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Hispanic cultures are profoundly shaped by traumas caused by conquest, slavery, wars, dictatorship, guerilla rebellions, revolutions, migration, and exile. The contributions in this volume shed light on the correlations between violence and trauma as well as its (re)presentation in the media. In view of questions pertaining to cultural memory, the essays discuss texts, audiovisual genres, places of remembrance, architecture, museums, etc. Contains contributions by: Mónica Albizúrez, Hamburg (Germany); Aleida Assmann, Konstanz (Germany); Mauro Basaure, Santiago de Chile (Chile); Wolfgang Bongers, Santiago de Chile (Chile); Vittoria Borsò, Düsseldorf (Germany); Boris Cyrulnik, Toulon (France); Verena Dolle, Gießen (Germany); Wilfried Floeck, Gießen (Germany); Karen Genschow, Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Norah Giraldi Dei Cas, Lille (France); Leila Gómez, Boulder (United States); Ursula Hennigfeld, Düsseldorf (Germany); Dieter Ingenschay, Berlin (Germany); Ilse Logie, Gent (Belgium); Bruno López Petzoldt, Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil); Werner Mackenbach (Costa Rica); Kirsten Mahlke, Konstanz (Germany); Silvana Mandolessi, Leuven/Antwerp (Belgium); Celina Manzoni, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Jorge Monteleone, Buenos Aires (Argentina); María Teresa Navarrete, Gent (Belgium); Carolina Pizarro Cortés, Santiago de Chile (Chile); Sven Pötting, Dresden (Germany); Teresa Orecchia Havas, Caen (France); Janett Reinstädler, Saarbrücken (Germany); Karen Saban, Heidelberg (Germany); Vicente Sánchez-Biosca, Valencia (Spain); Javier Sánchez Zapatero, Salamanca (Spain); Estela Schindel, Frankfurt am Oder (Germany); Beatrice Schuchardt, Münster (Germany); Roland Spiller, Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Yasmin Temelli, Bochum (Germany); Lorena Verzero, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Lucero de Vivanco Roca Rey, Santiago de Chile (Chile); Ulrich Winter, Marburg (Germany); Michael Zeuske, Bonn (Germany).
This book questions the sociocultural dimensions of remembering. It offers an overview of the history and theory of memory studies through the lens of sociology, political science, anthropology, psychology, literature, art and media studies; documenting current international and interdisciplinary memory research in an unprecedented way.
This book provides an introduction to the concept of cultural memory, offering a comprehensive overview of its history, forms and functions.
In the Handbook of Culture and Memory, Brady Wagoner and his team of international contributors explore how memory is deeply entwined with social relationships, stories in film and literature, group history, ritual practices, material artifacts, and a host of other cultural devices. Culture is seen as the medium through which people live and make meaning of their lives. In this book, analyses focus on the mutual constitution of people's memories and the social-cultural worlds to which they belong. The complex relationship between culture and memory is explored in: the concept of memory and its relation to evolution, neurology and history; life course changes in memory from its development in childhood to its decline in old age; and the national and transnational organization of collective memory and identity through narratives propagated in political discourse, the classroom, and the media.
This volume comprises forty-eight essays, presented by friends, colleagues and students in honour of Florentino Garcia Martinez. The articles are primarily in the field of the Dead Sea Scrolls, but also cover many other fields of Second Temple Judaism, from late biblical texts and Septuagint up to the pseudepigrapha and early rabbinic writings.
This volume provides an overview of theories of cultural memory that are intensively discussed in cultural studies and humanities disciplines such as history, sociology, literary studies, art history, and media studies. Cultural memory encompasses all rituals, institutions and practices through which communities establish their identity and common origin, which are challenged by the digital turn today. The book presents, on the one hand, basic arguments by the most important memory theorists of the 20th and 21st centuries and, on the other, exemplary descriptions of the most significant forms of cultural memory.
¿Qué pasaría si algunos de nuestros más grandes teólogos no fueran considerados como tales, en absoluto? Kat Armas es una cubanoamericana de segunda generación que creció en las cercanías del famoso vecindario La Pequeña Habana de Miami. Su temprana formación teológica provino de su abuela, que huyó de Cuba durante el apogeo de los disturbios políticos y crio a sus tres hijos sola tras la muerte de su esposo. Combinando la narración personal con la reflexión bíblica, Armas nos muestra el modo en que las voces marginadas --las que a menudo son rechazadas, aisladas y oprimidas debido a su género, estatus socioeconómico o falta de educación--, tienen más que enseñarnos en cuanto a seguir a Dios que lo que nos damos cuenta. Abuelita fe cuenta la historia de teólogas anónimas e ignoradas en la sociedad y en la Biblia --madres, abuelas, hermanas e hijas-- cuya supervivencia, fuerza, resistencia y perseverancia nos enseñan el verdadero poder de la fe y el amor. La exploración de la autora en cuanto a la teología de abuelita ayudará a personas de todos los orígenes culturales y étnicos a reflexionar sobre las abuelitas en sus vidas y sus ministerios, y sobre las formas en que pueden vivir la fe de abuelita cada día. Kat Armas (magíster en Divinidades y en Teología del Seminario Teológico Fuller) es una escritora y oradora cubanoamericana, que presenta el podcast The Protagonistas, en el que destaca historias de mujeres de color comunes y corrientes, incluidas escritoras, pastoras, lideresas de iglesias y teólogas. Ha escrito para Christianity Today, Sojourners, Relevant, Christians for Biblical Equality, Fuller Youth Institute, la revista Fathom y Missio Alliance. Armas también trabaja en el proyecto Living a Better Story en el Fuller Youth Institute y habla periódicamente en conferencias sobre asuntos raciales y de justicia. Vive en Nashville, Tennessee.
This is the first scholarly volume to offer an insight into the less known stories of women, children, and international volunteers in the Spanish Civil War. Special attention is given to volunteers of different historical experiences, especially Jews, and voices from less researched countries in the context of the Spanish war, such as Palestine and Turkey. Of an interdisciplinary nature, this volume brings together historians and literary scholars from different countries. Their research is based on newly found primary sources in both national and private archives, as well as on post-essentialist methodological insights for women’s history, Jewish history, and studies on belonging. By bringing together a group of emerging and senior scholars from different countries, we highlight the polyphony of voices of diverse individuals drawn into the Spanish Civil War. Contributors to this volume have explored new or little researched primary sources found in archives and documentary centers, including papers held by relatives of the people we study. The volume is aimed at both scholarly and non-scholarly public, including any readers interested in the Spanish Civil War, twentieth-century European history, Jewish studies, women’s history, or anti-Fascism. The volume can be used in both undergraduate college courses and in postgraduate university seminars.
A theoretically grounded interdisciplinary study of "cultural memory" in sites ranging from Chile, Bolivia, and South Africa to Germany and the US.