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At extremely low temperatures, clouds of bosonic atoms form what is known as a Bose-Einstein condensate. Recently, it has become clear that many different types of condensates -- so called fragmented condensates -- exist. In order to tell whether fragmentation occurs or not, it is necessary to solve the full many-body Schrödinger equation, a task that remained elusive for experimentally relevant conditions for many years. In this thesis the first numerically exact solutions of the time-dependent many-body Schrödinger equation for a bosonic Josephson junction are provided and compared to the approximate Gross-Pitaevskii and Bose-Hubbard theories. It is thereby shown that the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates is far more intricate than one would anticipate based on these approximations. A special conceptual innovation in this thesis are optimal lattice models. It is shown how all quantum lattice models of condensed matter physics that are based on Wannier functions, e.g. the Bose/Fermi Hubbard model, can be optimized variationally. This leads to exciting new physics.
Among the most remarkable effects that quantum mechanics adds to the catalog of the thermal properties of matter is "condensation" of an ideal gas of identical particles into a single quantum state, the principle of which was discovered in the theory of statistical mechanics by Bose and Einstein in the 1920s. Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) is a mechanism for producing a macroscopic quantum system, and is exemplary of the macroscopic quantum phenomena of superconductivity and superfluidity.These 15 papers provide an introduction to current work on BEC.
Following an explosion of research on Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC) ignited by demonstration of the effect by 2001 Nobel prize winners Cornell, Wieman and Ketterle, this book surveys the field of BEC studies. Written by experts in the field, it focuses on Bose–Einstein condensation as a universal phenomenon, covering topics such as cold atoms, magnetic and optical condensates in solids, liquid helium and field theory. Summarising general theoretical concepts and the research to date - including novel experimental realisations in previously inaccessible systems and their theoretical interpretation - it is an excellent resource for researchers and students in theoretical and experimental physics who wish to learn of the general themes of BEC in different subfields.
Bose-Einstein Condensation represents a new state of matter and is one of the cornerstones of quantum physics, resulting in the 2001 Nobel Prize. Providing a useful introduction to one of the most exciting field of physics today, this text will be of interest to a growing community of physicists, and is easily accessible to non-specialists alike.
The book contains pedagogical articles on the dominant non-stochastic methods of microscopic many-body theories: Density functional theory, coupled cluster theory, and correlated basis functions methods in their widest sense. Further articles introduce students to applications of these methods in front -- line research such as Bose-Einstein condensates, the nuclear many-body problem, and the dynamics of quantum liquids. These keynote articles are supplemented by experimental reviews on intimately connected topics of current relevance. The book addresses the striking lack of pedagogical reference literature in the field that allows researchers to acquire the requisite physical insight and technical skills. The volume should, therefore, not only researchers to acquire the requisite physical insight and technical skills. The volume should, therefore, not only serve as a collection of information relevant to those who attended the school, but it provides be useful reference material to a broad range of theoretical physicists in condensed matter and nuclear theory.
This thesis addresses the intriguing topic of the quantum tunnelling of many-body systems such as Bose-Einstein condensates. Despite the enormous amount of work on the tunneling of a single particle through a barrier, we know very little about how a system made of several or of many particles tunnels through a barrier to open space. The present work uses numerically exact solutions of the time-dependent many-boson Schrödinger equation to explore the rich physics of the tunneling to open space process in ultracold bosonic particles that are initially prepared as a Bose-Einstein condensate and subsequently allowed to tunnel through a barrier to open space. The many-body process is built up from concurrently occurring single particle processes that are characterized by different momenta. These momenta correspond to the chemical potentials of systems with decreasing particle number. The many-boson process exhibits exciting collective phenomena: the escaping particles fragment and lose their coherence with the source and among each other, whilst correlations build up within the system. The detailed understanding of the many-body process is used to devise and test a scheme to control the final state, momentum distributions and even the correlation dynamics of the tunneling process.
Bose-Einstein condensation of dilute gases is an exciting new field of interdisciplinary physics. The eight chapters in this volume introduce its theoretical and experimental foundations. The authors are lucid expositors who have also made outstanding contributions to the field. They include theorists Tony Leggett, Allan Griffin and Keith Burnett, and Nobel-Prize-winning experimentalist Bill Phillips. In addition to the introductory material, there are articles treating topics at the forefront of research, such as experimental quantum phase engineering of condensates, the “superchemistry” of interacting atomic and molecular condensates, and atom laser theory.
Ultracold atomic gases is a rapidly developing field of physics that attracts many young researchers around the world. This book gives a comprehensive overview of exciting developments in Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity from a theoretical perspective and makes sense of key experiments with a special focus on ultracold atomic gases.