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Marine renewable energy is a significant resource for generating electricity, and if some conversion technologies have already reached a certain level of maturity, others are emerging. The originality of this multidisciplinary book is to offer a broad spectrum of knowledge from academic and industry experts of various origins. It deals with general aspects such as the specificities and constraints of the marine environment, the concepts of hydrodynamics and ocean engineering, as well as the industrial and economic sides necessary for the assembly of projects. It also discusses conversion technologies such as offshore wind, tidal power plants, tidal stream turbines, wave energy converters and ocean thermal energy plants. Finally, two chapters are devoted to power electronic conversion and power transmission cables.
Fundamentals of Ocean Renewable Energy: Generating Electricity from the Sea presents the basic concepts of mechanics and introduces the various technical aspects of ocean renewable energy. Contents follow a logical sequence, starting with hydrodynamics and then separately examining each conversion technology, with special focus on tidal energy, offshore wind and wave energy, as well as current and ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC). The authors explore key topics for resource characterization and optimization, such as monitoring and measurement methods and ocean modeling. They also discuss the sustainability, planning, integration and distribution challenges for the implementation of these technologies, including co-location with other systems. Finally, case studies of ocean energy sites and devices allow for a better understanding of how ocean energy conversion works in real-world settings. This book is an invaluable resource for students at graduate and senior undergraduate level engineering (ocean, mechanical, and civil) and oceanography with prior knowledge of fluid mechanics and mechanics of materials. Presents the fundamental physics and theory behind ocean energy systems, covering both oceanographic and engineering aspects of ocean energy Explores the most widely adopted conversion technologies, including tidal, wave, offshore wind, ocean thermal and currents
This complete reference to marine renewable energy covers aspects of resource characterization and physical effects of harvesting the ocean’s vast and powerful resources—from wave and tidal stream to ocean current energy. Experts in each of these areas contribute their insights to provide a cohesive overview of the marine renewable energy spectrum based on theoretical, numerical modeling, and field-measurement approaches. They provide clear explanations of the underlying physics and mechanics, and give close consideration to practical implementation aspects, including impacts on the physical system. Engineers, researchers, and students alike will find invaluable tools and studies that will aid them in realizing significant sustainable energy production from near-shore and ocean environments.
It is now widely recognized that there is a need for long-term secure and suitable sustainable forms of energy. Renewable energy from the marine environment, in particular renewable energy from tidal currents, wave and wind, can help achieve a sustainable energy future. Our understanding of environmental impacts and suitable mitigation methods associated with extracting renewable energy from the marine environment is improving all the time and it is essential that we be able to distinguish between natural and anthropocentric drivers and impacts. An overview of current understanding of the environmental implications of marine renewable energy technology is provided.
Effects of environmental, economic, social, political and technical factors have led to the rapid deployment of various sources of renewable energy-based power generation. The incorporation of these generation technologies have led to the development of a broad array of new methods and tools to integrate this new form of generation into the power system network. This book, arranged into six sections, highlights various renewable energy based generation technologies, and consists a series of papers written by experts in their respective fields of specialization.The Handbook of Renewable Energy Technology will be of great practical benefit to professionals, scientists and researchers in the relevant industries, and will be of interest to those of the general public wanting to know more about renewable energy technologies.
This book is open access under a CC BY-NC 2.5 license. This book offers a concise, practice-oriented reference-guide to the field of ocean wave energy. The ten chapters highlight the key rules of thumb, address all the main technical engineering aspects and describe in detail all the key aspects to be considered in the techno-economic assessment of wave energy converters. Written in an easy-to-understand style, the book answers questions relevant to readers of different backgrounds, from developers, private and public investors, to students and researchers. It is thereby a valuable resource for both newcomers and experienced practitioners in the wave energy sector.
