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Folleto informativo sobre la consulta de la base de datos "mapping the world", que agrupa mas de 350 centros de informacion o documentacion, bibliotecas, archivos y centros de investigacion sobre mujeres en mas de 120 paises, desde austria hasta cuba, desde toba hasta zimbabwe. La relevancia de los centros varia desde grandes bibliotecas nacionales sobre mujer a pequeños centros de informacion locales. La base de datos recoge una vision de conjunto de la riqueza de informacion sobre la situacionde las mujeres que tienen los distintos centros. La base se actualiza semanalmente y se puede consultar en linea en la direccion siguiente: Www.Iiav.Nl/mapping-The-World. Este proyecto ha sido llevado a cabo por el centro internacional de informacion y archivos del movimiento de mujeres (iiav), con la ayuda y contribucion financiera de la unesco y el ministerio de asuntos sociales de los paises bajos.
What Works in Development? brings together leading experts to address one of the most basic yet vexing issues in development: what do we really know about what works— and what doesn't—in fighting global poverty? The contributors, including many of the world's most respected economic development analysts, focus on the ongoing debate over which paths to development truly maximize results. Should we emphasize a big-picture approach—focusing on the role of institutions, macroeconomic policies, growth strategies, and other country-level factors? Or is a more grassroots approach the way to go, with the focus on particular microeconomic interventions such as conditional cash transfers, bed nets, and other microlevel improvements in service delivery on the ground? The book attempts to find a consensus on which approach is likely to be more effective. Contributors include Nana Ashraf (Harvard Business School), Abhijit Banerjee (MIT), Nancy Birdsall (Center for Global Development), Anne Case (Princeton University), Jessica Cohen (Brookings),William Easterly (NYU and Brookings),Alaka Halla (Innovations for Poverty Action), Ricardo Hausman (Harvard University), Simon Johnson (MIT), Peter Klenow (Stanford University), Michael Kremer (Harvard), Ross Levine (Brown University), Sendhil Mullainathan (Harvard), Ben Olken (MIT), Lant Pritchett (Harvard), Martin Ravallion (World Bank), Dani Rodrik (Harvard), Paul Romer (Stanford University), and DavidWeil (Brown).
The 2018 FAO-OIE-WHO (Tripartite) zoonoses guide, “Taking A Multisectoral, One Health Approach: A Tripartite Guide to Addressing Zoonotic Diseases in Countries” (2018 TZG) is being jointly developed to provide member countries with practical guidance on OH approaches to build national mechanisms for multisectoral coordination, communication, and collaboration to address zoonotic disease threats at the animal-human-environment interface. The 2018 TZG updates and expands on the guidance in the one previous jointly-developed, zoonoses-specific guidance document: the 2008 Tripartite “Zoonotic Diseases: A Guide to Establishing Collaboration between Animal and Human Health Sectors at the Country Level”, developed in WHO South-East Asia Region and Western Pacific Region. The 2018 TZG supports building by countries of the resilience and capacity to address emerging and endemic zoonotic diseases such as avian influenza, rabies, Ebola, and Rift Valley fever, as well as food-borne diseases and antimicrobial resistance, and to minimize their impacts on health, livelihoods, and economies. It additionally supports country efforts to implement WHO International Health Regulations (2005) and OIE international standards, to address gaps identified through external and internal health system evaluations, and to achieve targets of the Sustainable Development Goals. The 2018 TZG provides relevant country ministries and agencies with lessons learned and good practices identified from country-level experiences in taking OH approaches for preparedness, prevention, detection and response to zoonotic disease threats, and provides guidance on multisectoral communication, coordination, and collaboration. It informs on regional and country-level OH activities and relevant unisectoral and multisectoral tools available for countries to use.
In response to the shocking events of the recent migrant crisis in Europe, this Atlas sets out a revised critical geography of European migration policies, aiming to change our perceptions of borders, to map security controls across the continent, and above all to give a voice to the migrant.
Raymond Depardon in conversation with philosopher Paul Virilio about the notions of homeland and rootedness Filmmaker Raymond Depardon and eminent philosopher Paul Virilio discuss the relationship between ideas of homeland and rootedness, at a time when human migration has reached an unprecedented scale. Illustrating their dialogue, the artists and architects Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Mark Hansen, Laura Kurgan and Ben Rubin have devised a cartographic collaboration that tracks environmental, political and economic migrations around the world.
Presents an annotated bibliography of general and subject reference books covering the humanities, social and behavioral sciences, history, science, technology, and medicine.
Information processing entails comprehensivity. Communication involves simplification