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A comprehensive review of ion beam application in modern materials research is provided, including the basics of ion beam physics and technology. The physics of ion-solid interactions for ion implantation, ion beam synthesis, sputtering and nano-patterning is treated in detail. Its applications in materials research, development and analysis, developments of special techniques and interaction mechanisms of ion beams with solid state matter result in the optimization of new material properties, which are discussed thoroughly. Solid-state properties optimization for functional materials such as doped semiconductors and metal layers for nano-electronics, metal alloys, and nano-patterned surfaces is demonstrated. The ion beam is an important tool for both materials processing and analysis. Researchers engaged in solid-state physics and materials research, engineers and technologists in the field of modern functional materials will welcome this text.
Materials science is the prime example of an interdisciplinary science. It - compasses the ?elds of physics, chemistry, material science, electrical en- neering, chemical engineering and other disciplines. Success has been o- standing. World-class accomplishments in materials have been recognized by NobelprizesinPhysicsandChemistryandgivenrisetoentirelynewtechno- gies. Materials science advances have underpinned the technology revolution that has driven societal changes for the last ?fty years. Obviouslytheendisnotinsight!Futuretechnology-basedproblemsd- inatethecurrentscene.Highonthelistarecontrolandconservationofenergy and environment, water purity and availability, and propagating the inf- mation revolution. All fall in the technology domain. In every case proposed solutions begin with new forms of materials, materials processing or new arti?cial material structures. Scientists seek new forms of photovoltaics with greater e?ciency and lower cost. Water purity may be solved through surface control, which promises new desalination processes at lower energy and lower cost. Revolutionary concepts to extend the information revolution reside in controlling the “spin” of electrons or enabling quantum states as in quantum computing. Ion-beam experts make substantial contributions to all of these burgeoning sciences.
The use of ion beams for materials analysis involves many different ion-atom interaction processes which previously have largely been considered in separate reviews and texts. A list of books and conference proceedings is given in Table 2. This book is divided into three parts, the first which treats all ion beam techniques and their applications in such diverse fields as materials science, thin film and semiconductor technology, surface science, geology, biology, medicine, environmental science, archaeology and so on.
Ion beams have been used for decades for characterizing and analyzing materials. Now energetic ion beams are providing ways to modify the materials in unprecedented ways. This book highlights the emergence of high-energy swift heavy ions as a tool for tailoring the properties of materials with nanoscale structures. Swift heavy ions interact with materials by exciting/ionizing electrons without directly moving the atoms. This opens a new horizon towards the 'so-called' soft engineering. The book discusses the ion beam technology emerging from the non-equilibrium conditions and emphasizes the power of controlled irradiation to tailor the properties of various types of materials for specific needs.
The first particle accelerators were built in the early 1930’s. For a long time, these devices were used exclusively by nuclear physicists. In the 1960’s, extensive developments in measuring techniques occurred, mainly as a result of newly developed semiconductor devices. Further strong interest arose from the semiconductor industry, and ion implantation became widely accepted as being the ultimate tool for Si-based device fabrication.
Introduction to Focused Ion Beams is geared towards techniques and applications. This is the only text that discusses and presents the theory directly related to applications and the only one that discusses the vast applications and techniques used in FIBs and dual platform instruments.
The use of ion beams for materials analysis involves many different ion-atom interaction processes which previously have largely been considered in separate reviews and texts. A list of books and conference proceedings is given in Table 2. This book is divided into three parts, the first which treats all ion beam techniques and their applications in such diverse fields as materials science, thin film and semiconductor technology, surface science, geology, biology, medicine, environmental science, archaeology and so on.
Ion implantation is one of the key processing steps in silicon integrated circuit technology. Some integrated circuits require up to 17 implantation steps and circuits are seldom processed with less than 10 implantation steps. Controlled doping at controlled depths is an essential feature of implantation. Ion beam processing can also be used to improve corrosion resistance, to harden surfaces, to reduce wear and, in general, to improve materials properties. This book presents the physics and materials science of ion implantation and ion beam modification of materials. It covers ion-solid interactions used to predict ion ranges, ion straggling and lattice disorder. Also treated are shallow-junction formation and slicing silicon with hydrogen ion beams. Topics important for materials modification, such as ion-beam mixing, stresses, and sputtering, are also described.
Due to new technological progress in the development of ion sources and accelerators interesting kinds of beams are now available. They open new fields for materials research with ion beams. The present status and future possibilities of these research activities are described by experts on this field in the form of review articles. The papers presented in the book focus on very different aspects ranging from the field of truly appliedresearch to the field of fundamental atomic research investigating interaction mechanisms of slow, highly charged particles with surfaces. The book is intended to provide a source of information about recent developments in basic research for the physicists about the status ofthe input of their work into applied materials science. In addition, also other well established techniques, such as Rutherford backscattering analysis and their use in materials research such as of HTC are described. The reader of this book will benefit from its broad view over the various methods of materilas research with ion beams.