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The Volume 2 is a deconstruction of the work of four writers of the period, the late eighteenth century to the 1830's of the nineteenth century, who all wrote on African enslavement in the West Indies. All four writers adhere to the discourse of white supremacy, with three of them ardent supporters of African enslavement and one an ardent anti-slavery abolitionist. This work places specific emphasis on how all four white supremacists constitute, view and react to threats to white supremacy in the West Indies in the period in which they wrote. This specific emphasis then enables an understanding of the manner the discourse of white supremacy in its West Indian genesis and development constitutes and reacts to threats posed by non-white races. So vitally relevant to understanding the hegemonic 21st discourse of white supremacy which is driving the response of the North Atlantic to the grave threats to its white hegemony it now perceives.
This book is a deconstruction of the discourse of the journals of two white sl;ave owners in the Caribbean, Pierre Dessalles in the French colony of Martinique and William Lewis an absentee owner of two plantations in the British colony of Jamaica resident in the UK. The deconstruction focuses on the power relations between the white hegemonic elite and the enslaved non-whites, Africans and Mulattoes. The study reveals the expanse of power exercised by white hegemonic males especially over the enslaved, the resistance formulated and unleashed by the enslaved on a continuing basis and its impact upon the power of massa. What is ultimately reveal;ed is the white supremacist worldview which drives the white response to enslaved resistance and the singular contribution made by West Indian enslavement to the origin and evolution of white supremacist discourse in the North Atlantic.
This work is a deconstruction of the discursive constructs of Frantz Fanon in his final work "The Wretched of the Earth" and their application to the reality of the 21st century in the neo-colonial world. These constructs are: decolonisation and violence, the nature of power and power relations of neo-colonial African states, the neo-colonial existential condition and the impact of the Algerian war of liberation on the psyche of Algerians. This deconstruction unearthed Fanon's gesture to the formulation of the discursive construct of the colonial-neo-colonial continuum and its pre-cursor the enslavement-colonialism continuum.
This is a deconstruction of Qur'anic discourse for the 21st century where the salient discursive concepts of Qur'anic discourse are located and deconstructed to reveal their meanings in English through the use of a most reputable Concordance of the Qur'an. The key linchpin discursive concepts found under the rubric of the Divine Names and Attributes of Almighty Allah (SWT) in Qur'anic discourse are all deconstructed revealing the Qur'anic praxis driven by its methodology and instruments of power, its Order of Power, through its application to self, the believer renovates and refurbishes the total self at the level of the idea, discourse and action, Qur'anic praxis, to attain the Bliss in the second creation and the outpouring of the Sakinah in the present life.
This is a deconstruction of the published books of poetry of Derek Walcott from 1961 to 1981 to unearth, expose and analyze the discourse and worldview of Walcott of miscegenated being, the Caribbean dystopia and the existential condition of the African and Indian Diasporas in the Caribbean dystopia. Walcott segregates himself from the Caribbean dystopia as he excoriates the African and Indian Diasporas blaming them for constructing the dystopia, they are trapped in. Walcott exempts white supremacist colonial and neo-colonial imperial power relations which condemns us to dependency and underdevelopment at the level of the idea. Which he must do for Walcott insists that what separates him from the Dystopia and enables his freedom from the dystopia, his flight to the North Atlantic is his white grandfather's legacy bequeathed to him by his miscegenated father. At the level of his genome Walcott is special, exceptional in the realm of the Dystopia compelled to prove and affirm this state of being in the North Atlantic. Walcott then frames his poetry on the foundation of the binary, Manichean duality of white North Atlantic discourse. I had a white grandfather and father which makes this deconstruction a personal conversation between two conflicting discourses of miscegenated being and our place in the world.
This text first published in 2014 presented a deconstruction of 21st century Salafi Jihadi discourse of Jihad is war of Sunni Islam by select discursive agents of this discourse. The abiding finding of this deconstruction is the reality that Salafi Jihadi discourse of Jihad is war is rooted in North Atlantic white supremacist humanist secular atheist imperialist colonialist discourse not Qur'anic discourse, this discourse is then shirk. Events in Islam since 2014 demanded a revision of this 2014 work and the war of genocide against Gaza, the largest open-air prison in the world today, by the zionists and massa from October 2023 demanded that this task be completed. The new edition has been extensively reviewed, a new section added to the chapter on Al-Awlaki and a new chapter added on the discourse of Al-Suri. The war of genocide against Gaza has proven once again the complicity of the munafiqun of Islam with massa in their futile attempt to silence Qur'anic discourse. This text was written by a Muslim of the west for Muslims of the west.
The wave of white supremacist discourse impacting North Atlantic politics in the 21st century is yet to be effectively explained by linking this political reality to the power relations of these North Atlantic States. This book presents this analysis by deconstructing a genealogy of the historico-political discourse of race war Michel Foucault presented in his 1976 public lecture at the College de France where the key discursive concepts of Biopower, Racism and State Racism formulated by Michel Foucault expose the nexus between racism and the nature of the North Atlantic State. This book insists that in the 21st century, North Atlantic hegemonic austere, neo-liberal financial market capitalism is now utilising a discourse of paranoid, extremist, militarist white supremacist discourse with a siege mentality to maintain its hegemony over its world empire potently reflected in the politics of the North Atlantic.
This work analyses: (1) the discursive terrain of the Muslim community/Ummah of Trinidad and Tobago from the Jihad of the Jamaat al Muslimeen on July 27th, 1990 to 2015 with emphasis on the evolution of militant Islam in this period. (2) It deconstructs the discourse of the Islamic State constructed to motivate Muslims of the world, especially of the West to migrate/to undertake Hijrah to the Islamic State with emphasis on the discursive concepts of the Islamic Apocalypse, the Malahim, Hijrah and Jihad is War. (3) It deconstructs the specific discourse of the Islamic State constituted for the Muslims of Trinidad and Tobago which reveals the importance of the Trinidad and Tobago contingent to the propaganda machinery of the Islamic State. (4) It deconstructs the discourse of the survivors which reveals the complex motivational structure that drove Muslims of Trinidad and Tobago to journey to the Islamic State. What is revealed is a power relation between the Muslims of Trinidad and Tobago who are a minority group of the population of Trinidad and Tobago, the kufr State of Trinidad and Tobago and the discourse of the Islamic State. The reality that the Trinidad and Tobago contingent to Islamic State was the largest per capita amongst Muslims that undertook Hijrah to the Islamic State speaks volumes to the susceptibility of the Muslim community to the call of the Islamic State. This work deconstructs the underlying reality that ensured the virulence of the discourse of the Islamic State in its impact on Muslims of Trinidad and Tobago.
The original text of this work was published in 2014 which meant that events after the death of President Hugo Chavez in Venezuela in March 2013 such as the Maduro Presidency from 2013 to 2024 and the impact of the unilateral coercive measures of the USA on the natural gas sector of Venezuela need to be included in a revised version. Likewise, the evolution of the gas production shortfall and the measures slated to mitigate this shortfall in T&T, including the dance with Venezuela for the supply of Venezuelan gas to the gas sector of T&T which involves the grave risk of US unilateral coercive measures impacting the gas supply relationship with Venezuela with telling impact on the gas sector of T&T must be analysed. This updated revision presents then the developments in the gas sectors of Venezuela and T&T from 2014 to 2024 thereby analysing the pressing reality of the impact of geopolitics on the LNG sector of both T&T and Venezuela in the 21st century.
The Volume 2 is a deconstruction of the work of four writers of the period, the late eighteenth century to the 1830's of the nineteenth century, who all wrote on African enslavement in the West Indies. All four writers adhere to the discourse of white supremacy, with three of them ardent supporters of African enslavement and one an ardent anti-slavery abolitionist. This work places specific emphasis on how all four white supremacists constitute, view and react to threats to white supremacy in the West Indies in the period in which they wrote. This specific emphasis then enables an understanding of the manner the discourse of white supremacy in its West Indian genesis and development constitutes and reacts to threats posed by non-white races. So vitally relevant to understanding the hegemonic 21st discourse of white supremacy which is driving the response of the North Atlantic to the grave threats to its white hegemony it now perceives.