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The Pierre Auger Observatory (Auger) in Argentina studies Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) physics. The flux of cosmic rays at these energies (above 1018 eV) is very low (less than 100 particle/km2-year) and UHECR properties must be inferred from the measurements of the secondary particles that the cosmic ray primary produces in the atmosphere. These particles cascades are called Extensive Air Showers (EAS) and can be studied at ground by deploying detectors covering large areas. The EAS physics is complex, and the properties of secondary particles depend strongly on the first interaction, which takes place at an energy beyond the ones reached at accelerators. As a consequence, the analysis of UHECRs is subject to large uncertainties and hence many of their properties, in particular their composition, are still unclear. Two complementary techniques are used at Auger to detect EAS initiated by UHE- CRs: a 3000 km2 surface detector (SD) array of water Cherenkov tanks which samples particles at ground level and fluorescence detectors (FD) which collect the ultraviolet light emitted by the de-excitation of nitrogen nuclei in the atmosphere, and can operate only in clear, moonless nights. Auger is the largest cosmic rays detector ever built and it provides high-quality data together with unprecedented statistics. The main goal of this thesis is the measurement of UHECR mass composition using data from the SD of the Pierre Auger Observatory. Measuring the cosmic ray composition at the highest energies is of fundamental importance from the astrophysical point of view, since it could discriminate between different scenarios of origin and propagation of cosmic rays. Moreover, mass composition studies are of utmost importance for particle physics. As a matter of fact, knowing the composition helps in exploring the hadronic interactions at ultra-high energies, inaccessible to present accelerator experiments.
Cosmic rays are particles and nuclei that arrive at Earth and act as messengers, informing us of the nature of celestial objects and events throughout the universe. Some of the highest energy events, with over a Joule of energy, are more energetic than what can be made on Earth in modern particle accelerators. In the ultra-highenergy range > 100 PeV, the arrival rate is low enough (1 per km 2 per year, or less) that there are still many outstanding questions concerning their origin and what types of particles they are. Further, their rarity presents an experimental challenge as direct detection of cosmic rays above this energy would require decades to centuries of data collection. Instead, the particles cascades created by ultra-high energy cosmic rays interacting with air molecules high in the atmosphere, called air showers, can be detected using observatories that cover 10-1000 km^2 . The Pierre Auger Observatory includes a number of methods to detect air showers and covers over 3000 km^2 in the Mendoza Province of Argentina. The Observatory includes a hybrid design by which air showers can be detected by fluorescence detectors while they are developing in the air as well as by an array of surface detectors on the ground. This thesis includes an extensive update to the reconstruction methods used to estimate the trajectory and energy of a cosmic ray using a hexagonal array of water Cherenkov detectors with 750 m spacing. The update was motivated by the inclusion of a new set of particle triggers that were installed in the local stationsthat make up the array. These triggers were designed to be insensitive to muons which make up the primary background for individual stations. Thus, they increase the sensitivity of the array to lower energy parts of air showers and lower energy showers in general.A major component of this work was the characterization of the arrays abilities to detect and sample air showers with the new trigger algorithms. On the level of individual stations, the triggering efficiency and distribution of signals was studied. On the array-level, the efficiency with which the 750 m array detects showers was also calculated for two sets of cosmic ray masses using a dedicated set of air shower simulations based on hadronic interaction models.The second component of this thesis was an improvement of Augers model of air shower development. Due to a lack of understanding of hadronic cross sections in the ultra-high energy regime, empirical models are used to characterize the temporal and spatial distribution of particles within the cascade. The distributionof signal as a function of distance from an air showers central axis was updated, benefiting from the 30% more sampling of the shower front by new-triggered stations. This model is particularly important as it is used to find the expected signal at a fixed reference distance from the axis to estimate the showers size, a quantity highly correlated to energy. These size estimations were then corrected for a number of systematic biases to produce a more precise energy estimator. Finally, the energy estimators were cross-calibrated with the nearly calorimetric energy measurements made by the fluorescence detectors. This allowed for the surface detector to directly estimate energies accurate to within E/E = 14-15%.Motivated by the parameter space where the array can detect showers with full efficiency, two semi-joint data sets were chosen which included energies and zenith angles (E > 10^17 eV, 40 ) and (E 10^17.3 eV,
The Pierre Auger Observatory studies Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) physics. The flux of UHECRs is very low (less than 1 particle/km2-year) and their properties must be inferred from the measurements of the secondary particles that the cosmic ray primary produces in the atmosphere. These particles cascades are called Extensive Air Showers (EAS) and can be studied at ground by deploying detectors covering large areas. The EAS physics is complex, and the properties of secondary particles depend strongly on the first interaction, which takes place at an energy beyond the ones reached at accelerators. As a consequence, the analysis of UHECRs is subject to large uncertainties and hence many of their properties, in particular their composition, are still unclear. Two complementary techniques are used at Auger to detect EAS initiated by UHECRs: a 3000 km2 surface detector (SD) array of water Cherenkov tanks which samples particles at ground level and fluorescence detectors (FD) which collect the ultraviolet light emitted by the de-excitation of nitrogen nuclei in the atmosphere, and can operate only in clear, moonless nights. The main goal of this thesis is the measurement of UHECR mass composition using data from the SD of the Pierre Auger Observatory. Measuring the cosmic ray composition at the highe-st energies is of fundamental importance for particle physics and astrophysics. Indeed, it allows to explore the hadronic interactions at ultra-high energies, and to discriminate between different scenarios of origin and propagation of cosmic rays.
