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This Open Access book is an excellent synthesis of the initial and continuing preparation for Mathematics Teaching in Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic and Venezuela, from which comparative analyses can be made that show similarities and differences, and highlight various perspectives. In August 2012, a workshop of the Capacity and Networking Project (CANP) of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) was held in Costa Rica. This CANP brought together for two weeks a group of 66 Mathematics educators, mathematicians, university administrators, and elementary and secondary teachers from Colombia, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, Panamá and Costa Rica. The goal was to promote progress in Mathematics Education in the region; as such it was a unique experience in the region. One of the most important results of this event was the creation of the Mathematics Education Network of Central America and the Caribbean (REDUMATE). It was organized by persons associated with the Mathematics Education Reform Project in Costa Rica (responsible for the most outstanding and innovative curriculum reform in Latin America) and the Inter-American Committee on Mathematics Education (IACME), which is an official regional multinational organization affiliate of ICMI. This book brings to the international Educational Community an important collection of experiences and ideas in the Mathematics Education of four countries of a region within the heart of the American continent, a region that has been many times forgotten. The dissemination of these results can promote the search for international collaborative actions in a wider scale.
La historia la escriben los vencedores y lo hacen según su conveniencia para sus fines colonizadores. Por eso, por ejemplo, gran parte de la cultura azteca permaneció oculta, hasta que M. León Portilla, en su libro Visión de los Vencidos, nos muestra una relación del testimonio histórico de los conquistados. Por lo mismo, en ningún tratado de la historia de las matemáticas y astronomía actual se mencionan los adelantos que respecto de los conocimientos astronómicos y matemáticos, se alcanzaron por las culturas antiguas que florecieron en el continente Americano, a pesar de que en algunos casos se adelantaran casi mil años a los del viejo continente, como se demuestra en la ecuación: 8x365=5x584=13x224.61538 Ecuación a la que llegaron Mayas y Teotihuacanos por el 378 d.C. y que relaciona el movimiento de los planetas Venus y la tierra en su transito alrededor del Sol y que en Europa no se conoció sino hasta el siglo XVI con la ecuación de los planetas atribuida a Kepler: 1/T = 1/ Sin+1/S ... es decir: 1/365=1/584+1/224.61538 Donde se muestra que la revolución sideral de Venus de 224.61538, es decir el número de días terrestres que tarda en darle la vuelta al Sol es exactamente la misma. Amen de desarrollar, los Mayas, un modelo matemático del tipo fractal, como se muestra en esta investigación del movimiento de los planetas de nuestro sistema solar, visibles a simple vista, que seguramente es el primero de este tipo en la historia de la humanidad. Y este modelo matemático fractal del tiempo precolombino cuya quinta Era Solar terminará este 21 de Diciembre del 2012, en un solsticio de invierno y que con las 4 eras anteriores, completaran un ciclo de precesión del eje terrestre y así mismo habrán un eclipse de Sol y otro de Luna, un tránsito de Venus por el disco Solar, una alineación del Sol y la tierra con el centro de la Vía Láctea y además serán visibles al atardecer los planetas Mercurio, Venus, Marte, Júpiter y Saturno. También se muestran en este trabajo otros adelantos alcanzados por las culturas Americanas precolombinas que se conocen poco, como son el Grabado al Agua Fuerte, el torno del alfarero rústico, el electro plateado, la brújula, el trabajo de los metales etc.
This book brings together various studies that assume phenomenology to analyze how mathematics education is affected by the experience of being in the cyberspace. The authors of the chapters included in this contributed volume work with the theoretical framework developed by authors such as Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger and Maurice Merleau-Ponty to investigate how mathematics is produced and comprehended in a new way of being in the world, with digital technologies. The aim of this book is not to explain the tools used and how one works with them in the cyberspace, aiming at better teaching and learning mathematics. Its purpose is to present philosophical investigations that contribute to the understanding of the complexity of the world in which we are being researchers and mathematics teachers. By doing so, Constitution and Production of Mathematics in the Cyberspace – A Phenomenological Approach will help researchers and mathematics teachers understand their role in a world in which the experience of teaching and learning mathematics is being radically changed by new technologies and new ways of being in this world.
This edited volume presents a systematic analysis of conceptual, methodological and applied aspects related to the validation of educational tests used in Latin American countries. Inspired by international standards on educational measurement and evaluation, this book illustrates efforts that have been made in several countries to validate different types of educational assessments, including student learning assessments, measurements of non-cognitive aspects in students, teacher evaluations, and tests for certification and selection. It gathers the experience of validity studies from the main international assessments in Latin America (PISA, TIMSS, ERCE, and ICCS). Additionally, it shows the challenges that must be taken into account when evaluations are used to compare countries, groups or trends of achievement over time. The book builds on the premise that measurements in the educational field should not be used if there are no studies that support the validity of the interpretation of their scores, or the use made of such tests. It shows that, despite the recognition given to validity, relatively few educational measurement assessments have accumulated enough evidence to support their interpretation and use. In doing so, this volume increases awareness about the relevance of validity, especially when assessments are key component of educational policies.
The unfortunate appearance of AIDS, the manifold problems with herpesviruses and other viruses attacking humans have led to an enormous dynamism of worldwide research and to an immense increase in the corresponding literature. With this first Special Topic of the monograph series Progress in Drug Research, the editor and the publishers undertake an effort to supply concise reviews on virus research, especially on the development of new and future antiviral agents in some important and widespread viral diseases. Latest Progress in Drug Research articles dealing with new chemotherapeutics for the treatment of the most threatening viral diseases are presented. These very well received articles were upgraded and supplemented with new chapters to form this actual overview of the achievements in the respective fields of virus research. This special volume contains six review articles covering the latest studies on the HIV and hepatitis C and B viruses...