Eine umfassende Publikation zu sämtlichen Aspekten der Wellen- und Gezeitenenergie. Wave and Tidal Energy gibt einen ausführlichen Überblick über die Entwicklung erneuerbarer Energie aus dem Meer, bezieht sich auf die neueste Forschung und Erfahrungen aus Anlagentests. Das Buch verfolgt zwei Ziele, zum einen vermittelt es Einsteigern in das Fachgebiet eine Überblick über die Wellen- und Gezeitenenergie, zum anderen ist es ein Referenzwerk für komplexere Studien und die Praxis. Es vermittelt Detailwissen zu wichtigen Themen wie Ressourcencharakterisierung, Technologie für Wellen- und Gezeitenanlagen, Stromversorgungssysteme, numerische und physikalische Modellierung, Umwelteffekte und Politik. Zusätzlich enthält es eine aktuelle Übersicht über Entwicklungen in der ganzen Welt sowie Fallstudien zu ausgewählten Projekten. Hauptmerkmale: - Ausführliches Referenzwerk zu allen Aspekten der interdisziplinären Fachrichten Wellen- und Gezeitenenergie. - Greift auf die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse und die Erfahrung führender Experten in der numerischen und laborgestützten Modellierung zurück. - Gibt einen Überblick über regionale Entwicklungen in aller Welt, repräsentative Projekte werden in Fallstudien vorgestellt. Wave and Tidal Energy ist ein wertvolles Referenzwerk für eine breite Leserschaft, von Studenten der Ingenieurwissenschaften und technischen Managern über politische Entscheidungsträger bis hin zu Studienabsolventen und Forschern.
A concise yet technically authoritative overview of modern marine energy devices with the goal of sustainable electricity generation With 165 full-colour illustrations and photographs of devices at an advanced stage, the book provides inspiring case studies of today’s most promising marine energy devices and developments, including full-scale grid-connected prototypes tested in sea conditions. It also covers the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney, Scotland, where many of the devices are assessed. Topics discussed: global resources – drawing energy from the World’s waves and tides history of wave and tidal stream systems theoretical background to modern developments conversion of marine energy into grid electricity modern wave energy converters and tidal stream energy converters This book is aimed at a wide readership including professionals, policy makers and employees in the energy sector needing an introduction to marine energy. Its descriptive style and technical level will also appeal to students of renewable energy, and the growing number of people who wish to understand how marine devices can contribute to carbon-free electricity generation in the 21st century.
This handbook is the definitive reference for the interdisciplinary field that is ocean engineering. It integrates the coverage of fundamental and applied material and encompasses a diverse spectrum of systems, concepts and operations in the maritime environment, as well as providing a comprehensive update on contemporary, leading-edge ocean technologies. Coverage includes an overview on the fundamentals of ocean science, ocean signals and instrumentation, coastal structures, developments in ocean energy technologies and ocean vehicles and automation. It aims at practitioners in a range of offshore industries and naval establishments as well as academic researchers and graduate students in ocean, coastal, offshore and marine engineering and naval architecture. The Springer Handbook of Ocean Engineering is organized in five parts: Part A: Fundamentals, Part B: Autonomous Ocean Vehicles, Subsystems and Control, Part C: Coastal Design, Part D: Offshore Technologies, Part E: Energy Conversion
Traditionally, the ocean economy is viewed solely as a mechanism for economic growth. In this business-as-usual approach, large-scale industrial economies have developed the ocean economy through the exploitation of maritime and marine resources, often without consideration of how those activities impact the future health or productivity of those same resources. This has led to aquatic ecosystems being viewed and treated as limitless resources; the marine environment becoming a dumping ground for waste; overfishing diminishing fishing stocks; ocean habitats being degraded from coastal developments; sea-level rise impacting coastal communities and infrastructure; increasing ocean acidification; and the marginalisation of poor coastal communities. Recognising the failings of the traditional ocean economy, there is a transition underway around the world towards the Blue Economy. This concept moves beyond the business-as-usual approach with economic development and ocean health complementary to one another. In the Blue Economy, the environmental risks of and ecological degradation from economic activity are mitigated or significantly reduced. Therefore, economic activity is in balance with the long-term capacity of the ocean ecosystems to support this activity and remain healthy and resilient. This book will provide an overview of the various technologies used to promote cross-sectoral and multi-scalar collaboration, facilitate the integrated management of sectors and resources, foster partnerships between governments and industry, encourage R&D in new technologies in resource use and management, and scale-up innovative financing mechanisms in the development of a Blue Economy. Also, the book will contain in-depth case studies that illustrate how locations, of differing climates, lifestyles and income levels, have implemented technologies to facilitate the development of the Blue Economy. Developing the Blue Economy will provide an accessible resource for practitioners and researchers working in the field on the various innovative technologies being implemented around the world to create a Blue Economy.