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It's time to take manifesting off auto-pilot, get behind the wheel, and start steering your life in the direction you want it to go!Manifesting on Purpose clarifies why we manifest what we do, why we experience the same things over and over again, until we step in and weed out our own mental gardens. Ever wonder how is it that 2 people can start off with the same opportunity, and one will become a massive success, while the other barely scrapes by? What's the defining factor?What do successful people know that we're missing? We've been taught that the harder we work the more money, happiness, and success we'll have in life; but if this was the case successful people would constantly we run ragged, and be bleary eyed from lack of sleep, instead of enjoying lots of free time pursuing their heart's desires. So, what are we missing?The Law of Attraction is always working, even when we're not focused on it. The Law of Attraction states that, "Like Attracts Like," we are all energy, so our thoughts get reflected back to us. Your thoughts create your physical reality. The problem? We're always thinking! Our thoughts, ungoverned, bounce around from idea to idea, and all too often, focus on the immediate problems in our lives, creating a feedback loop. Since we attract back what we think about, if we're focused on our problems, what's going to show up? More problems!Your mind is your most valuable asset. Your thoughts literally create your reality. Your current situation is a reflection of your previous thoughts.Most people, however, do not consciously decide what they want, their subconscious belief systems run everything on auto-pilot; making most people feel as if they are victims of their circumstances.YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANCE!You are in the driver's seat, you simply have to take control of the wheel! Take manifesting off auto-pilot, and create the life you want!"But I think positive thoughts," you say. Your conscious thoughts will always be secondary to your subconscious thoughts in the way of manifestation. Until you change your core beliefs to line up with who you wish to become, and what you wish to do, you cannot break the old cycles.Are you ready to take control? Have abundance in money, love, health, freedom, experiences, and all other areas of your life?Then let's get started!
You may have seen the movies and read the books about manifestation, but your power to create your dreams still seems to be missing the mark. Don't throw in the towel yet—there's a radically new approach that may reveal the missing piece of the puzzle. With Creating on Purpose, innovative teachers Anodea Judith and Lion Goodman present a comprehensive, systematic method for realizing your highest aspirations. Shared with thousands in their popular nationwide workshops, this unique, step-by-step approach guides us through a rich study of the inner self, the outer world, and how to connect the two to make your dreams come true. Manifestation is the process of bringing the spiritual and material together to create a better life for yourself, your family, and your community, explain Anodea and Lion. At the heart of this work are the energy centers known as the chakras, which offer us a profound formula for wholeness, a template for transformation, and a sacred map for manifestation. Learn how to make use of the top-down flow of energy between chakras—an ancient key to effective change, and a way of aligning our desires with our highest good, as you explore: Chakra Seven: Consciousness Creates—Receive guidance and grace, clarify ideas into intention, and clear limiting beliefsChakra Six: Vision Vitalizes—Imagine possibilities, discover your purpose, and visualize your path to fulfillmentChakra Five: Conversation Catalyzes—Tell your story, refine your mission, and set goals to chart your courseChakra Four: Love Enlivens—Find the right relationships, establish your network, and co-create with beauty and loveChakra Three: Power Produces—Become proactive, strengthen your will, and handle distractions and obstaclesChakra Two: Pleasure Pleases—Ride the river of passion, balance masculine and feminine energies, and attract what you want and needChakra One: Matter Matters—Honor your commitments, inhabit your body, and complete every cycle “When you align your heavenly wisdom with the love in your heart and combine your future vision with your unique skills and abilities,” write Anodea and Lion, “you can begin to drive your vehicle toward your destiny, giving your gifts for the benefit of all beings.” Here is your opportunity to participate in this important work through Creating on Purpose.
What does it mean to live your best life regardless of which phase you're in? Are you Twenty? Thirty? Forty? Fifty? Do you live in America? Africa? The Middle East? Europe? When you understand what your divine purpose is, you tap into a universal flow that aligns you with a magical path to pursue a life filled with wholesome love, deep satisfaction and joy. "LIVING IN THE LIGHT: A Guide To Discovering & Manifesting Your Life Purpose," is written by, Jasmine Clemente, a Gemini woman who understands the nature of duality, and why it's important to identify egoic traits that would otherwise overshadow your light if you remained attached to certain beliefs, traits, habits and ideas that don't serve your highest good.
Manifest Now provides a step-by-step guide with tools, techniques, and proven strategies to raise your frequency and create the reality you want. This book is designed to guide you through the mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of manifesting and creating all that your heart desires. You’ll learn how to start removing mental and emotional blocks so you can rediscover that manifesting is your natural birthright. You’ll feel more confident, reconnected, and powerful as you turn every page. Everything in your life will begin to shift as you begin to realize that you are a conscious creator. What’s Inside? · Release It: 10 powerful techniques you can use on a daily basis to release any mental, physical, or emotional blocks that hinder your manifesting powers. · Think It: 35 powerful thoughts to keep you energized, focused, and excited to manifest. · Affirm It: 100 affirmations that will help you start speaking, feeling, and commanding greatness, abundance, happiness, and financial freedom into your life right now. · Magnetic Money Mindset: Tools that help you discover your purpose, tap into your creative genius, do what you love, and attract financial freedom along the way. Begin your journey and watch magical things unfold in your life.
