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Three thin sections of the Tissint Martian meteorite were examined by an array of in situ techniques in order to assess the possibility that a geochemical signature characteristic of the Martian near-surface has been preserved within the meteorite. Tissint is a recent basaltic Martian fall that contains an abundance of shock-generated melt glass that formed by a variety of mechanisms including grain-boundary frictional melting, concentration of shockwaves along boundaries of minerals with contrasting shock-impedance, and void collapse. Tissint is special amongst the suite of Martian meteorites in that it is only the fifth witnessed Martian fall, and its short residence time in a hot desert precluded significant terrestrial weathering. Shock melt pockets form in situ by local melting of igneous phases. Major element compositions and rare earth element patterns do not suggest a contribution from Martian soil or minerals derived from the Martian surface (e.g. jarosite) to the shock melt. Shock-metamorphic sulfides (iron-sulfide spherules within shock melt pockets) exhibit elevated Fe/S ratios compared to groundmass sulfides that were not incorporated into shock melt pockets or veins. Additionally, Raman spectra collected for shock-metamorphic sulfides exhibit Raman peaks characteristic of hematite. These Raman peaks are not present for groundmass sulfides; sulfides were altered (oxidized) as a consequence of the shock event. Thermal modelling results show that cooling times for individual regions of shock melt are controlled by their size, geometry, proximity to other regions of shock melt, and the presence or absence of vesicles. Volatile abundances determined by SIMS revealed that H2O and Cl concentrations are correlated in shock melt glass. Water, chlorine, and fluorine concentrations are not correlated with phosphorus; water in Tissint shock melt glass cannot be attributed to igneous apatite. Hydrogen isotopes demonstrate that the water within Tissint shock melt glass has experienced mixing between two reservoirs: the Martian mantle and the Martian near-surface. For shock melt glass containing vesicles, the shock melt may partially devolatilize to the vesicle before quenching was complete. A geochemical signature derived from the Martian near-surface is preserved in Tissint shock melt pockets, observed primarily in H2O and Cl concentrations and hydrogen isotopes. This signature is very minor and is only detectable by sensitive techniques. Shock melt pockets with the greatest potential to preserve such a signature are isolated from other regions of shock melt, vesicle-free, and glassy.
Shergottites are meteorites originating from Mars with a broadly basaltic composition. Derived from partial melting of the mantle and filtered through the crust, shergottites provide a window into magma generation and evolution on Mars. Using X-ray computed tomography (CT), we investigated a suite of shergottites to infer details about their petrogenesis, especially their thermal histories and emplacement environments. In a novel survey of 3D olivine morphologies, sizes, and core Fe-Mg content in five olivine-bearing shergottites, we identified the common occurrence of Mg-rich olivine megacrysts with morphologies indicative of rapid crystal growth, requiring large degrees of undercooling and possibly fast cooling. This method allows us to interpret crystallization sequences and thermal histories. Results indicate that undercooling in two geochemically enriched shergottites occurs during initial magma pooling in the lower crust, a process that has not been documented in Earth basalts. Whereas, in two geochemically depleted samples, undercooling occurs later in the crystallization sequence but before the final eruption and solidification. We demonstrate the conditions needed for rapid growth are common for mafic magmatism on Mars, and that these magmas experience complex thermal histories characterized by discrete episodes of large undercooling at depth. Because shergottites were ejected from the Martian surface during impact events, their geologic contexts are unknown. We measured 3D petrofabrics and crystal size distributions in eight shergottites that span the known lithologic categories (i.e., basaltic, olivine-phyric, gabbroic, and poikiltic) to constrain their emplacement mechanisms. To contextualize the petrofabric results, we also conducted the same analyses on terrestrial igneous rocks from a variety of intrusive and extrusive environments. When interpreted in the context of the analogue study, shergottite petrofabric analyses combined with crystal size distribution analyses indicate that all samples (gabbroic, poikilitic, basaltic, and olivine-phyric) in this study were emplaced in the subsurface at various depths. This study helps to decipher emplacement styles, which is important for understanding potential interactions with crustal material, subsolidus cooling histories, shock-metamorphic processes, and potential exposure at the surface
Volatiles in the Martian Crust is a vital reference for future missions - including ESA’s EXO Mars and NASA’s Mars2020 rover - looking for evidence of life on Mars and the potential for habitability and human exploration of the Martian crust. Mars science is a rapidly evolving topic with new data returned from the planet on a daily basis. The book presents chapters written by well-established experts who currently focus on the topic, providing the reader with a fresh, up-to-date and accurate view. Organized into two main sections, the first half of the book focuses on the Martian meteorites and specific volatile elements. The second half of the book explores processes and locations on the crust, including what we have learned about volatile mobility in the Martian crust. Coverage includes data from orbiter and in situ rovers and landers, geochemical and geophysical modeling, and combined data from the SNC meteorites. Presents information about the nature, relationship, and reactivity of chemical elements and compounds on Mars Explores the potential habitability of Mars Provides a comprehensive view of volatiles in the Martian crust from studies of actual samples as well as from the variety of landed missions, including the MER and Curiosity rovers Delivers a vital reference for ongoing and future missions to Mars while synthesizing large data sets and research on volatiles in the Martian atmosphere Concludes with an informative summary chapter that looks to future Mars missions and what might be learned
This study, commissioned by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), examines the role of robotic exploration missions in assessing the risks to the first human missions to Mars. Only those hazards arising from exposure to environmental, chemical, and biological agents on the planet are assessed. To ensure that it was including all previously identified hazards in its study, the Committee on Precursor Measurements Necessary to Support Human Operations on the Surface of Mars referred to the most recent report from NASA's Mars Exploration Program/ Payload Analysis Group (MEPAG) (Greeley, 2001). The committee concluded that the requirements identified in the present NRC report are indeed the only ones essential for NASA to pursue in order to mitigate potential hazards to the first human missions to Mars.
