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Martin Luther was a German monk, priest, professor of theology and iconic figure of the Protestant Reformation. He strongly disputed the claim that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be purchased with money. He confronted indulgence salesman Johann Tetzel with his Ninety-Five Theses in 1517. His refusal to retract all of his writings at the demand of Pope Leo X in 1520 and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms in 1521 resulted in his excommunication by the pope and condemnation as an outlaw by the Emperor. -wikipedia
Martin Luther is known for challenging the Roman Catholic church; yet reading God's Word was what Luther considered his primary task. Though he is often portrayed as reading the Bible with a bare approach, Todd R. Hains considers how Luther's interpretation of the text was actually guided by the church's established practice of hermeneutics.
This edition of the Bondage of the Will was translated by Henry Cole in 1823. "Free will was no academic question to Luther; the whole Gospel of the grace of God, he held, was bound up with it, and stood or fell according to the way one decided it . . . . It is not the part of a true theologian, Luther holds, to be unconcerned, or to pretend to be unconcerned, when the Gospel is in danger . . . . The doctrine of the Bondage of the Will in particular was the corner-stone of the Gospel and the foundation of faith'' (40-41, emphasis added). ''In particular, the denial of free will was to Luther the foundation of the Biblical doctrine of grace, and a hearty endorsement of that denial was the first step for anyone who would understand the Gospel and come to faith in God. The man who has not yet practically and experimentally learned the bondage of his will in sin has not yet comprehended any part of the Gospel" "Justification by faith only is a truth that needs interpretation. The principle of sola fide [by faith alone] is not rightly understood till it is seen as anchored in the broader principle of sola gratia [by grace alone]; . . . for to rely on one's self for faith is not different in principle from relying on one's self for works" The Bible teaches that faith itself is and has to be, a gift of God, by grace, and not of self (Ephesians 2:8). It is safe to deduce that for Luther, any evangelist who advocates free will has not only ''not yet comprehended any part of the Gospel, '' but also that he has not yet preached the Gospel at all; his is a counterfeit gospel.Luther was ordered to recant his teachings on threat of excommunication. Luther thundered, ''Unless I am convinced by Scriptures and plain reason [for Luther, this meant logic], my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything. Here I stand, I can do no other!" [From a review in The Trinity Review] Martin Luther (1483-1546) shattered the structure of the Medieval Church by demanding that the authority for doctrine and practice be the Scriptures rather than popes or councils, and ignited the famous Protestant Reformation. The Roman Catholic hierarchy could not refute his logic, so they attempted to have him killed. But he was protected by Frederic. It has been said that more books have been written about Luther than about any other person except Jesus Christ. 164 pages, hard cover
Dr. Martin Luther's fundamental work "A Treatise on Good Works" encapsulates the essential principles of the Protestant Reformation and offers a new viewpoint on the relationship between faith and good acts. This version of "A Treatise on Good Works" is both modern and legible, with an eye-catching new cover and professionally typeset manuscript. Some narratives are violent and bizarre, while others one sneak up on you and gradually consume you. Because the title character is so self-indulgent, readers are forced to keep reading. This narrative is full of unexpected twists and turns which will keep the reader engaged. The central element of Luther's argument is that redemption is obtained via trust in God's compassion rather than through good works or external acts of piety. He is a vocal critic of the widely held concept that people can earn their salvation through their actions. Luther, on the other hand, argues that true righteousness is born of faith in Christ. In "A Treatise on Good Works," Luther argues that a life of faith and love should serve as the foundation for all good works. He emphasizes that good deeds should flow naturally from a changed heart rather than being done in order to gain salvation or God's favor.
German scholar, priest, theologian and religious reformer. Luther is one of the chief figures in European history. He laid the foundation of Protestant Reformation; and greatly influenced the fields of politics, religion, education and economics.
Take a fresh look at Martin Luther and his original works! Here the fundamental key texts have been compiled in one single book, introduced by Martin H. Jung's informative commentaries. The English language translations are up to date and easily understood. Apart from well-known works such as the "95 Theses" and "On the Freedom of a Christian", this collection also contains dogmatic and devotional texts as well as problematic tracts, for example on the Turks and the Jews. They provide an easily readable insight into the authentic Luther. The book is well suited for confirmation classes, youth groups and adult education as well as for use in churches, congregations, schools and institutions. The book is strongly to be recommended not just for study purposes but also for private reading. [Luther lesen] Lernen Sie Martin Luther neu und im Original kennen! In diesem Band sind zentrale und grundlegende Texte des Reformators versammelt. Mit informativen Einleitungen führt Martin H. Jung in die Schriften ein und präsentiert sie in gut verständlicher Weise. Neben den bekannten Texten wie den "95 Thesen" oder "Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen" stehen dogmatische und erbauliche, aber auch problematische Schriften u.a. über Türken und Juden. Sie eröffnen den Blick auf einen authentischen, leicht lesbaren Luther. Das Buch eignet sich gleichermaßen für die Arbeit mit Konfirmanden, Jugendlichen und die Erwachsenenbildung sowie für den Gebrauch in Kirchen, Gemeinden, Schulen und Einrichtungen. Nicht nur für das eigene Studium, auch für die private Lektüre ist das Buch absolut empfehlenswert.
One of the most important texts of Martin Luther. Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount is a very rich text in biblical and illuminating knowledge about Chapter 5 of Matthew, one of the most beautiful biblical passages and the beautiful expression of Christianity.
Works of Martin Luther is a classic collection of the writings of the religious leader. No historical study of current issues--politics or social science or theology--can far proceed without bringing the student face to face with the principles asserted by the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century and its great leader, Martin Luther Martin Luther was the author of substantial body of written works at the service of the Reformation. All his life Luther published theological writings. His commitment also induced him to write political and polemical texts. According to Yves Congar, a Dominican, “Luther was one the greatest religious geniuses in History… who redesigned Christianity entirely.”
Collected here in this omnibus edition are Martin Luther's most important works including The Large Catechism, the Ninety-Five Theses, and seven selected sermons. Perfect for someone wishing to start reading Marin Luther's teachings. The Large Catechism of Martin Luther was written to aid the spiritual leaders of the Lutheran Church. Martin Luther wanted to remind his followers that they should live a godly life instead of a worldly life. Surprisingly, though, nowhere in this book does Luther suggest that anyone should leave their worldly life behind in order to pursue their godly life. Blunt and straightforward, this book remains an inspiration. Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses forever changed the world. This is one of Christianity's most important documents. It was not, as most people assume, Luther's explanation as to why he was separating from the Catholic Church, but it was a shot across the bow of a corrupt system that eventually lead to the Reformation. Also included in this edition are seven of Luther's most important sermons including Christ's Holy Sufferings, Enemies of the Cross of Christ & the Christian's Citizenship in Heaven, Christ Our Great High Priest, On Faith & Coming to Christ, Of The Office of Preaching, The Twofold Use of the Law & Gospel: "Letter" & "Spirit," and The Parable of the Sower.