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Ever wonder how you would recognize someone dear to you from another life? This is my personal account of meeting my twin flame, literally the other half of my soul. Initially our meeting struck penetrating fear into my heart. Simultaneously my powerful draw to him had me wondering if I had a death wish. Ultimately the intensity of our encounter catapulted me into spiritual awakening and a journey of self discovery. This is a true story of soul connection, past life remembrance, spiritual awakening and multidimensional healing. I hope it will inspire you to find the deeper meaning in your relationships and encourage you to view your life in a different light. For to view your life as an epic story, a piece of art, is to recognize the play of the universe in it and uncover its significance.
A Spiritual Journey - A Love Story - A Search for Truth An extraordinary spiritual encounter has left psychotherapist Tessa Lynne in a quandary. Her intuition tells her to believe--her logical mind wants proof. A series of surreal events unfolds, forcing her to question her judgment and to examine her beliefs. Each time she thinks she knows the truth of her experience, she is tested again. Tessa is told of our life purpose, about life after death, and of a long-lost destiny, named Michael. Then she learns that he is dying. She reaches out to him spiritually and he sees her in a dream. They have visions of past lives, are surrounded by The Light. Is it possible that Michael might survive? Could their destinies be restored? Who holds that power? Events predicted to Tessa in 1995 have since come to pass. What she was told then resonates more strongly now, more than twenty years later. Discover why she was approached, learn more about the Invisible Choir, and use her story to reflect on the course of your own life journey.
WITH A BRAND NEW LOOK! ON FEBRUARY 22, 1980, KHORSHED AND RUMI BHAVNAGRI’S WORLD WAS SHATTERED. ONE MONTH LATER, A NEW ONE OPENED. Khorshed and Rumi Bhavnagri lost their sons, Vispi and Ratoo, in a tragic car crash. With both their sons gone, the couple felt they would not survive for long. They had lost all faith in God until a miraculous message from the Spirit World gave them hope and sent them on an incredible journey.
"A New Look at Love, Karma and Relationships “Uses real-life experiences and love stories to define and illuminate the inner mysteries of the soul.... Candidly explores why we attract certain loves into our lives, and why the most difficult relationship may be the key to the perfect love we've been seeking.” —Bodhi Tree Book Review Soul Mates and Twin Flames explores the spiritual dimension of relationships. You’ll learn the difference between soul mates, twin flames and karmic partners along with practical tips for working on whatever relationship you are in and attracting your highest love."
Since my Twin Soul Journey started, I have experienced the highest of the intensity of the best feelings of bliss, euphoria, and happiness to the lowest of feelings beyond grief, sadness, anxiety, numbness, and helplessness.This journal is just my story about how I navigated this alchemical process of soul purification and my growth process. I have also laid down very simple tips on how you can handle some phases of your experience so that it may ease your process of being in a Twin Flame Journey.These have been my tools for recovery too and I am at a stage where I am confident to open up my Twin Soul Journal to help those who are still searching for answers to ease their Journey.You are looking for a place of harmony, balance, peace, and bliss to rest your soul.I am not a professional at healing or a master at any spiritual guidance processes but I am just a simple human sharing my personal experience hoping that I can help someone out there struggling to find that place of peace in themselves as I searched too.I was so lost and confused when my soul triggered itself into this sudden process of change. I craved a change of my old self. This journey has brought me to my authentic self and I am so happy to share with you some of my discoveries.This Twin Flame Experience catches you by surprise and it is until you are already experiencing the process that you realize you are being transformed.Once I mastered the different ways to embrace the new change in my life, everything else about my Twin Flame experience became easy to go through.Healing begins with Acceptance.When I was triggered into a Spiritual awakening after my initial Twin Flame encounter, I had this negative thinking that the Twin Flame experience created unhappy relationships because of the difficulties and stress that are associated with the phase of physical separation. This is because I was very naive about every aspect of the Twin Flame process, and I was very overwhelmed with my feelings for my Twin Flame.I was so overwhelmed by the information that I read from different sources online because of the emphasis on the "Spiritual" nature of the Twin Flame experience, and I had no idea how to embark on a spiritual journey since I wasn't a "Spiritual person" to begin with -- everything about the Twin Flame experiences seemed difficult and painful to go through as a beginner.After going through constant lessons of unconditional love, I discovered that each Twin Flame relationship is special and unique because each connection is tailored to a specific Twin Flame couple. Therefore, it is a waste of energy to keep comparing your Twin Flame situation to another Twin Flame's experiences.The first lesson that I learned when I was new to this Twin Flame experience was to stick to my inner knowing as a guide or compass to understand the information that I was absorbing when I was trying to understand how the Twin Flame experience works.When you are new to the Twin Flame experience, it is overwhelming at first when you get to know about the complicated details entailed in experiencing the Twin Flame journey from those who are already embarking on their journey.This book is here to help you with a simplified perspective of managing the invigorating phase of the Twin Flame encounter.Doubting how you feel for your Twin Flame is a typical sign that you might be experiencing a different kind of relationship with that person -- so that means that it might not be a Twin Flame connection after all.I believe that the whole purpose of the Twin Flame experience amongst other things is finding personal healing. Healing happens both within ourselves and in the joint connection with our divine counterpart who is called the Twin Flame.The process of Soul awakening works away through both Twin Flames once they encounter each other once an instant recognition is initiated.I wish you Blessings and Love.
