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Discover the mass persuasion secrets and learn how to get customers to know, like, & trust you! If small businesses want to succeed against a continuously growing pool of competition, they have to find a way to gain more customers. It doesn’t matter if you have the greatest product to sell, if customers don’t know and like you, you will never be able to gain their trust. Understanding human behavior and how to utilize psychology in your business can help you learn how to become more persuasive in selling your products. The key to getting more customers to know, like, and trust you is learning how to use mass persuasion techniques in your marketing efforts.
"Discover the mass persuasion secrets and learn how to get customers to know, like, & trust you!If small businesses want to succeed against a continuously growing pool of competition, they have to find a way to gain more customers. It doesn
What If Everything You Learned About Sales Was Wrong? Could it be possible that everything you've been taught about selling is incorrect? Sell More: The Forbidden Secrets of Mass Persuasion reveals an inconvenient truth in the world of sales. Once you discover this secret, that is backed up by science, you'll be able to transform you income and your life.
These collected essays apply human communication concepts and theories to the communication problems encountered by nations, communities, and individuals to move beyond critique of the failed U.S. communication campaigns and strategies in the war on terror.
A truly international, authoritative A–Z guide to five centuries of propaganda, in both wartime and peacetime, which covers key moments, techniques, concepts, and some of the most influential propagandists in history. This fascinating survey provides a comprehensive introduction to propaganda, its changing nature, its practitioners, and its impact on the past five centuries of world history. Written by leading experts, it covers the masters of the art from Joseph Goebbels to Mohandas Gandhi and examines enormously influential works of persuasion such as Uncle Tom's Cabin, techniques such as films and posters, and key concepts like black propaganda and brainwashing. Case studies reveal the role of mass persuasion during the Reformation, and wars throughout history. Regional studies cover propaganda superpowers, such as Russia, China, and the United States, as well as little-known propaganda campaigns in Southeast Asia, Ireland, and Scandinavia. The book traces the evolution of propaganda from the era of printed handbills to computer fakery, and profiles such brilliant practitioners of the art as Third Reich film director Leni Riefenstahl and 19th-century cartoonist Thomas Nast, whose works helped to bring the notorious Boss Tweed to justice.
With nearly sixty percent of Americans initially against a pre-emptive war without sanction from the United Nations, and even higher anti-war numbers in most other nations of the world, the 2003 war against Iraq quickly became an enormous public relations challenge for the George W. Bush administration. The subject of Weapons of Mass Persuasion is a war in which American patriotism became so mired in commercial jingoism that the demarcations between entertainment and political conduct disappeared completely. In this engaging and disturbing book, Paul Rutherford shows how the marketing campaign for the war against Iraq was constructed and carried out. He argues that not only was the campaign a new chapter in the presentation of real-time war as pop culture, but that its deeper implications have now come to constitute part of the history of modern democracy. Situating the war against Iraq within an existing tradition of war as narrative, spectacle, and, more broadly, commodity, Rutherford offers a brief overview of the history of civic advertising and propaganda, then examines in detail the different dimensions of three weeks of war presented to North Americans as it became a branded conflict, processed and cleansed to appeal to the well-established tastes of veteran consumers of popular culture. Including incisive analyses of visual material - speeches, editorial cartoons, and media political commentary, but particularly news reports of such sound bite events as the bombing of Baghdad, the toppling of the Hussein statue, and the rescue of captured soldier Private Jessica Lynch - as well as extensive polling data from around the world and interviews with the actual consumers of war, Weapons of Mass Persuasion chronicles the making of a Hollywood war: fast-paced and heroic, pitting the forces of good against the forces of evil to achieve a triumphant, sanitized, and commodified outcome. Not since Naomi Klein's No Logo have the gods of marketing and the art of commercialism been so thoroughly disrobed. Electronic Format Disclaimer: Images removed at the request of the rights holder.
If you're an entrepreneur, salesperson, advertiser, or business owner, understanding the art of subliminal persuasion will give your bottom line a big boost. In Subliminal Persuasion, master marketer Dave Lakhani reveals in step-by-step detail the exact techniques that really work in persuading and influencing others. It's not about lying or tricking anyone. It's about know what will appeal to people and how communicate that appeal effectively, profitably, and ethically. This is marketing that really convinces.
A harrowing account of brainwashing’s pervasive role in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries This gripping book traces the evolution of brainwashing from its beginnings in torture and religious conversion into the age of neuroscience and social media. When Pavlov introduced scientific approaches, his research was enthusiastically supported by Lenin and Stalin, setting the stage for major breakthroughs in tools for social, political, and religious control. Tracing these developments through many of the past century’s major conflagrations, Dimsdale narrates how when World War II erupted, governments secretly raced to develop drugs for interrogation. Brainwashing returned to the spotlight during the Cold War in the hands of the North Koreans and Chinese. In response, a huge Manhattan Project of the Mind was established to study memory obliteration, indoctrination during sleep, and hallucinogens. Cults used the techniques as well. Nobel laureates, university academics, intelligence operatives, criminals, and clerics all populate this shattering and dark story—one that hasn’t yet ended.
Warning: This book is controversial! If you're interested in having more money, fame, respect, power, influence, privilege, peace of mind, love in your life, and access to knowledge denied other men... this book shows you how. Mush cookies and feminists will be horrified. The information's been used for centuries by history's most powerful, influential, and sometimes notorious men to live lives lesser men only imagine. Just some of the secrets inside: Mental techniques used by General Douglas MacArthur to inflict psychological pain on someone who disobeys or displeases you. (Psychologists say this causes the same reaction in their brain as physical pain, without leaving marks. Use it for disciplinary purposes only.) 13 ways to keep your enemies and competitors constantly on defense, fearing your next move, struggling to keep up with you. How to peacock your way to straight to the top level power! How men grab power over others - in professional relationships, personal, and family. (The closest thing to owning a "super power"!) How to go from being socially awkward and shunned by women to becoming the most confident guy in the room. (Even broke, creepy losers can become successful and confident, with beautiful women always on an arm.) How to get women to compete for your attention, love, and commitment. How to inspire other men to want to follow and help you achieve your goals. (They'll be loyal and cheerfully submit to your will.) How ugly, short, broke men instantly become attractive to women. (Be attractive to business partners, lenders, clients, and all others you want something from.) A secret way to make people fight to be with you, listen and obey you, and get nervous if they don't hear from you! (You'll be the person everyone wants to hang out with are yours.) Easiest way to attract people and opportunity like a magnet. (No fluffy universe-worshiping woo-woo nonsense here!) How to change your phone usage making yourself influential and persuasive. (Chicks, friends, customers, or anyone!) The ruthless dictator's secret to gain obedience, loyalty, and the top work from all you wish to lead (without committing genocide). Lex Luthor's method for getting devotion from women, underlings, minions, and employees. (Be perceived as a strong leader for a change!) The mistake 80%+ of men make that ensures they're looked down upon by women, clients, customers, friends, and family. (It's probably the most common reason why men fail at reaching their goals, are always broke, and cry in their beer lonely each night.) How being nice makes people hostile (And no, you don't have to sell your soul or be a dick to anyone.) Embrace selfishness to help others. (You'll notice things fall in place: Chicks, family, colleagues, and bosses!) And so much more!