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The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) is a particle detector installed on the International Space Station; it starts to record data since May 2011. The experiment aims to identify the nature of charged cosmic rays and photons and measure their fluxes in the energy range of GeV to TeV. These measurements enable us to refine the cosmic ray propagation models, to perform indirect research of dark matter and to search for primordial antimatter (anti-helium). In this context, the data of the first years have been utilized to measure the electron flux and lepton flux (electron + positron) in the energy range of 0.5 GeV to 700 GeV. Identification of electrons requires an electrons / protons separation power of the order of 104, which is acquired by combining the information from different sub-detectors of AMS, in particular the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL), the tracker and the transition radiation detector (TRD). In this analysis, the numbers of electrons and leptons are estimated by fitting the distribution of the ECAL estimator and are verified using the TRD estimator: 11 million leptons are selected and analyzed. The systematic uncertainties are determined by changing the selection cuts and the fit procedure. The geometric acceptance of the detector and the selection efficiency are estimated thanks to simulated data. The differences observed on the control samples from data allow to correct the simulation. The systematic uncertainty associated to this correction is estimated by varying the control samples. In total, at 100 GeV (resp. 700 GeV), the statistic uncertainty of the lepton flux is 2% (30%) and the systematic uncertainty is 3% (40%). As the flux generally follows a power law as a function of energy, it is important to control the energy calibration. We have controlled in-situ the measurement of energy in the ECAL by comparing the electrons from flight data and from test beams, using in particular the E/p variable where p is momentum measured by the tracker. A second method of absolute calibration at low energy, independent from the tracker, is developed based on the geomagnetic cutoff effect. Two models of geomagnetic cutoff prediction, the Störmer approximation and the IGRF model, have been tested and compared. These two methods allow to control the energy calibration to a precision of 2% and to verify the stability of the ECAL performance with time.
The AMS-02 experiment is a particle detector installed on the International Space Station (ISS) since May 2011, which measures the characteristics of the cosmic rays to bring answers to the problematics risen by the astroparticle physics since a few decades, in particular the study of dark matter and the search of antimatter. The phenomenological aspects of the physics of cosmic rays are reviewed in a first part. A second one describes the in-flight performances of the different subdetectors of AMS-02, in particular the electromagnetic calorimeter. It is shown, using particles at the ionizing minimum (MIPs), accounting for the main part of cosmic rays, that the calorimeter works as expected, and we find the same performances as on ground. This study is used to follow in time the evolution of the detector performances. It also allows to develop a charge estimator for the nuclei using the calorimeter. A third and final part, deals with the determination of the positronic fraction. The main difficulty of this measurement is to identify the positrons by rejecting the protons thanks to the characteristics of the showers in the calorimeter. After having defined variables relevant for this separation, we build an estimator using a multivariate analysis and Monte-Carlo simulations of electrons for the higher energies. Above 100 GeV, we obtain a rejection factor of about 10 000 at a 90% efficiency. After having estimated the charge confusion, this estimator, finally, allows us to determine the positronic ratio for the first 18 months of data and energies ranging from 1.5 to 350 GeV.
Over recent years there has been marked growth in interest in the study of techniques of cosmic ray physics by astrophysicists and particle physicists. Cosmic radiation is important for the astrophysicist because in the farther reaches of the universe. For particle physicists, it provides the opportunity to study neutrinos and very high energy particles of galactic origin. More importantly, cosmic rays constitue the background, and in some cases possibly the signal, for the more exotic unconfirmed hypothesized particles such as monopoles and sparticles. Concentrating on the highest energy cosmic rays, this book describes where they originate, acquire energy, and interact, in accreting neutron stars, supernova remnants, in large-scale shock waves. It also describes their interactions in the atmosphere and in the earth, how they are studied in surface and very large underground detectors, and what they tell us.
The present monograph as well as the next one (Dorman, M2005) is a result of more than 50 years working in cosmic ray (CR) research. After graduation in December 1950 Moscow Lomonosov State University (Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics Division, the Team of Theoretical Physics), my supervisor Professor D. I. Blokhintsev planned for me, as a winner of a Red Diploma, to continue my education as an aspirant (a graduate student) to prepare for Ph. D. in his very secret Object in the framework of what was in those time called the Atomic Problem. To my regret the KGB withheld permission, and I, together with other Jewish students who had graduated Nuclear Divisions of Moscow and Leningrad Universities and Institutes, were faced with a real prospect of being without any work. It was our good fortune that at that time there was being brought into being the new Cosmic Ray Project (what at that time was also very secret, but not as secret as the Atomic Problem), and after some time we were directed to work on this Project. It was organized and headed by Prof. S. N. Vernov (President of All-Union Section of Cosmic Rays) and Prof. N. V. Pushkov (Director of IZMIRAN); Prof. E. L. Feinberg headed the theoretical part of the Project.