One of Springer’s Major Reference Works, this book gives the reader a truly global perspective. It is the first major reference work in its field. Paleoclimate topics covered in the encyclopedia give the reader the capability to place the observations of recent global warming in the context of longer-term natural climate fluctuations. Significant elements of the encyclopedia include recent developments in paleoclimate modeling, paleo-ocean circulation, as well as the influence of geological processes and biological feedbacks on global climate change. The encyclopedia gives the reader an entry point into the literature on these and many other groundbreaking topics.
Volume 36 of Reviews in Mineralogy presents a comprehensive coverage of the mineralogy and petrology of planetary materials. The book is organized with an introductory chapter that introduces the reader to the nature of the planetary sample suite and provides some insights into the diverse environments from which they come. Chapter 2 on Interplanetary Dust Particles (IDPs) and Chapter 3 on Chondritic Meteorites deal with the most primitive and unevolved materials we have to work with. It is these materials that hold the clues to the nature of the solar nebula and the processes that led to the initial stages of planetary formation. Chapter 4, 5, and 6 consider samples from evolved asteroids, the Moon and Mars respectively. Chapter 7 is a brief summary chapter that compares aspects of melt-derived minerals from differing planetary environments.
Volume 1 provides a broad overview of the chemistry of the solar system. It includes chapters on the origin of the elements and solar system abundances, the solar nebula and planet formation, meteorite classification, the major types of meteorites, important processes in early solar system history, geochemistry of the terrestrial planets, the giant planets and their satellite, comets, and the formation and early differentiation of the Earth. This volume is intended to be the first reference work one would consult to learn about the chemistry of the solar system.Reprinted individual volume from the acclaimed Treatise on Geochemistry (10 Volume Set, ISBN 0-08-043751-6, published in 2003)
Earth as an Evolving Planetary System, Second Edition, explores key topics and questions relating to the evolution of the Earth's crust and mantle over the last four billion years. This updated edition features exciting new information on Earth and planetary evolution and examines how all subsystems in our planet—crust, mantle, core, atmosphere, oceans and life—have worked together and changed over time. It synthesizes data from the fields of oceanography, geophysics, planetology, and geochemistry to address Earth's evolution. This volume consists of 10 chapters, including two new ones that deal with the Supercontinent Cycle and on Great Events in Earth history. There are also new and updated sections on Earth's thermal history, planetary volcanism, planetary crusts, the onset of plate tectonics, changing composition of the oceans and atmosphere, and paleoclimatic regimes. In addition, the book now includes new tomographic data tracking plume tails into the deep mantle. This book is intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, with a basic knowledge of geology, biology, chemistry, and physics. It also may serve as a reference tool for structural geologists and professionals in related disciplines who want to look at the Earth in a broader perspective. - Kent Condie's corresponding interactive CD, Plate Tectonics and How the Earth Works, can be purchased from Tasa Graphic Arts here: - Two new chapters on the Supercontinent Cycle and on Great Events in Earth history - New and updated sections on Earth's thermal history, planetary volcanism, planetary crusts, the onset of plate tectonics, changing composition of the oceans and atmosphere, and paleoclimatic regimes - Also new in this Second Edition: the lower mantle and the role of the post-perovskite transition, the role of water in the mantle, new tomographic data tracking plume tails into the deep mantle, Euxinia in Proterozoic oceans, The Hadean, A crustal age gap at 2.4-2.2 Ga, and continental growth
th th Mars, the Red Planet, fourth planet from the Sun, forever linked with 19 and 20 Century fantasy of a bellicose, intelligent Martian civilization. The romance and excitement of that fiction remains today, even as technologically sophisticated - botic orbiters, landers, and rovers seek to unveil Mars’ secrets; but so far, they have yet to find evidence of life. The aura of excitement, though, is justified for another reason: Mars is a very special place. It is the only planetary surface in the Solar System where humans, once free from the bounds of Earth, might hope to establish habitable, self-sufficient colonies. Endowed with an insatiable drive, focused motivation, and a keen sense of - ploration and adventure, humans will undergo the extremes of physical hardship and danger to push the envelope, to do what has not yet been done. Because of their very nature, there is little doubt that humans will in fact conquer Mars. But even earth-bound extremes, such those experienced by the early polar explorers, may seem like a walk in the park compared to future experiences on Mars.