The Pierre Auger Observatory is the world's largest ultra-high energy cosmic ray detector. Its goals include answering basic questions about the origins and composition of cosmic rays at the highest energies. We outline the scientific motivation for constructing such an observatory and we highlight some of the significant results produced so far by this world-class instrument. We present the results of our own contributions toward calibrating the timing characteristics of the instrument followed by two alternative techniques for analyzing cosmic ray arrival direction data. The first technique is based on a Bayesian statistical framework and is presented as a solution to some of the difficulties in applying a standard analysis to identify anisotropy in the cosmic ray flux. The second analysis we present is based on a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method for identifying sources of cosmic rays in our arrival direction data. We are able to use our method to set an upper limit of 0.15 per square km per year on the flux from any potential sources producing ultra-high energy cosmic rays with energy E{u2265}3 EeV. We conclude with a proposal for enhancing the already successful observatory with an array of non-imaging Cherenkov detectors. According to our simulation work, such an array could serve as both an independent measure of the cosmic ray energy and, if the array is dense enough, it could also provide insight into the composition of ultra-high energy cosmic rays on an event by event basis.
These are presentations to be presented at the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, in Lodz, Poland during July 2009. It consists of the following presentations: (1) Correlation of the highest energy cosmic rays with nearby extragalactic objects in Pierre Auger Observatory data; (2) Discriminating potential astrophysical sources of the highest energy cosmic rays with the Pierre Auger Observatory; (3) Intrinsic anisotropy of the UHECR from the Pierre Auger Observatory; (4) Ultra-high energy photon studies with the Pierre Auger Observatory; (5) Limits on the flux of diffuse ultra high energy neutrinos set using the Pierre Auger Observatory; (6) Search for sidereal modulation of the arrival directions of events recorded at the Pierre Auger Observatory; (7) Cosmic Ray Solar Modulation Studies in the Pierre Auger Observatory; (8) Investigation of the Displacement Angle of the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays Caused by the Galactic Magnetic Field; (9) Search for coincidences with astrophysical transients in Pierre Auger Observatory data; and (10) An alternative method for determining the energy of hybrid events at the Pierre Auger Observatory.
The Pierre Auger Observatory, in Argentina, combines a 3000 $\mathrm{km^2}$ surface array of water Cherenkov detectors with fluorescence telescopes to measure extensive air showers initiated by ultra-high energy cosmic rays. This "hybrid" observatory (in operation since 2004, and completed in 2008) is fully efficient for cosmic rays energies above $10^{18}$ eV, that is, from just below the "ankle" of the energy spectrum up to the highest energies.After the completion of the main observatory, the Auger collaboration has started to deploy new instruments to extend the energy range down to about 0.1 EeV. The planned extensions include two infill surface arrays with 750 and 433 m spacing, with muon detection capabilities, and three additional fluorescence telescopes with a more elevated field of view. The 750 m infill array (covering about 24 $\mathrm{km^2}$) and the new telescopes are now operational. Their aim is the measurement of cosmic rays from below the second knee of the spectrum up to the ankle, where data from the extensions overlap those from the main observatory. The study of the evolutior of the spectrum through the second knee and the ankle, together with the primary mass composition, are crucial to the understanding of the transition from a galactic cosmic ray origin to an extragalactic one.This thesis makes use of data from the 750 m infill array: the objective is the measurement of the cosmic ray energy spectrum in the energy region above $3 \times 10^{17}$ eV, where the array is fully efficient. To get to the energy spectrum, several steps are needed, from the reconstruction of events, through the precise determination of the exposure of the array, up to the determination of the primary energy. The thesis deals with these aspects, before reaching the final result.The first chapter gives a general introduction to cosmic ray physics and detectors. It also summarizes experimental results above the first knee of the spectrum with particular emphasis on those obtained above $10^{17}$ eV. The next two chapters describe the Pierre Auger Observatory and the infill array, respectively. In chapter 2, the main Auger results are summarized too, after a schematic description of th different components of the observatory. Chapter 3 sets the stage for the following chapters. It presents a more detailed description of the characteristics of the infill array, in particular the trigger definitions, event selection and reconstruction. In chapter 4 the performance of the reconstruction of the lateral distribution of observed showers is studied in detail. This is particularly important for the energy spectrum, since the signal at a fixed distance from the shower axis is used as the energy estimator of the event. This signal is estimated by means c the measured lateral distribution of the shower. Chapter 5 presents a comparison between the event reconstruction of the infill and main arrays. Using the set of showers detected by both instruments, the derived geometry and energy estimation are compared, showing a good agreement. In chapter 6, the energy threshold of the array, and hence the set of events to be used, is defined. The methods to obtain the exposure of the array are discussed, as well as related systematic uncertainties. Finally, in chapter 7, the technique to derive the primary energy for each detected shower is presented. The derived energy spectrum is discussed, and the flux is shown to be consistent with that measured by other instruments in the overlapping energy regions.
Cosmic ray physics has recently attracted a great deal of attention from the high energy physics community because of the discovery of new sources and the advent of new techniques. The result of a series of lectures prepared for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, this book is a general introduction to experimental techniques and results in the field of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays. It succinctly summarizes the rapidly developing field, and provides modern results that include data from newer detectors. Combining experiment and theory, the text explores the results of a single, easy-to-understand experiment to tie together various issues involved in the physics of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays.