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Are you signed up to serve at a Christian camp this summer? Whether you are a veteran staffer or have never been to camp before, this book is for you Get your heart ready for the spiritual challenge of camp leadership. Consider why you are going to camp, and what will be expected of you. Learn what makes kids tick, and ways of developing healthy relationships. Prepare to lead effective Bible discussions. Gain skills in managing issues and problems. Become confident in sharing your faith in Jesus.
"I can't imagine a book that is more inspiring, practical, engaging and convicting for those working in camp ministry." Dr. Tom Blackaby, best-selling author, international speak, pastor "An enjoyable, compelling, and well-written approach to training the next generation of camp leaders. It is bound to become a classic in Christian camp literature." Kirk Potter, Chair, Fellowship of Christian Camps Serving at a Christian camp is one of the most exhilarating, intimidating, and life-changing opportunities available. It's also an incredible training ground for leaders to become all that God intends. If you're looking to serve at a Christian camp in any capacity, Pillow Fights & Sleepless Nights will help prepare you for your upcoming adventure and ground you in biblical leadership principles. Follow the stories of Madison, Jon, and some of the other camp staff as they mess up, learn, grow, and ultimately discover a deeper dependence upon God. You will be encouraged and challenged to grow in your own walk with Jesus. And that's what camp ministry is all about: transformation! "In Lencioni-like fashion, Craig Douglas deftly weaves together compelling narrative and timely leadership lessons that combine to attract and engage the reader - as well as feed the soul." Rob Tiessen, Camp Director
The Reality Check series makes just one assumption: that you’re serious enough about your spiritual journey to investigate Christianity with an open mind. This isn’t about joining anyone’s religious club—it’s about being real with yourself and with the others in your group. Since no one has all the answers, there’s plenty of room for discussion. After all, if there is any truth to the Bible’s stories about Jesus, then one thing he’d welcome are questions and opinions that come from honest, earnest hearts.Whether you’re leading a corporation, a sports team, your family, or simply your own pursuits, issues such as mission, character, vision casting, and team building are critical to your success. Wouldn’t it be great to take lessons from a master leader? Here’s your opportunity. Nobody in history has surpassed Jesus of Nazareth in either methods or results. Find out his leadership secrets. They’re guaranteed to make you a better leader.Leadership Jesus Style includes these sessions: Upside-Down Leadership What’s Your Mission? Casting a Vision The Master Strategist Building a Team When Others FailFor the Group LeaderReality Check is for spiritual seekers of every persuasion. Uncompromisingly Christian in its perspective, it steers wide of pat answers and aims at honesty. This innovative and thought-provoking series will challenge you and those in your group to connect heart to heart as together you explore the interface between Jesus, the Bible, and the realities of this world in which we live.
In competitive sports we prize teamwork. We know that a mature team will usually beat an astounding collection of individual players. The burden of creating such esprit de corps falls to the coach and the team of leaders he has assembled. After all, a team without a coach cannot win. But what happens when the coach himself does not understand the dynamics of teamwork?In a similar manner, every leader of every church is a coach of sorts, with a ministry team responsible for the life of the church. The question put to you as a pastor is this: Are you a team player? Even more to the point: Whose team are you building?Too many church leaders, writes author Kenn Gangel, have fallen into the trap of personal kingdom-building, a focused concern on one's own and present ministry without a wider recognition of kingdom participation.The net effect of this condition has led to narrow vision, stunted church growth, and frustrated relationships within the body of Christ. In contrast, Gangel explores broad and penetrating support throughout the Word of God for team-based, inclusive, cooperative leadership. From Jethro's advice to Moses all the way to Jesus's approach to discipleship, biblical leadership is viewed as a tool to be shared--a model of servanthood, mentoring, and the mutual interdependence of gifts.Along the way Gangel explores the character attributes of successful biblical leadership--common things like humility, patience, and quiet dignity. From there he reveals how these qualities open an authentic leader up to the wide and thrilling possibilities of working hand-in-hand with others in the Lord's work...together.