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El experimento T2K es un experimento de neutrinos de largo recorrido que utiliza un haz casi puro the neutrinos muónicos. El objetivo principal del experimento es a medida de los parámetros de oscilación del neutrino muónicos. Para conseguir éste objetivo, T2K necesita una rigurosa predicción del índice de interacciones en el detector lejano, Super-KamiokaNDE. El detector cercano de T2K, ND280, calcula el índice de interacciones y estima el número de eventos en el detector lejano. Las interacciones de neutrino muónico de corriente cargada en el detector cercano (ND280) son usadas para predecir el índice de eventos en el detector lejano (Super-KamiokaNDE). Para una mejor restricción de los parámetros de sección eficaz, los cuales dominan el análisis junto con las incertezas de la prediccion del flujo, categorizamos los eventos seleccionados en tres grupos de acuerdo con el número de piones en el estado final. Estas tres categorías permiten un mejor ajuste de la señal del canal de oscilación (Corriente Cargada Quasielástica) y el principal ruído en oscilaciones (Corriente Cargada de 1 Pión Cargado). Actuales y futuros experimentos de neutrinos están limitados por las incertezas en las secciones eficaces de neutrinos. Los modelos actuales de sección eficaz están en tension con los datos experimentales en algunos rangos energéticos. Esto hace que sea critico estudiar secciones eficaces de neutrino--nucleo en todos los canales de interacción posibles. La producción the un solo pión en interacciones de neutrino muónico de corriente cargada es uno de los principales canales en tensión con los modelos. Como segunda contribución, presentamos el cálculo de producción the un solo pión en interacciones de neutrino muónico de corriente cargada usando un enfoque indepenediente del modelo explorando la capacidad total del detector ND280 para establecer las distribuciones cinemáticas del evento. La mejore del conocimiento de las interacciones, y en concreto del canal de producción de un sólo pión, permitirá la reducción de las incertidumbres sistemáticas en el análisis de oscilaciones.
In this thesis the author contributes to the analysis of neutrino beam data collected between 2010 and 2013 to identify νμ→νe events at the Super-Kamiokande detector. In particular, the author improves the pion–nucleus interaction uncertainty, which is one of the dominant systematic error sources in T2K neutrino oscillation measurement. In the thesis, the measurement of νμ→νe oscillation in the T2K (Tokai to Kamioka) experiment is presented and a new constraint on δCP is obtained. This measurement and the analysis establish, at greater than 5σ significance, the observation of νμ→νe oscillation for the first time in the world. Combining the T2K νμ→νe oscillation measurement with the latest findings on oscillation parameters including the world average value of θ13 from reactor experiments, the constraint on the value of δCP at the 90% confidence level is obtained. This constraint on δCP is an important step towards the discovery of CP violation in the lepton sector.
In this thesis the development and study of a method for a model-dependent measurement of the muon neutrino charged current (CC) single pion interaction's positive pion momentum spectrum is proposed. The measurement is part of the Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) experiment and was performed in Tokai at the near detector hall, using an event selection from a fine-grained detector (FGD) on a carbon target. The T2K neutrino beam has a peak energy of about 0.6 GeV, and the near detector is located 280 m downstream from the proton beam target. Data from 5.9 x10^20 protons on target was collected and used in a CC-inclusive and CC-exclusive event selection. The inclusive event selection contains about 25,000 CC muon neutrino events, and was subdivided into a single positively charged pion production channel (CC-1-pion) and a CC multi-pion interaction channel (CC-other). The official event selection, applied to both data and Monte Carlo (MC), is presented. Amongst the systematic errors involved in this event selection, the development of a novel detector systematic, created by the author of this thesis and dubbed the "hybrid analysis" is presented in detail. The analysis of published CC muon interaction data from deuterium bubble chamber experiments is presented in detail and used to tune a model of charged pion multiplicities. Utilizing this model, a systematic error on the number of charged pions produced in CC multi-pion events is characterized for the first time and implemented. The official T2K MC corresponding to the presented event selection is used extensively in the development, study and validation of a fitting method proposed to extract the a model- dependent measurement of the CC-1-pion differential cross section with respect to true positive pion momentum. The studies to date suggest tuning of input cross section model parameters may need to be re-evaluated to ensure representative validation tests, and that the fit method may need to include a regularization method.
