of gas seepage and describes detection methods. Seepage implications are discussed in relation to petroleum exploration, environmental impacts (hazards, pollution, atmospheric emissions, and past climate change), emerging scientific issues (abiotic gas and methane on Mars), and the role of seeps in ancient cultures. With an updated bibliography and an integrated analysis of available data, the book offers a new fundamental awareness - gas seepage is more widespread than previously thought and influences all of Earth’s external “spheres”, including the hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and anthroposphere.
The chapters making up this volume are based on the presentations given by their authors at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) , also entitled "The Microbiology of Atmospheric Trace Gases: Sources, Sinks and Global Change Processes", held between 13-18 May 1995 at II Ciocco, Castelvecchio Pascoli, Tuscany, Italy. Four reports of Working Group discussions on aspects of trace gas microbiology and climate change are also included in the volume, prepared by rapporteurs designated at the ARW. All the papers here presented have been subjected to peer review by at least two referees and corrections and amendments made where necessary before their acceptance for pUblication in this volume. The ARW was set up to address a wide range of issues relating to atmospheric trace gas microbiology and the organizing group was aware of the burgeoning of studies on gas metabolism and on global effects of atmospheric trace gases over the past two decades. This research effort has led to a number of specialist and generalist meetings including the triennial series of symposia on the metabolism of one-carbon compounds, colloquia concerned with dimethyl sulfide and its precursor, DMSP, through to the Intergovernmental Panels on Climate Change, which have addressed the impact of increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons on global climate. Over recent years methane and nitrous oxide showed rates of increase in the atmosphere of 40-48 and 3-4. 5 Tg/year, respectively.