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Mi patria desconocida: es mensaje de amor, amistad, una aventura que tiene mucho humor y diversion, con un lenguaje simple. Disfrutalo. De repente se transportaron a un mundo de placer y ya no lo pudieron evitar, ya que los dos lo deseaban, consumar su amor en una entrega total de dos almas y dos cuerpos que se aman. El exquisito embeleso los llevo a un extasis de amor, desconocido, pero placentero para los dos. En el rostro de Mary se veia un color hermoso y resplandeciente. Pedro la acariciaba como queriendo detener el tiempo, que ese momento sublime se quedara ahi entre ellos, para siempre y por toda una eternidad. --No Javi, yo tengo mas de lo que necesito, el dinero no es las vida. Con el abrazo que me dieron ayer, me basto para sentirme bien pagado, les aseguro que yo los quiero igual. --Asi se habla Pachito --dijo David emocionado--, la amistad entre los hombres es lo que mas cuenta en las vida. La amistad no tiene credos, limites, ni nacionalidades, cuando nace una amistad no importa de donde seas, que creas, o que posicion tienes, a una amistad sincera no le importa si eres rico o pobre, siempre perdura toda una vida.
The term 'Global South' marks a new attempt at providing order and meaning in the current global political constellation, replacing the term 'Third World'. But the term 'Global South' is fraught with many ambiguities. This book explores the possible meanings of this new distinction and assesses the advantages and disadvantages of adopting it for understanding the contemporary world. It casts a wide exploratory net, addressing historical transformations of world-interpretation and wider cultural-intellectual meanings.
This Ghostly Poetry explores the fraught relationship between poetry and literary history in the context of the Spanish Civil War, its aftermath, and ongoing debates about historical memory in Spain.
This book analyzes the exile ontology of Spanish philosopher María Zambrano (1904-1991). Karolina Enquist Källgren connects Zambrano’s lived exile and political engagement with the Spanish Civil War to her poetic reason, and argues that Zambrano developed a theory of expressive subjectivity that combined embodiment with the expressive creativity of the human mind. The analysis of recurring literary figures and concepts—such as new materialism, the confession, image, the ruin, the heart, and awakening— show how a comprehensive argument runs as a thread through her works. Further, this book situates Zambrano’s thought in a larger European philosophical context by showing how Zambrano’s poetic reason was directly related to her unconventional exile readings of Martin Heidegger, Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, and Xavier Zubiri, among others.
En enero de 1959 un Comité del Senado en los EU investigaba las actividades de la mafia. Participaban en ello los hermanos John y Robert Kennedy. La DEA solicitó la extradición de los mafiosos residentes en Cuba. La negativa de Castro a esa solicitud originó el gran cisma entre ambas naciones. Este primer volumen recoge cronológicamente la vida y obra del joven Fidel Castro, desde 1945, hasta su ascenso al poder en enero de 1959 y el Golpe de Estado que le dio al Presidente Urrutia en julio de ese año. Altos oficiales conspiraban para quitarlo del poder. Alertado por la KGB, Castro destruyó la conspiración y estableció una sólida alianza con la mafia. El segundo volumen en el cual Gutiérrez ahora trabaja, comienza con estos hechos y concluye el viernes 22 de Noviembre de 1963, el momento en Dallas que transformó América y el mundo. In January 1959, a U.S. Senate Committee, of which John and Robert Kennedy were members, was investigating Mafia activities. The DEA asked Castro for the extradition of Mafiosos living in Cuba, and Castro’s denial of this request started the schism between the two nations. This first volume gathers chronologically information about the life and deeds of the young Fidel Castro, from 1945 until his ascendance to power on January 1959, and the Coup of President Urrutia in July of that year. High ranking officials conspired to take Castro out of power. Alerted by the KGB, Castro worked to destroy the conspiracy and establish his solid alliance with the Mafia. The second volume, on which Gutierrez is now working, begins with these actions and concludes on Friday, November 22, 1963, the moment in Dallas that changed America and the world.
The essays in this anthology represent a cross-section of current scholarship examining the complex interplay between work, in its broadest theoretical conceptualization, and the world cultures in and through which this labor is performed. Although aimed primarily at an academic audience, the included essays, written in English, Spanish, and French, are also accessible to the curious layperson interested in looking at literature, theater, cinema, and philosophy through the lens of world languages and cultures. For more than thirty years, the Southeast Conference for Languages, Literatures and Film (SCFLLF) has been a premier platform for the discussion and dissemination of the latest scholarship in the Humanities, with emphasis on non-English area studies. The current volume continues our tradition of selecting and showcasing some of the most impactful papers originally presented at the 24th SCFLLF, held in St. Petersburg, Florida, in March of 2020.