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The physics of strongly correlated fermions and bosons in a disordered envi ronment and confined geometries is at the focus of intense experimental and theoretical research efforts. Advances in material technology and in low temper ature techniques during the last few years led to the discoveries of new physical of atomic gases and a possible metal phenomena including Bose condensation insulator transition in two-dimensional high mobility electron structures. Situ ations were the electronic system is so dominated by interactions that the old concepts of a Fermi liquid do not necessarily make a good starting point are now routinely achieved. This is particularly true in the theory of low dimensional systems such as carbon nanotubes, or in two dimensional electron gases in high mobility devices where the electrons can form a variety of new structures. In many of these sys tems disorder is an unavoidable complication and lead to a host of rich physical phenomena. This has pushed the forefront of fundamental research in condensed matter towards the edge where the interplay between many-body correlations and quantum interference enhanced by disorder has become the key to the understand ing of novel phenomena.
The field of cold atomic gases faced a revolution in 1995 when Bose-Einstein condensation was achieved. Since then, there has been an impressive progress, both experimental and theoretical. The quest for ultra-cold Fermi gases started shortly after the 1995 discovery, and quantum degeneracy in a gas of fermionic atoms was obtained in 1999. The Pauli exclusion principle plays a crucial role in many aspects of ultra-cold Fermi gases, including inhibited interactions with applications to precision measurements, and strong correlations. The path towards strong interactions and pairing of fermions opened up with the discovery in 2003 that molecules formed by fermions near a Feshbach resonance were surprisingly stable against inelastic decay, but featured strong elastic interactions. This remarkable combination was explained by the Pauli exclusion principle and the fact that only inelastic collisions require three fermions to come close to each other. The unexpected stability of strongly interacting fermions and fermion pairs triggered most of the research which was presented at this summer school. It is remarkable foresight (or good luck) that the first steps to organize this summer school were already taken before this discovery. It speaks for the dynamics of the field how dramatically it can change course when new insight is obtained. The contributions in this volume provide a detailed coverage of the experimental techniques for the creation and study of Fermi quantum gases, as well as the theoretical foundation for understanding the properties of these novel systems.
Experiments using ultracold atomic gases address fundamental problems in many-body physics. This thesis describes experiments on strongly-interacting gases of fermionic atoms, with a focus on non-equilibrium physics and dimensionality. One of the fundamental dissipative processes in two-component gases is the transport of spin due to relative motion between the two spin components. We generate spin transport in strongly-interacting Fermi gases using a spin dipole excitation and measure the transport coefficients describing spin drag and spin diffusion. For resonant interactions, we observe strong suppression of spin transport, with the spin transport coefficients reaching quantum-mechanical limits. Dimensionality plays an important role in the formation of bound states between pairs of particles. We tune the dimensionality of a Fermi gas from three to two dimensions (2D) using an optical lattice potential and observe the evolution of the pair binding energy using radio-frequency spectroscopy. The binding energy increases as the lattice depth increases, approaching the 2D limit. Gases with resonant interactions, which have no two-body bound state in three dimensions, show a large binding energy determined by the confinement energy of the lattice wells. The themes of non-equilibrium dynamics and dimensionality come together in the study of soliton excitations in superfluid Fermi gases. We create a planar defect in the superfluid order parameter of an elongated Fermi gas using detuned laser light. This defect moves through the gas as a solitary wave, or soliton, without dispersing. We measure the oscillation period of the soliton and find it to exceed the predictions of mean-field theory by an order of magnitude.
This book provides authoritative tutorials on the most recent achievements in the field of quantum gases at the interface between atomic physics and quantum optics, condensed matter physics, nuclear and high-energy physics, non-linear physics, and quantum information.
This book explores the physics of atoms frozen to ultralow temperatures and trapped in periodic light structures. It introduces the reader to the spectacular progress achieved on the field of ultracold gases and describes present and future challenges in condensed matter physics, high energy physics, and quantum computation.
The First Book on Ultracold MoleculesCold molecules offer intriguing properties on which new operational principles can be based (e.g., quantum computing) or that may allow researchers to study a qualitatively new behavior of matter (e.g., Bose-Einstein condensates structured by the electric dipole interaction). This interdisciplinary book discusse