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The memoirs of a veteran general of the British army who fought through the heat of the South African kopjes and plains to the mud, rain and misery at Ypres. Illustrated with 11 photographs and 27 maps and plans. He fought in many of the Imperial wars in Africa, and was distinguished as one of only five British officers to escape the utter slaughter at the battle of Isandlwana in 1878 during the Zulu War. His enduring modern fame rests on his achievements during the First World War, when he was selected to command one of the two corps of the small British Expeditionary Force in 1914 by Lord Kitchener, firmly believing that Smith-Dorrien would stand up to the commander Sir John French. As the B.E.F. struggled back through Belgium in the face of German forces that greatly outnumbered their own troops in 1914, the strain on the men began to show; they thought that they had outfought the Germans at the battle of Mons, but physically they could not fight and outmarch their foes. Seeing the tired and resentful expressions on his men’s faces, Smith-Dorrien came to a fateful decision: the safe retreat of the footsore B.E.F. could only be carried out if the Germans were slowed down. In defiance of his orders from Sir John French to keep going, he gathered as many of his soldiers as could stand and fought a brilliant rearguard action at Le Cateau, now regarded as pivotal in saving the B.E.F. from piecemeal destruction. Castigated in public and in private military circles for his decision at the time, he accelerated his downfall by his forthright attitude to his superior, Sir John French. After pointing out the flaws in French’s wasteful tactics following a particularly disastrous counterattack at Ypres, Smith-Dorrien had gone too far and was sent home under the excuse of “ill-health”, never to hold a field command again. His memoirs are detailed, exciting and a good balance to the highly inventive writings of Sir John French.
Engelsk biografi over den daværende kendte general Horace Smith-Dorrien, som deltog i Boerkrigene flere gange og senere i Den 1. Verdenskrig. Inden da gjorde han tjeneste i Ægypten og i Afghanistan, og efter krigene blev han guvernør i Gibraltar.
Includes 17 maps and the First World War Illustrations Pack – 73 battle plans and diagrams and 198 photos In this volume, Brigadier Ballard, provides a detailed biography and defence of his former commander, General Horace Smith-Dorrien. ‘With the outbreak of war Smith-Dorrien, who was a veteran of the 1879 Battle of Isandhlwana and the Second Boer War of 1899-1902, was given command of II Corps of Sir John French’s British Expeditionary Force (BEF). He was praised for his conduct during the Battles of Mons and Le Cateau in August 1914, and was given command of Second Army from December 1914 to April 1915. Smith-Dorrien fell foul of Sir John French, whom he little respected, during the Second Battle of Ypres, when he recommended a strategic withdrawal closer to Ypres, feeling that nothing short of a major counter-offensive was likely to regain the ground taken by the Germans during their offensive. French disagreed, dismissing Smith-Dorrien home to England upon the pretext of ill-health, and replacing him with Herbert Plumer, who ironically also recommended a withdrawal upon taking up his position; French accepted Plumer’s advice.’-Michael Duffy
Includes 17 maps and the First World War Illustrations Pack – 73 battle plans and diagrams and 198 photos Field-Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener served in the British Army from his teenage years in the Royal Engineers to his elevation to the highest military rank forty-four years later in 1916. In this balanced biography, written by a fellow British Army officer who served in the First World War, his long career in the army and as a colonial administrator is charted in vivid detail. Kitchener came to worldwide attention in 1898 for winning the Battle of Omdurman and securing control of the Sudan, after which he was given the title “Lord Kitchener of Khartoum”; as Chief of Staff (1900–02) in the Second Boer War he played a key role in Lord Roberts’ conquest of the Boer Republics, then succeeded Roberts as commander-in-chief–ultimately winning the war against the insurgent Boers. After a quarrelsome term as Commander-in-Chief (1902–09) in India he returned to Egypt as Consul-General. In 1914, at the start of the First World War, Lord Kitchener became Secretary of State for War, a Cabinet Minister. One of the few to foresee a long war, he organised the largest volunteer army that both Britain and the world had seen, and oversaw a significant expansion of materials production to fight Germany on the Western Front. Despite having warned of the difficulty of provisioning Britain for a long war, he was blamed for the shortage of shells in the spring of 1915 – one of the events leading to the formation of a coalition government – and stripped of his control over munitions and strategy. Kitchener drowned on 5 June 1916 when HMS Hampshire sank west of the Orkney Islands, Scotland. He was making his way to Russia in order to attend negotiations but the ship struck a German mine. He was one of the 600 killed on board the ship.