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Fundamentos de los sistemas de implementación de protección social: Libro de referencia sintetiza las experiencias reales y las lecciones aprendidas de la aplicación de estos sistemas en todo el mundo mostrando una perspectiva amplia de la protección social sobre diversas poblaciones objetivo, como familias pobres o de bajos ingresos, trabajadores en situación de desempleo, personas en condición de discapacidad y personas en situación de riesgo social. El libro analiza diferentes tipos de intervenciones de los gobiernos para ayudar a las personas, familias u hogares mediante programas categóricos, programas contra la pobreza, programas y servicios laborales, prestaciones y servicios por discapacidad, y servicios sociales. El libro de referencia aborda preguntas concretas sobre procedimientos, el «cómo», entre las que se encuentran: ¿Cómo distribuyen los países los beneficios y servicios sociales? ¿Cómo logran hacerlo de forma eficaz y eficiente? ¿Cómo garantizan la inclusión dinámica, sobre todo para las personas más vulnerables y necesitadas? ¿Cómo promueven una mejor coordinación e integración, no sólo entre los programas de protección social, sino también entre programas de otros sectores del gobierno? ¿Cómo pueden responder a las necesidades de sus poblaciones objetivo y proporcionar una mejor experiencia al cliente? El marco de sistemas de implementación profundiza en los elementos clave de ese entorno operativo. Dicho marco se basa en fases esenciales a lo largo de la cadena de implementación. Los actores principales, como las personas y las instituciones, interactúan a lo largo de esta cadena a través de las comunicaciones, los sistemas de información y la tecnología. Este marco se puede aplicar a la implementación de uno o varios programas y a la implementación de la protección social adaptativa. El libro de referencia se estructura en torno a ocho principios que encuadran el concepto de los sistemas de implementación: 1. No hay un modelo único para los sistemas de implementación, pero existen puntos en común que constituyen el núcleo del marco de los sistemas de implementación. 2. La calidad de la implementación es importante: Las debilidades en alguno de los elementos principales afectarán negativamente a todo el sistema, lo que, a su vez, reducirá el impacto de los programas a los que dan apoyo. 3. Los sistemas de implementación evolucionan a lo largo del tiempo de forma no lineal, y los puntos de partida son fundamentales. 4. Es necesario buscar «la sencillez» y «hacer bien lo sencillo» desde el inicio. 5. La «primera milla» (la interfaz mediante la cual las personas interaccionan directamente con las funciones administrativas) suele ser el eslabón más débil en la cadena de implementación. Reformarlo puede requerir un cambio sistémico, pero mejorará considerablemente la eficacia general y mitigará el riesgo de fallos en la primera instancia. 6. Los programas de protección social no operan en un vacío, por lo que sus sistemas de implementación no deberían desarrollarse de forma aislada. Las sinergias entre distintas instituciones y sistemas de información son posibles y pueden mejorar los resultados de los programas. 7. Los sistemas de implementación de protección social contribuyen a la capacidad del gobierno de ayudar a otros sectores, por ejemplo, las subvenciones para seguros de salud, las becas, las tarifas energéticas sociales, las ayudas para la vivienda y los servicios legales. 8. Los desafíos asociados a la inclusión y a la coordinación son amplios y perennes, y motivan la mejora continua de los sistemas de implementación a través de un planteamiento dinámico, integrado y centrado en las personas.
Empowering Midwives and Obstetric Nurses is a practical approach to understanding the health of women and newborns. It supports learning and prepares readers for the challenges faced in contemporary midwifery healthcare. Written by experts in the field, this book provides an overview, highlights important features, and brings to light certain contemporary issues pertaining to the science and art of midwifery.
Dive into the intricate and globally significant topic of asylum and refugees with the "Global Atlas of Refugees and Asylum Seekers." This compelling collection of essays, curated by a diverse group of renowned scholars, offers an extensive exploration of migration patterns, paradigms, and lessons from around the world. As you journey through the chapters, you'll gain unique insights into how countries have responded to the unprecedented refugee crisis, examining notable cases such as Costa Rica, the United States, Canada, Chile, Mexico, and many more. Discover the complexities of asylum systems and the changing landscapes of migration policies in nations as diverse as Bulgaria, Italy, Germany, Greece, Sweden, Spain, and North Macedonia. Delve into the geopolitical implications of seeking refuge and asylum, with a comprehensive analysis of the Palestinian diaspora and an exploration of Pakistan, India, Turkey, and the communitarian-based strategy in refugee laws. This essential compendium provides a comprehensive understanding of the intricate dynamics and global challenges surrounding asylum and refugees. With its diverse range of topics and expert contributors, the "Global Atlas of Refugees and Asylum Seekers" is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the complexities of global migration and the policies that shape the lives of those seeking refuge. "The authors of this book identify two main paradigms shaping states’ narratives regarding asylum seekers and refugees. Along the horizontal axis, discourses range from national security to humanitarian aid. On the vertical axis, they extend from the pursuit of ideals, as traditionally defined for refugees and asylum seekers, to personal survival due to economic, climate-related crises, family violence, gender violence, or organized crime. This shift, as highlighted in the chapter on Germany by Professor Knerr, is altering the original vision of agreements that stemmed from post-World War II Europe."