Do you have a vision and don't know the next step? There are laws that govern the manifestation of all that you see and feel in your spirit. In this book we look at the primary immutable laws of success and fulfillment. Get ready to see your dreams come true
This book connects you with Heaven’s help to fill in the gaps of manifestation teaching. We all think we know what we want, but we don’t know that what we want will actually bring us happiness. This book encourages us to step back from whatever it is we are dreaming about, recheck our priorities, work on potential karmic and past-life blocks we may not have known about, and then move forward with a more open mind that is less prone to attracting disappointment. Once you take more responsibility for your thoughts and energy/emotions, you’ll be able to fine-tune your life and use your God-given power of manifestation to attract benefits rather than obstacles. You’ll learn how to: • Work with Divine Timing and the Power of Prayer with Archangel Sandalphon • Frame Your Desires through Visualization and Affirmations with Archangel Gabriel • Harness the Power of Your Inner Passion with Archangel Nathaniel • Clear Your Fears of Happiness with Archangel Michael • Release Karmic Attachments and Cut Past-Life Cords with Archangel Raziel • Heal from Past Pain with Archangel Raphael
"Manifestation expert Mandy Morris shares eight powerful manifestation secrets based on divine guidance, scientific research, and a decade of work. Mandy will demonstrate how mastering these secrets can change anyone's life, and she'll explain how to remove the mental, emotional, and energetic blocks that stop people from manifesting easily and consistently from a high vibrational state. Learn how to infuse the manifestation process with self-love to help you work through your past, set positive intentions, and create a high vibration for manifestation goals to come true."--Provided by publisher.
Stop dreaming about a better life and start living it!Manifesting You Best Life is going to show you that
Doing Magic is book two of a complete course in becoming creator of your own exceptional life. In these two books, I outline the exact steps which enabled me to move my own life from one of poverty and drudgery, to one of previously unimaginable wealth, love, purpose and joy. 'But Magic? I do hope you are joking!' That's what I would have said, five or ten years ago. I once despised all things 'New-Age', all these spiritual types and their airy-fairy views, their bad science and their irrational beliefs. I read all the great Law of Attraction writers, Wallace Wattles, Anthony Robbins, Rhonda Byrne, Napoleon Hill, Esther Hicks and Wayne Dyer. But no matter how closely I followed their instructions for manifesting love, money or happiness, I couldn't make it work. It was only when I recognised, accepted and finally embraced that what I was doing was actually some kind of Magic that suddenly things began to fall into place. Once I realised that the power came from within me, it was as if the light had suddenly been switched on. I learned how to manifest money and love, but I also learned how to be happy, truly happy. If you're jaded by the whole New-Age idea of The Laws of Attraction, and have become bored by their failure to deliver... these books are for you. It is my intention to lead you by the hand through a marvellous journey of wonder and adventure. Part one of this course, Becoming Magic, laid the groundwork for becoming a magical person, while this second book, Doing Magic, offers concrete techniques and instructions for bringing wonderful things into your life. The plan is to build your knowledge slowly, gradually, building on what has gone before, moving on to more complex techniques only once the basics are mastered. So many people fail with Magic and the Law of Attraction because they rush headlong into using techniques, trying to create enormous manifestations, making very simple but crucial mistakes. When they are disappointed, they imagine they have been duped. The sceptics are right. This is all a load of scammy nonsense. And they give up, declaring it just doesn't work. I am telling you that it does work. And you can make it work. And these books will show you how. My intention is that these books will allow you to become a true creator of your own life, reawakening and rekindling your belief and interest in The Laws of Attraction, Cosmic Ordering, Manifesting Reality or whatever you wish to call it. I prefer simply to call it Magic.
Everyone is manifesting all these things, good and evil. We have done our research and there are many how to publications and video content baiting us and we are hooked. We have a lot of knowledge, so what is it that is missing? I was a fish with a few hooks in my mouth. I was being pulled in, and I didn't want to be unsure about my final destination, so I asked God for wisdom. My heart was not amiss when I prayed and so God granted what I asked for. I wanted the truth even if that meant I had to repent. The Holy Spirit resided with me and told me to write as the mysteries of diverse types of manifesting were being unveiled. Knowledge without the increase of spiritual wisdom is lack of knowledge, a husband without a wife, and a form of godliness that denies the power of God, we need to manifest his good and perfect will in our lives. God's thoughts toward us are always good and not evil. Word of wisdom has searched our hearts and inspired my own heart and hand to call aloud, raising her voice in the public square (Proverbs 1:20). It is her agenda and the assignment of this publication to call all those who are hidden, scattered, and those who are perishing from a lack of knowledge and do not perceive our lack. Many are called, but few are chosen. God chooses those who answer the call. He who has ears, let them hear what the Spirit has to say about Manifesting Magically vs. Manifesting Purpose.