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One of the most serious fallacies today is the belief that genuine scientists cannot believe the Bible. BUT THE TRUTH IS that many of the major scientific contributions were made by scientists who were dedicated men of God. In Men of Science, Men of God, Dr. Henry Morris presents 101 biographies and Christian testimonies of scientists who believed in the Bible and in a personal Creator God - scientists who were pioneers and "founding fathers" of modern scientific disciplines.
This title examines traditional insurance risks such as earthquakes, storms, terrorist attacks, and other disasters. It begins with a discussion of how the risk of such 'acts of God and men' impact on our lives, health, and possessions. It then proceeds to introduce the statistical techniques necessary for analysing these uncertainties. The book guides readers through the methods available for identifying and measuring such risks, financing their consequences, and forecasting their future behaviour (within the limits of science).
Four hundred years after science overthrew faith, science is itself proving to be a false god, leaving in its wake a disillusioned and despondent mankind. In Code Name God, Mani Bhaumik, renowned physicist and one of the pioneers of the LASIK eye surgery technology, draws on the field of quantum physics and cosmology to answer the fundamental questions about faith. He demonstrates how both spirituality and science are essential for human beings and how one can strike a perfect balance between the two. The author, who as a youngster lived in Mahatma Gandhi's camp, details his incredible rags-to-riches journey and his equally remarkable search for meaning in life, which make for a motivational saga. Insightful and enriching, Code Name God provides a simple and easy-to-understand scientific approach to faith and the realization of god.
The personal stories of forty-eight historic scientists and an overview of their contributions to their field and faith.
Dr. David Comings, an internationally renowned physician, human geneticist and neuroscientist, proposes that spirituality is genetically hardwired into a specific part of the brain, is pleasurable, is critical to the evolution and survival of man, and will never go away. It strives to allow readers to develop a rational spirituality in which the fact-based rational brain and the faith-based spiritual brain can live in peace. In an era when politicians are judged on the basis of the strength of their belief in God, when schools are urged to teach Intelligent Design, and when religious terrorists threaten the existence of Western civilization it is critical to dispassionately examine the question - Did man create God? A wide range of issues are examined including intelligent answers to intelligent design; the relevance of modern cosmology to the existence or non-existence of god; the role of genes in spirituality; innate morality, the problem of evil, and many others. Michael Shermer called this the most detailed and up-to-date science ever generated on the subject of religion and suggested it will be the definitive scientific reference on religion for some time to come. This book is for those who have also questioned any part of their faith but treasure their spirituality and want answers that are not hostile to spirituality or religion.
Throughout history, arguments for and against the existence of God have been largely confined to philosophy and theology, while science has sat on the sidelines. Despite the fact that science has revolutionized every aspect of human life and greatly clarified our understanding of the world, somehow the notion has arisen that it has nothing to say about the possibility of a supreme being, which much of humanity worships as the source of all reality. This book contends that, if God exists, some evidence for this existence should be detectable by scientific means, especially considering the central role that God is alleged to play in the operation of the universe and the lives of humans. Treating the traditional God concept, as conventionally presented in the Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions, like any other scientific hypothesis, physicist Stenger examines all of the claims made for God's existence. He considers the latest Intelligent Design arguments as evidence of God's influence in biology. He looks at human behavior for evidence of immaterial souls and the possible effects of prayer. He discusses the findings of physics and astronomy in weighing the suggestions that the universe is the work of a creator and that humans are God's special creation. After evaluating all the scientific evidence, Stenger concludes that beyond a reasonable doubt the universe and life appear exactly as we might expect if there were no God. This paperback edition of the New York Times bestselling hardcover edition contains a new foreword by Christopher Hitchens and a postscript by the author in which he responds to reviewers' criticisms of the original edition.
Cliffe Knechtle offers clear, reasoned and compassionate responses to the tough questions skeptics ask.
Despite living in a very connected world today, few of us have any real understanding of the history of nations. Secular scholars and scientists from various fields rarely consult the Bible’s rich history on the subject. Yet if we consider what the Bible has to say about the global community’s past—and future—achievements and mistakes, we discover a saga as fascinating as anything produced in Hollywood. In God & the Nations, Dr. Henry Morris does an unusual thing: he shows clearly that God is even more interested in the fate of each person as He is about the unfolding of national stories. Additionally, he delves into the mysterious world of Bible prophecy to proclaim the God of the Bible as truly unique. Morris, through this study of civilizations, reveals the origins and purpose for the whole world!