This second open access volume of the handbook series deals with detectors, large experimental facilities and data handling, both for accelerator and non-accelerator based experiments. It also covers applications in medicine and life sciences. A joint CERN-Springer initiative, the "Particle Physics Reference Library" provides revised and updated contributions based on previously published material in the well-known Landolt-Boernstein series on particle physics, accelerators and detectors (volumes 21A, B1,B2,C), which took stock of the field approximately one decade ago. Central to this new initiative is publication under full open access
A sample of charged-current single pion production events for the semi- exclusive channel [nu]æ + CH 2!æ-[pi]0 + nucleon(s) has been obtained using neutrino exposures of the MINERvA detector. Differential cross sections for muon momentum, muon production angle, pion momentum, pion production angle, and four-momentum transfer square Q2 are reported and are compared to a GENIE-based simulation. The cross section versus neutrino energy is also re- ported. The effects of pion final-state interactions on these cross sections are investigated. The effect of baryon resonance suppression at low Q2 is examined and an event re-weight used by two previous experiments is shown to improve the data versus simulation agreement. The differential cross sections for Q2 for E[nu]
"Measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters at accelerator-based experiments require precise knowledge of neutrino interaction cross sections. A significant fraction of neutrino interactions observed in these experiments produce single charged pions. While single charged pion production has been measured on hydrocarbon and water, few precise measurements exist for heavier targets, and there are no high statistics measurements that directly compare pion production on different targets. This thesis measures differential cross sections of muon neutrino charged current single charged pion production with no other mesons in the final state in a neutrino beam with a mean energy of ~ 6 GeV. The pion production is studied on targets of scintillator, carbon, water, iron, and lead at MINERvA, a neutrino cross section experiment located in the NuMI beamline at Fermilab. These measured cross sections are differential in [mu]- and [pi]+ kinematics. A strong suppression of low Q2 and an enhancement of low T[Pi] are observed relative to commonly used neutrino interaction models in both the light and heavy nuclear targets. Incorporation of these observed effects in future neutrino oscillation experiments will improve their ability to measure energy of neutrino interactions, and therefore measure the parameters governing neutrino oscillations."--Page xii
The Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) facility at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL) produces an intense muon neutrino beam used by the Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search (MINOS), a neutrino oscillation experiment, and the Main INjector ExpeRiment v-A, (MINERv A), a neutrino interaction experiment. Absolute neutrino cross sections are determined via [sigma]v = N v/[Phi]v, where the numerator is the measured number of neutrino interactions in the MINOS Detector and the denominator is the flux of incident neutrinos. Many past neutrino experiments have measured relative cross sections due to a lack of precise measurements of the incident neutrino flux, normalizing to better established reaction processes, such as quasielastic neutrino-nucleon scattering. But recent measurements of neutrino interactions on nuclear targets have brought to light questions about our understanding of nuclear effects in neutrino interactions. In this thesis the v[mu] inclusive charged current cross section on iron is measured using the MINOS Detector. The MINOS detector consists of alternating planes of steel and scintillator. The MINOS detector is optimized to measure muons produced in charged current v[mu] interactions. Along with muons, these interactions produce hadronic showers. The neutrino energy is measured from the total energy the particles deposit in the detector. The incident neutrino flux is measured using the muons produced alongside the neutrinos in meson decay. Three ionization chamber monitors located in the downstream portion of the NuMI beamline are used to measure the muon flux and thereby infer the neutrino flux by relation to the underlying pion and kaon meson flux. This thesis describes the muon flux instrumentation in the NuMI beam, its operation over the two year duration of this measurement, and the techniques used to derive the neutrino flux.
The handbook centers on detection techniques in the field of particle physics, medical imaging and related subjects. It is structured into three parts. The first one is dealing with basic ideas of particle detectors, followed by applications of these devices in high energy physics and other fields. In the last part the large field of medical imaging using similar detection techniques is described. The different chapters of the book are written by world experts in their field. Clear instructions on the detection techniques and principles in terms of relevant operation parameters for scientists and graduate students are given.Detailed tables and diagrams will make this a very useful handbook for the application of these techniques in many different fields like physics, medicine, biology and other areas of natural science.