There are few things more intriguing in high energy astrophysics than the study of the highest energy particles in the universe. Where and how these particles achieve their extreme energies is of interest not only to the astrophysicist but also to the particle physicist. At GeV and TeV energies the problem is manageable since the physics is known and the acceleration processes feasible. But the energy spectrum extends to 10(exp 20)Ev and there the problem of their origin is both more difficult and interesting; in fact at these high energies we do not even know what the particles are. The study of the origin and distribution of relativistic particles in the universe has been a challenge for more than 80 years but it is only in recent years that the technology has become available to really address the question. Although something can be learned from studies of composition and energy spectrum, the origins (and thence the acceleration mechanisms) can only come from the direct study of the neutral particle component (in this respect the highest energy particles are effectively neutral since they are virtually undeflected). The feasible channels of investigation are therefore the study of the arrival directions of: (1) TeV photons (covered by the following U.S. experiments: STACEE, Whipple/VERITAS, MILAGRO and, to some extent, by EGRET/GLAST); (2) neutrinos of TeV energy and above (AMANDA/KM3); (3) the highest energy cosmic rays (HiRes, Auger). While these studies represent a form of astronomy they are the astronomy of the extraordinary universe, the universe populated by the most dynamic and physically exciting objects, the universe of the high energy astrophysicist whose cosmic laboratories represent conditions beyond anything that can be duplicated in a terrestrial laboratory. This extraordinary astronomy may say little about the normal evolution of stars and galaxies but it opens windows into cosmic particle acceleration where new and strange physical processes take ...
Recent observations of cosmic ray electrons from several instruments have revealed various degrees of deviation in the measured electron energy distribution from a simple power-law, in a form of an excess around 0.1 to 1 TeV energies. An even more prominent deviation and excess has been observed in the fraction of cosmic ray positrons around 10 and 100 GeV energies. These observations have received considerable attention and many theoretical models have been proposed to explain them. The models rely on either dark matter annihilation/decay or specific nearby astrophysical sources, and involve several additional assumptions regarding the dark matter distribution or particle acceleration. In this paper we show that the observed excesses in the electron spectrum may be easily reproduced without invoking any unusual sources other than the general diffuse Galactic components of cosmic rays. The model presented here assumes a power-law injection of electrons (and protons) by supernova remnants, and evaluates their expected energy spectrum based on a simple kinetic equation describing the propagation of charged particles in the interstellar medium. The primary physical effect involved is the Klein-Nishina suppression of the electron cooling rate around TeV energies. With a very reasonable choice of the model parameters characterizing the local interstellar medium, we can reproduce the most recent observations by Fermi and HESS experiments. Interestingly, in our model the injection spectral index of cosmic ray electrons becomes comparable to, or even equal to that of cosmic ray protons. The Klein-Nishina effect may also affect the propagation of the secondary e{sup {+-}} pairs, and therefore modify the cosmic ray positron-to-electron ratio. We have explored this possibility by considering two mechanisms for production of e{sup {+-}} pairs within the Galaxy. The first is due to the decay of [pi]{sup {+-}}'s produced by interaction of cosmic ray nuclei with ambient protons. The second source discussed here is due to the annihilation of the diffuse Galactic [gamma]-rays on the stellar photon field. We find that high positron fraction increasing with energy, as claimed by the PAMELA experiment, cannot be explained in our model with the conservative set of the model parameters. We are able, however, to reproduce the PAMELA (as well as Fermi and HESS) results assuming high values of the starlight and interstellar gas densities, which would be more appropriate for vicinities of supernova remnants. A possible solution to this problem may be that cosmic rays undergo most of their interactions near their sources due to the efficient trapping in the far upstream of supernova shocks by self-generated, cosmic ray-driven turbulence.
We present here the capabilities of the GLAST Large Area Telescope to detect cosmic ray high-energy (HE) electrons in the energy range from 10 GeV to 1 TeV. We also discuss the science topics that can be investigated with HE electron data and quantify the results with LAT instrument simulations. The science topics include CR propagation, calibration of the IC gamma-ray model, testing hypotheses regarding the origin of HE energy cosmic-ray electrons, searching for any signature of Kaluza Klein Dark Matter annihilation, and measuring the HE electron anisotropy. We expect to detect (almost equal to) 107 electrons above 20 GeV per year of LAT operation.