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This volume represents a practical survey of current understanding of chemical contamination of the Mediterranean Sea. Beginning with an overview of the general physical and socio-economic context, the author reviews the exploration of processes governing the fate of chemicals, assesses the budget of both inorganic and organic contaminants, and describes new tools for studying the impact of pollution on the Mediterranean.
A distinction between contamination and pollution is useful when we wish to consider what strategies to adopt in researching the impact of anthropogenic activities on the marine environment. Contamination strictly refers to the chemical burden imposed on the system and is evaluated in terms of the concentrations of chemical compounds in various abiotic (e. g water, suspended particulate matter, sediments) and biotic (plant and animal, pelagic and benthic) components. The concept of pollution, on the other hand, infers an assessment of biological response to the measured levels of contamination. This response may be measured at various levels of biological organisation, from molecular events within the cell to changes in such ecosystem properties as nutrient flux and biological productivity. Such measures of biological response need not infer any value judgements regarding putative damage or disturbance to the natural systems, although the biologist will usually have in mind a reference point of normality with which to compare the measured response; departure from this "normality" may then provide a quantitiative index of disturbance. The challenge to scientists engaged in research into marine contamination and pollution is to weld the chemical and biological elements together (always with reference also to the physical features of the environment) so as to provide a coherent framework for the quantitative evaluation of environmental response.
This book addresses a broad range of issues concerning microplastic pollution, including microplastic pollution in various environments (freshwater, marine, air and soil); the sources, fate and effects of microplastics; detection systems for microplastic pollution monitoring; green approaches for the synthesis of environmentally friendly polymers; recovery and recycling of marine plastics; wastewater treatment plants as a microplastic entrance route; nanoplastics as emerging pollutants; degradation of plastics in the marine environment; impacts of microplastics on marine life; microplastics: from marine pollution to the human food chain; mitigation of microplastic impacts and innovative solutions; sampling, extraction, purification and identification approaches for microplastics; adsorption and transport of pollutants on and in microplastics; and lastly, the socio-economic and environmental impacts: assessment and risk analysis. In addition to presenting cutting-edge information and highlighting current trends and issues, the book proposes concrete solutions to help face this significant environmental threat. It is chiefly intended for researchers and industry decision-makers; international, national and local institutions; and NGOs, providing them with comprehensive information on the origin of the problem; its effects on marine environments, with a particular focus on the Mediterranean Sea and coasts; and recent and ongoing research activities and projects aimed at finding technical solutions to mitigate the phenomenon.
The book provides for the first time an overview of the latest scientific studies conducted on micro and nano plastic pollution in the Mediterranean Sea both from the biological and environmental point of view as well as from the chemical point of view in order to have a more real idea of ​​the current situation.
This book focuses on different aspects of microplastic pollution, offering authors and readers the opportunity to share their knowledge, identify issues and propose solutions and actions to face this environmental threat. Although plastic pollution is a well-known global problem, the recent discovery of microplastics and nanoplastics in seas and oceans represents a very alarming new environmental challenge. The book offers comprehensive insights into the origins of the problem, its impact on marine environments, particularly the Mediterranean Sea and coasts, and the current research trends aimed at finding technical solutions to mitigate the phenomenon. It is primarily intended for scientists and decision makers from industry, international, national and local institutions and NGOs
«The situation is grave and urgent. Beaches have been closed for reasons of public health. Fish stocks are dwindling. Oil blobs are everywhere. The effluents of the affluent society, industrial and domestic waste - mostly untreated - are fouling waters and sands. Ghost pines, stretching their bare dead branches, attest to the quality of the winds rising from the poisoned waters like bad burning breath. One hundred thousand tons of oil are dumped into the Mediterranean every year; 110'000 tons of detergents, along the coasts of Italy alone. - Yet, the situation is not irreversible. We have not reached the point of no return. Therefore, let us act.» (Elisabeth Mann Borgese).
Proceedings of the International Meeting on UNEP's Regional Programmes in Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas, Genoa, Italy, 12-14 February 1992 which concentrated on three issues of particular interest: water quality, coastal zone management, sea-level rise and the risks and consequences of erosion and flooding.
Examines the Mediterranean Action Plan from 1972 to 1987 as a successful international effort to coordinate the marine pollution control practices of the Mediterranean littoral countries through regional treaties, coordinated research and monitoring, integrated policies, and administrative and budge
Pollution of the aquatic environment is a real threat across the globe. It is becoming a topic of intense study for researchers. It has been updated and almost completely revised. The Mediterranean Sea has been recognized as a target hotspot of the world as the pollutant concentration in this region is greater than the levels in other oceans. The book summarizes research on marine pollutants in the Mediterranean Sea. It presents 5 concise reviews focusing on microplastics, rare earth elements and biotoxins – which are now commonly found in the region. The Editors also emphasize on pollution problems in the Mediterranean region, with 2 chapters presenting studies on Lebanon and Morocco, respectively. The book adds to the collective information on Mediterranean marine pollution. Additionally, references are included at the end of each chapter for the benefit of advanced readers. The contributions also include discussions on important techniques used to monitor and control marine pollution, such as the bio-monitoring of effluents, and ecological impact assessment of microplastic pollution on fish and the environment.