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The seventh volume in the series “Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Marine Mammals” describes aspects of the often-complex relationship between humans and marine mammals. From a primeval condition of occasional predators, during the last century humans have become a major factor negatively affecting the status of most marine mammals through over-hunting, habitat encroachment and environmental degradation. This has led to the extirpation of many marine mammal populations and even to the extinction of species. However, in parallel to this destructive drive, since antiquity humanity has been influenced by a strong fascination for marine mammals, which contributes today to an increased human appreciation of the natural world admixed with widespread concern for its degrading condition. The special status occupied by marine mammals in human imagination and affection stands in stark contrast with the current predicament of many populations still threatened by the doings of Homo sapiens: a condition emblematic of the relationship of humanity with nature, and key to understanding where humanity is heading.
A compelling look at the evolutionary history of marine mammals over the past 50 million years. Marine mammals have long captured the attention of humans. Ancient peoples etched seals and dolphins on the walls of Paleolithic caves; today, engineers develop microprocessors to track these denizens of the deep. This groundbreaking book from highly respected marine mammal paleontologist Annalisa Berta delves into the story of the extraordinary adaptations that gave the world these amazing animals. The Rise of Marine Mammals reveals remarkable fossil record discoveries that shed light on the origins, relationships, and diversification of marine mammals. Focusing on evolution and paleobiology, Berta provides an overview of marine mammal species diversity, enhanced with gorgeous life restorations by Carl Buell, Robert Boessenecker, William Stout, and Ray Troll and extensive line drawings by graphics editor James L. Sumich. The book also considers ongoing conservation challenges, demonstrating how the fossil record of adaptation in response to past environmental shifts may illuminate the way that marine mammals respond to global climate change. This invaluable evolutionary framework is essential for helping us understand how best to protect and conserve today’s polar bears, whales, dolphins, seals, and fellow warm-blooded ocean dwellers. The Rise of Marine Mammals also describes exciting breakthroughs that rely on new techniques of study, including 3-D imaging, and molecular, finite element, and morphometric analyses, which have enhanced scientists’ understanding of everything from the anatomy of fetal whales to the genes behind limb loss in cetaceans. Mammalogists, paleontologists, and marine scientists will find Berta’s insights absorbing, while developmental and molecular biologists, geneticists, and ecologists exploring integrative research approaches will benefit from her fresh perspective.
Marine Mammals: Evolutionary Biology, Third Edition is a succinct, yet comprehensive text devoted to the systematics, evolution, morphology, ecology, physiology, and behavior of marine mammals. Earlier editions of this valuable work are considered required reading for all marine biologists concerned with marine mammals, and this text continues that tradition of excellence with updated citations and an expansion of nearly every chapter that includes full color photographs and distribution maps. Comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of the biology of all marine mammals Provides a phylogenetic framework that integrates phylogeny with behavior and ecology Features chapter summaries, further readings, an appendix, glossary and an extensive bibliography Exciting new color photographs and additional distribution maps
The life and evolutionary times of marine mammals, from giant whales and sea cows that originated 55 million years ago whose ancestors walked on land, to deep diving elephant seals and clam-eating walruses of modern times.
The Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, Third Edition covers the ecology, behavior, conservation, evolution, form and function of whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions, manatees, dugongs, otters and polar bears. This edition provides new content on anthropogenic concerns, latest information on emerging threats such as ocean noise, and impacts of climate change. With authors and editors who are world experts, this new edition is a critical resource for all who are interested in marine mammals, especially upper level undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and managers, and is a top reference for those in related fields, from oceanographers to environmental scientists. Significant content and topic updates, as well as the addition of new topics in such areas as anthropogenic disturbance Visual maps of the oceans and seas mentioned in contributions, helping to place the geographical features described in the text with clear, consistent species illustrations Written to help users learn new information or brush up on a topic quickly, with the references at the end of each entry to help guide readers into more specialist literature
This book provides a general introduction to the biology of marine mammals, and an overview of the adaptations that have permitted mammals to succeed in the marine environment. Each chapter, written by experts in their field, will provide an up-to-date review and present the major discoveries and innovations in the field. Important technical advances such as satellite telemetry and time-depth-recorders will be described in boxes.
The charismatic mammals that live in the ocean are a constant source of interest, both for scientists and our society at large. Their biology, behavior, and conservation are of utmost importance, as a vast number of species are currently threatened. Intended for the upper-level undergraduate or graduate student within biology, marine biology, or conservation/environmental science, An Introduction to Marine Mammal Biology and Conservation provides a broad introduction to marine mammal biology using cutting edge information and student-friendly learning tools. The text begins with chapters on the evolution and classification of marine mammals and their general biology. It moves on to discuss the behavior and ecology of different groups of marine mammals, such as polar bears, otters, and cetaceans. Part 3 dives into many different conservation issues facing marine mammals, as well as discussions on how they can be addressed. Closing chapters provide information on how scientists study marine mammals, how society can enjoy observing the animals while making sure they are preserved, and a word to students looking to pursue a career with marine mammals.
Much of our knowledge about marine mammals is derived from a long-term and dedicated research effort that is evolving rapidly due to the introduction and invention of new methods.This book reflects the inventiveness of marine researchers as they try to find ways around the problems presented to them by these unusual and challenging animals.
This book 'Evolution of Marine Mammals' is written based on the secondary research from the available published data. The book is written for the purpose of reference for the students of scientific fraternity. The major motivational force behind writing this book was my constant and deep appetite for wildlife and ecology in general in addition to the strong scientific background. One of the major goal for the book is to introduce the readers to the taxonomic classification of the marine mammals, their evolution, their differences, and history. This book also emphasizes on several identification characteristics amongst different orders and classes of marine mammals. The book is written with the geographical distribution information, wherever possible, based on the published data with references. This is a book source for students and anyone interested in learning more about the marine mammal and the basics about their evolution. This book starts with concept of evolution in general and extended to classification that includes extinct and extant marine species. This book comprises of various hypotheses and taxonomic & phylogenic information derived form a very limited available material from several sources. The framework of the book demonstrate the comparative approach amongst orders and species. The illustrations in the book are also adapted from the books listed in the references as well as carefully compiled flow charts. This is a step forward towards the pursuit of research in marine mammal biology and evolution. Book jacket.