This is a remarkable, compelling story of True Love, the most divine union possible on Earth. When Antera and Omaran meet and discover they are not only soulmates but twin flames, separated thousands of years ago, they embark on a journey of profound spiritual awakenings and experiences. With constant help from Ascended Masters and angels, they overcome huge obstacles to reunite and stay together, as they begin their highest spiritual service.
The Twin Flame journey is indeed a battle within the self. You feel the process refining itself within you. When you chase a Twin Flame, you feel the emptiness within you. You know that you have issues to confront within yourself. I struggled with accepting my pain; I had abandonment issues, insecurity, fear, core wounding, and accumulated past pain to confront. I had to find inner peace. I had to unite myself from within. I had to accept the nature of my Twin Flame situation. I surrendered to the divine to guide me through the course of my journey. I embraced unconditional love within my life. I accepted that my life will never be the same after our initial encounter. Before you pursue a physical Union with your Twin Flame, you have to first confront yourself. The Twin Flame process opens you up -- It sheds light in every part of your Soul. It exposes parts of yourself that you had hidden away both from yourself and the world. You have to confront parts of yourself that you thought were unlovable. You have to travel back within yourself and hug your inner child. You stare into the darkest parts of yourself. You purge emotional pain lodged within you. You embrace yourself. You heal your core wounding. You feel a reckoning. I found it challenging to confront my pain at first. I was scared of confronting my fears. I felt very uncomfortable going back into myself. I was overwhelmed by the vulnerability that I felt. I felt disarmed. This is also partly the reason why I ran from my Twin Flame. I wished that I was never triggered into the Spiritual Awakening. I was experiencing all kinds of emotional chaos. I partly blamed my Twin Flame for triggering the pain that I felt. I was naive about Twin Flames. It does not matter whether you accept or deny the nature of your Twin Flame process. You will experience an Awakening in every aspect of your life. You will transform Spiritually, Energetically, Psychologically, and Emotionally. You will evolve into your authentic self. A Twin Flame Union first takes place within you. You are the center of your Twin Flame experiences. Everything revolves around you. You are the answer to all the questions that you have. You possess the inner power to feel in control of yourself. You are capable of self-love and so much more. You are love. You are light. When I finally healed my core wounding. I felt free of fear. I felt united within. My new energetic vibration instantly boosted the connection to my Twin Flame. It also improved our energetic vibration. I felt an upset in our energetic vibration as well. My Twin Flame was struggling to balance his energy within himself. It affected my emotional wellbeing. I was thrown into a quick phase of energetic cleansing on behalf of my Twin Flame. I also cleansed any residue of pain within me from my previous healing process. Sometimes I felt his pain. I would feel heartaches. Sometimes I could burst into tears to relieve the pain. I learned that when his pain came through me, I had to let it pass. The Twin Flame energy is an ebb and flow: You balance each other. You both operate as a single energetic unit. My Twin Flame healed his energy finally. It took over six months of emotional turbulence. When my Twin Flame balanced his energy within himself, I felt the energetic harmony. Our hearts started radiating love towards each other. We merged in energy. I felt the Oneness. You are already in Union with your Twin Flame in the Soul. Twin Flame separation is an illusion indeed. Both Twin Flames have first balance their energy within themselves to feel the Inner Union of the shared energy. Stay Blessed!
Your connection is multi-faceted -- your Twin Flame is your best friend, lover, teacher, nurturer, and muse all at once. Your Twin Flame doesn't try to change you. They accept you for who you are and what stage you at during your spiritual growth. My Twin Flame is the most magical person that I have ever known. The three weeks I got to know him were the most magical moments of my life. I have not been able to move on for over three years.Your Twin Flame is a mirror of what you fear and simultaneously desire the most, and they are a catalyst for your inner healing because they trigger you into purging your core pain to heal your inner wounding. If you are a highly strung person, your Twin Flame will most likely be relaxed and messy. If you like to play the victim in your life, your Twin Flame will be a strong character who refuses to give you pity or sympathy to perpetuate your complex. Suddenly, he walked into my life like a missing piece of the puzzle. Everything amiss started to come back together. The chaos in my life started to make sense. I finally understood why I am me. The familiarity is so natural; you feel like you are meeting your eternal best friend. Everything that you talk about feels like you have had that conversation from before because meeting your Twin Flame feels like you are picking up from where you left off in your previous lifetime.In conclusion, our Twin Flames challenge and infuriate us --they also teach us the important lessons about our inner fears, core wounds, and repressions that exist within ourselves.Are you new? Here is a starter guide for you
Discover the three types of love--and the key to finding the one you're truly meant to be with. We love and we love again -- sometimes our hearts get broken but, somehow, we find the courage to dive back in. In this soul-searching book, relationship expert Kate Rose guides readers down the path to a deeper understanding of who they are, what they want, and finally, to the discovery of their Twin Flame. According to Rose, love is a journey of self-discovery and every relationship we have in our lives teaches us something that we need to learn about ourselves and what will make us truly happy. She introduces readers to the three types of love we will all experience: The Soulmate introduces us to the dream of love, but somehow what seemed like it would be "happily ever after" wasn't meant to last forever. We are so consumed with making The Karmic Love work that we often fail to question whether it should work. As painful as it is to accept, this love that felt so right in the beginning is actually all wrong. The Twin Flame comes into our lives and often we don't even know it's love because . . . it's too easy. This is the love who helps us to accept ourselves just as we are because this is precisely what they do. In You Only Fall in Love Three Times, Kate Rose shows us that happy endings may not happen quite the way they do in fairytales-- but they happen nonetheless.