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In Samuel Shaw's hand, signed by Shaw for Henry Knox. Discusses loans of cannon, powder, and other supplies from various states, to be gathered in his vicinity. Docket, also written by Shaw, indicates the letter was sent by General [Ezekiel] Cornell.
Reports that General George Washington has ordered him to take southward all the arms and accoutrements possible. The demand has been indicated to Washington in letters from the Marquis de Lafayette. The supplies were needed for the upcoming siege of Yorktown. Requests specific supplies listed on an accompanying sheet (GLC02437.01161). The Board of War and Ordnance was responsible for supplying troops in the field.
Reports that Lord Cornwallis' surrender at the Battle of Yorktown precludes the need for the additional ordnance requested from Williamsburg (see GLC02437.01204). Indicates that by order of General George Washington, some arms will be kept on deposit in Virginia and sent to General Nathanael Greene. This eliminates the need for Colonel Robert Harrison to obtain ammunition from the Board of War & Ordnance for Greene.
Responds to Knox's request for armaments with assurances that the Board of War and Ordnance is working expeditiously to fulfill his request. Explains the recent activities of Samuel Hodgdon, the commissary general of military stores appointed by the Board. Knox needed the ordnance for the siege of Yorktown. Peters was the Secretary of the Board of War and Ordnance.
Believes that the provisions of shot and shells will be inadequate for the siege of Yorktown. Requests additional ordnance be sent to Head of Elk, Maryland. Asks that Samuel Hodgdon, the commissary general of military stores, be ordered to superintend the transport. Signed twice, once at close of letter and once after postscript. (See also GLC02437.01249.).
Reports that Colonel Robert Harrison will wait for the Board to send a supply of musket ammunition for the Southern Army commanded by General Nathanael Greene. Explains that the frequent activity has depleted stores and the free navigation of the Chesapeake Bay provides an opportunity for delivery. Asks that stores from Williamsburg, Virginia also be forwarded. Reports that they invested Yorktown on 28 September 1781 and that General Cornwallis evacuated his outer works the following day. The Continental Army hopes to open its batteries in three days. See also GLC02437.01264.
Reports that almost all the stores are embarked at Head of Elk, Maryland. He has not yet received a full account of ordnance sent from Philadelphia from Samuel Hodgdon, the commissary general of military stores, so he does not know if the Board's directions have been fulfilled. Knox will ensure full compliance. The supplies were needed for the upcoming siege of Yorktown.
Reports, The uncertainty of obtaining a force adeq[uate] to the capital object in contemplation induced His Excellency the Commander in Chief to direct me to write to your honorable board on the 10th instant to suspend the transportat[ion] of the cannon and stores before requested... Relates that the states expected to furnish large numbers of men have not specified the numbers they will be able to supply. Asks the Board to hold the cannon and stores until the situation can be more surely assessed. Docketed by Samuel Shaw, Knox's aide. Written at Philipsburgh, New York (present-day Sleepy Hollow).
With regard to an order of iron, Knox asks Hunter to send as much iron as he has produced to James River, along with other items of ordnance. The supplies were needed urgently. The Continental Army was then preparing for the siege of Yorktown. (See also GLC02437.01194, GLC02437.01216, GLC02437.01217 and GLC02437.01246.).
Informs the Board that George Washington has directed him to delay the transport of cannon and powder to New Windsor and Kings Ferry, New York, until [8] August. Small stores are to be sent to New Windsor as soon as possible. Writes, The Army are in great distress for drums & fifes... Contains a note written on page three, written by Knox's aide Samuel Shaw, in which Knox requests sheepskins. Also docketed by Shaw. Written at Philipsburgh, New York (near present-day Tarrytown).