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The Mayan Calendar is a fully illustrated and annotated wall-display calendar featuring full-color Mayan images, historical facts, and hieroglyphic dates correlated to the modern Julian calendar. This is the only wall-display calendar to display the correct dates of the Maya calendar for each day of the year.
Take a look at the science behind the Mayan calendar, prophecies and mythology. The Maya believed multiple cycles governed civilization. They created various calendars to track these cycles. Their short count calendar tracked a 256-year cycle believed to control epidemics, famines, warfare and more. Scientists have found a 250-year solar cycle that also appears to affect epidemics, famines, warfare and more. Their long count calendar tracked a 5000-year cycle related to natural disasters and cosmic catastrophes. Scientists have also discovered that the Earth is subjected to periodic bombardment by comets and asteroids that plunges the world into long periods of darkness and cold. Mayan mythology appears to record such events and in some instances even the exact dates on which these catastrophes occurred in the past. By comparing these dates with ice core records, sedimentary records, and climate records, this book reveals the truth about civilization's darkest days. And what may lie ahead in the future.
En Español y Ingles NEW for 2010. Time is cyclical. The Maya Calendar does not end in 2012. It is only a new beginning.This book and calendar is written by a Mayan Priestess (Ajkij) living in Guatemala. Simple to understand, yet thoroughly comprehensive, it will help guide you through these ancient and sacred teachings, as passed down from Mayan elders. In full color with detailed explanations, excerpts from ancient texts, and a 12- month calendar, take a journey through space and time - discover the truth for yourselves.*The proceeds from the sale of this book go to Mayan communities in Guatemala.El tiempo es cíclico. El Calendario Maya no terminará en 2012, es solo un nuevo comienzo. Este libro y calendario fue escrito por una sacerdotisa Maya (Ajkij) en Guatemala. Es un análisis informático y preciso, sin embargo, fácil de entender. Les guiará a un entendimiento de estas enseñanzas antiguas y sagradas, pasado directamente de los Ancianos Mayas. En color, con explicaciones detalladas, extractos de textos antiguos, y combinado con el calendario Gregoriano, tomen un viaje por el espacio y el tiempo - descubran la verdad por sí mismos.*Las ganancias de la venta de este libro van a comunidades Maya en Guatemala.
Mayan daykeeper Hunbatz Men reveals the multi-calendar system of the Maya that guided the lives of his ancestors and how it can guide us today • The first book to reveal the secrets of the Mayan Pleiades calendar: the Tzek’eb • Explains how the Maya used their astronomical knowledge to guide their lives on Earth The Mayan Calendar has taken on special prominence with the imminent arrival of 2012, a date that many claim is the end of that calendar. However, as Mayan elder and daykeeper Hunbatz Men shows, the cosmological understanding of his ancestors was so sophisticated that they had not one, but many calendars, each based on the cycles of different systems in the cosmos. In this book he reveals for the first time the Tzek’eb, or Pleiades, Calendar of 26,000 years, which charts the revolution of our solar system around Alcyone, the central star of the Pleiades system. He also discusses the K’uuk’ulcan Calendar of the 4 seasons of the solar year and the wheel of the K’altunes Calendar, which is composed of 13 cycles of 20 years each that form a calendar of 260 years. In traditional Mayan culture the computation of time was not determined by simple economic or social motives. The calendars served the higher purpose of synchronizing the lives of human beings and their societies to the great cosmic pulsation, to the rhythm of the annual seasons, and to the other cycles that dictate changes upon Earth. Mayan understanding of the cosmic cycles was so exact that this knowledge could be used to influence all stages of life--from planning when to conceive (parents could choose not only the sex of their child but its vocation and future destiny) to plotting out the course of the entire society. Pyramids played a crucial role in applying this wisdom because, as Hunbatz Men shows, they were able to produce and transform energy in accordance with the cosmic cycles charted by the calendars. This book reveals for the first time the wisdom of the multi-calendar Mayan system and how it can help guide our modern world.
