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The underexamined art and science of managing the federal government's huge debt. Everyone talks about the size of the U.S. national debt, now at $13 trillion and climbing, but few talk about how the U.S. Treasury does the borrowing—even though it is one of the world's largest borrowers. Everyone from bond traders to the home-buying public is affected by the Treasury's decisions about whether to borrow short or long term and what types of bonds to sell to investors. What is the best way for the Treasury to finance the government's huge debt? Harvard's Robin Greenwood, Sam Hanson, Joshua Rudolph, and Larry Summers argue that the Treasury could save taxpayers money and help the economy by borrowing more short term and less long term. They also argue that the Treasury and the Federal Reserve made a huge mistake in recent years by rowing in opposite directions: while the Fed was buying long-term bonds to push investors into other assets, the Treasury was doing the opposite—selling investors more long-term bonds. This book includes responses from a variety of public and private sector experts on how the Treasury does its borrowing, some of whom have criticized the way the Treasury has been managing its borrowing.
You asked us to provide an updated analysis and status report on the Department of the Treasury's debt management strategies and actions in a period of budget surplus. In addition to this analysis, we are completing work on your request that we review debt management experiences of selected nations that also have budget surpluses. We plan to issue a report on international experiences and lessons learned later in the year.
Articles, reports, and books on the federal debt and its effects tend to be complex and technical. As a result, the public frequently misunderstands these issues. For example, people often forget that even if Congress and the President agree to balance the annual budget within the next several years, the federal debt will continue to grow until balance is actually achieved. Although declining deficits and, ultimately, balanced budgets could reduce the debt as a share of the economy, the debt will not decline unless there is a budget surplus. This document responds to frequently asked questions about the federal debt, deficits, and interest rates. GAO organizes these questions into three sections: (1) trends in the federal debt, deficits, and interest; (2) sales and ownership of federal debt; and (3) effects of the federal debt. For readers who are interested in more detailed information on these topics, GAO includes a short bibliography.