This book presents descriptions of interventions, results of empirical research, and theoretical contributions developed by Latine/x psychologists based on affirmative approaches aimed at promoting acceptance and understanding of LGBTIQ+ people. Contributions in this volume bring together the work of Latine/x scholars, practitioners, and activists across five Latin American countries or territories (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Puerto Rico) and in the United States, in an effort to provide multicultural perspectives to LGBTIQ+ affirmative psychological interventions that highlight local, regional and national particularities. Chapters in this volume go beyond contributions made by applied psychology fields (e.g., clinical and counselling psychology), where affirmative orientations are predominantly located, and include contributions from other fields of psychological research such as social and community psychology. The book is divided in two parts. Chapters in the first part focus on the experiences of trans and gender non-conforming people, with emphasis on contemporary systemic issues that affect gender identity among Latine/x communities and those who do not conform to hegemonic narratives about gender. Chapters in the second part focus on sexual identity among Latine/x LGBTIQ+ people and their families and communities. Contributions in this part present discussions about sexual orientation (grouped in LG/LGB identities), sex and gender dissidence, and the inclusion of intersex. LGBTQ+ Affirmative Psychological Interventions: A Latine/x Perspective will be of interest to both researchers and practitioners in different fields of psychology – such as clinical, counselling, social, and community psychology – interested in a multicultural perspective to understand and develop LGBTQ+ affirmative actions to fight against the repathologization of individuals, groups, families and diverse communities.
This book analyzes how quality of life research results can be transferred to policy making, and considers the role of actors in this process---researchers, policy makers, and citizens---as well as their interrelationships. This book points to the need to include actors other than the state in public policy-making related to quality of life and well-being issues, in defining problems and formulating alternatives. It identifies obstacles and facilitators in the process and offers a review of different types of aid that affect well-being and quality of life. Finally, it shows possible pathways for various stakeholders in policy-making to interact with one another in the building of good societies.
This book investigates why Chile suddenly confronted a violent social revolt in October 2019, after almost thirty years of political stability, during which time the country was broadly regarded as Latin America’s most successful nation. Since democratic restoration in 1990, Chile’s relatively high levels of political stability, increasing prosperity and social modernisation have stood out in a region shaken by political convulsion and economic malaise. In early October 2019, President Sebastián Piñera confidently claimed that Chile represented a true ‘oasis’ of political stability and economic vitality in Latin America. However, just weeks later, the announcement of a small increase in the price of Santiago’s underground transport system unleashed an unprecedented wave of violent anti-government protests in the country, with protestors ultimately demanding Piñera’s resignation and the end of neoliberalism and the 1980 Constitution, among many other demands. This book analyses the causes of Chile’s socio-political upheaval, arguing that the fast social and economic modernisation produced by the neoliberal system led to a series of destabilising socio-political processes in the country. At a time when much analysis of the October uprising tends to be superficial or polarised on ideological grounds, this book provides a much-needed sociological and institutional analysis of the crisis. It will be an important read for scholars of Latin American politics and development, as well as those with a broader interest in state legitimacy, social movements and political contestation against neoliberalism.
En una frontera sin límites e incomprensible, Héctor Charles no puede concebir la idea de dónde está, quién es ni quién fue, pero sospecha que será juzgado por una fuerza superior divina y hasta por él mismo. Héctor desciende a regiones infernales al ser obligado a revivir sistemáticamente cada uno de sus actos y los que a toda costa intenta ocultar y olvidar. Por no poder discernir en su posición inanimada su real identidad, el hombre sufre las consecuencias derivadas de la intrínseca pasión que lo llevó a un final insospechado, no solamente para él, sino para todos aquellos que en vida lo rodearon. At a limitless and incomprehensible border, Hector Charles cannot comprehend where he is, who he is, or who he was; but he suspects that he will one day be judged by a divine higher power and even by himself. Hector is descending into hellish depths as he is forced to systematically relive each of his actions, actions he tries to hide at all costs and longs to forget. As he is unable to discern his real identity in this inanimate position, he suffers the consequences that result from the intrinsic passion that brought him to an end that neither he nor all who knew him in life could have foreseen. I would like to add a credit for the artist Jorge Posada, who provided his paintings for the covers of both books. Covers by Colombian artist Jorge Posada