The only small, popular book on the important subject of ancient calendars. The study of heavenly cycles is common to most ancient cultures. The ancient Egyptians, Chinese, and Babylonians all tried to make sense of the year. But it fell to the later Mesoamerican Maya to create a series of calendars that could be cross referenced. In doing so, the Maya discovered many strange numerical harmonics. Their lunar calendar was extremely accurate-far more so than the Greek Metonic cycle; they tracked Venus to an accuracy of less than a day in five hundred years and their tables could have been used to predict eclipses seven hundred years in the future. This book will provide a much needed compact guide to the Mayan calendar systems as well as covering the essentials of calendar development throughout the world.
Perform this script about an ancient Maya love story.
Reveals the parallels between the rise and fall of Atlantis, cultures in ancient Mesoamerica, and our modern civilization • Links the demise of Atlantis with the birth of the Olmec civilization in Mexico, the beginning of the first Egyptian dynasty, and the start of the Mayan Calendar • Reveals the Atlantean and Mayan prophecy of an eternal cycle of global creation, destruction, and renewal and how we are headed into a destructive phase • Shows how ancient prophecies correlate precisely with the latest climatology studies, the rising incidence of solar flares, and papers from Pentagon and NASA analysts With the passing of the Mayan Calendar’s end date we can now focus on the true significance of what the Maya and their predecessors were trying to convey to future civilizations. Frank Joseph reveals how the Mayan prophecy, symbolized by their calendar, was created through the combined genius of Atlantis and Lemuria and predicts an eternal cycle of global creation, destruction, and renewal. He shows how this cycle correlates precisely with scientific studies on glacial ice cores and predictions from the Hopi, the Incas, and the Scandinavian Norse as well as the visions of Edgar Cayce. He links the demise of Atlantis with the birth of the Olmec civilization in Mexico (the progenitors of the Maya), the beginning of the first Egyptian dynasty, and the start of the Mayan Calendar. Drawing on the latest climatology studies and papers from Pentagon and NASA analysts, he reveals that we are on the brink of a destructive phase in the global cycle of change as predicted by the Atlanteans and the Maya. The world’s current political, economic, and cultural deterioration is paralleled by unprecedented storms and record temperatures, massive solar flares, tectonic disturbances, and fissuring sea floors that could release dangerous reservoirs of methane gas into the environment--all of which signals we are headed into another ice age. Despite the Atlanteans’ greater understanding of the cyclical nature of catastrophes and of the human role in them, Joseph reveals the mistakes they made that played a crucial role in their civilization’s destruction. By recognizing the self-destructive patterns of Atlantis in our own civilization, we can learn from their mistakes to reestablish civilization’s cosmic balance before time runs out.
The Mayan calendar was one that calculated the end of the world. It once brought historians, philosophers and thinkers fear of the coming doom. In this book, however, we are going to look at the topic objectively. We are not going to focus on the prophecies. We are only going to appreciate the fact that the Mayans were very advanced of their time. Read history books today!
While researching the 2012 end-date of the Maya Calendar, John Major Jenkins decoded the Maya's galactic cosmology. The Maya discovered that the periodic alignment of the Sun with the center of the Milky Way galaxy is the formative influence on human evolution. These alignments also define a series of World Ages. The fourth age ends on December 21, 2012, when an epoch chapter in human history will come to an end. Maya Cosmogenisis 2012 reveals the Maya's insight into the cyclic nature of time, and prepares us for our own cosmogenesis--the birth of a new world.
This daily planner includes an introduction to the Mayan "Count of Days" via the Tun (prophetic) and Tzolkin (personal) calendars; a section on Galactic Astrology; a calendar with room each day to journal or note appointments; and a quick-reference guide to the energies of the day. By correlating our Gregorian calendar to the Tzolkin calendar, we can awaken to the cosmic significance of the patterns in our lives and be better prepared for what the Divine design has in store for us. 224 pp.