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Quelles stratégies adopter pour optimiser la communication en entreprise à l'heure du numérique ? Le management est à la croisée des chemins... il ne doit pas se tromper de route ! S’ils sont déjà bien présents, en 2020 les natifs numériques seront majoritaires dans l’entreprise. Il faut tenir compte de cette génération qui est née avec l’informatique, qui a grandi avec et qui vit connectée en permanence. Le travail aussi évolue : crédit-temps, télétravail, aménagement de fin de carrière, coworking, nomadisme professionnel, etc. L’univers professionnel entame une mutation profonde et concrète qui s’amplifie encore avec l’intégration des outils 2.0 dans l’entreprise. Celle-ci entre de plain-pied dans l’ère de l’ultraconnectivité, de l’instantanéité, du savoir accessible en tous lieux et à tous moments... Si les collaborateurs évoluent, si le travail évolue alors le management doit aussi évoluer ! Il doit emboiter le pas à l’évolution de la société, à ce nouveau monde, ainsi que le nomme le philosophe Michel Serres, qui s’installe... L’époque de la gestion statique et directive est révolue, nous sommes entrés dans l’ère d’un management dynamique et participatif, plus moderne, basé sur l’autonomie, le challenge, l’ouverture d’esprit et la motivation née d’une adhésion forte à un projet. Dans ce contexte, la communication est essentielle ! Le manager doit donc inclure une grande part de communication dans l’approche vers ses collaborateurs. Et pourtant, pour beaucoup de managers, la communication reste secondaire alors que, plus que jamais, manager, c’est communiquer ! Un guide pratique offrant de nombreux conseils pour gagner en autonomie et dynamisme grâce aux nouvelles technologies.
Drawing on contributions from the 2018 congress of the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA), this volume explores and analyses challenges around communication, management and big ideas to present findings from current research in corporate communication.
Nous avons tous besoin de plus de multiplicateurs autour de nous. Dans le monde du travail, il existe deux types de leader et deux styles de management radicalement différents. Certains leaders drainent les capacités et l'intelligence de leurs équipes alors que d'autres les amplifient pour produire de meilleurs résultats. Vous avez sûrement déjà croisé ces deux styles de management au travail. Le premier draine l'intelligence, l'énergie et les capacités des personnes qui l'entourent et doit toujours être au centre de l'attention. De l'autre côté se trouvent les leaders qui utilisent leur intelligence pour amplifier l'intelligence et les capacités des personnes qui les entourent. Ce sont les leaders qui incitent les employés à se dépasser pour obtenir des résultats qui dépassent les attentes. Ce sont les multiplicateurs. Augmentez les performances de votre entreprise. Ayant analysé les données de plus de 150 dirigeants, l'experte en leadership Liz Wiseman a identifié cinq disciplines qui distinguent les Multiplicateurs des Diminueurs. Ces cinq disciplines sont des compétences relationnelles, organisationnelles et managériales à portée de tous et peuvent avoir un réel impact sur la rentabilité de l'entreprise. Devenez un Multiplicateur. Apprenez à développer vos compétences afin de devenir un Team Leader inspirant. Attirez les talents, engagez vos collaborateurs et stimulez l'innovation. Ce livre fournit tous les outils vous permettant : • D'identifier concrètement ces deux styles de management et de leadership • De découvrir les cinq compétences à mettre en pratique afin de devenir un leader bienveillant et inspirant • De mettre en place un environnement de travail stimulant et innovant Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un livre sur le leadership ou le développement des compétences tels que L’intelligence émotionnelle de Viola Di Russo ou la série Pourquoi de Simon Sinek, alors Multiplicateurs sera le choix idéal pour votre prochaine lecture.
Meetings allow us to bring people together to inspire each other, solve problems and make a difference. Yet, we all spend too much time in dull, frustrating meetings where little is achieved and even less is followed up on afterwards. In Hold Successful Meetings, executive coach and former Google leader Caterina Kostoula will change all this. Her unique framework will: - Equip you to hold fewer, more purposeful meetings - Create a creative and inclusive environment - Leave participants inspired and ready to take action Whether virtual or in-person, people will leave your meetings inspired by the value you created together and ready to make an impact. 'I bought this for my whole team at Google!' Reader review
This sourcebook is for all who work with others on participatory learning and change. Written in a spirit of critical reflection and serious fun, it provides 21 sets of ideas and options for facilitators, trainers, teachers and presenters, and anyone who organises and manages workshops, courses, classes and other events for sharing and learning ideas. It covers topics such as getting started, seating arrangements, forming groups, managing large numbers, helping each other learn, analysis and feedback, dealing with dominators, evaluation and ending, coping with horrors, and common mistakes.
The first comprehensive and statistically significant analysis of the predictive powers of each cross-cultural model, based on nation-level variables from a range of large-scale database sources such as the World Values Survey, the Pew Research Center, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the UN Statistics Division, UNDP, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, TIMSS, OECD PISA. Tables with scores for all culture-level dimensions in all major cross-cultural analyses (involving 20 countries or more) that have been published so far in academic journals or books. The book will be an invaluable resource to masters and PhD students taking advanced courses in cross-cultural research and analysis in Management, Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, and related programs. It will also be a must-have reference for academics studying cross-cultural dimensions and differences across the social and behavioral sciences.
This book describes the key cybercrime threats facing individuals, businesses, and organizations in our online world. The author first explains malware and its origins; he describes the extensive underground economy and the various attacks that cybercriminals have developed, including malware, spam, and hacking; he offers constructive advice on countermeasures for individuals and organizations; and he discusses the related topics of cyberespionage, cyberwarfare, hacktivism, and anti-malware organizations, and appropriate roles for the state and the media. The author has worked in the security industry for decades, and he brings a wealth of experience and expertise. In particular he offers insights about the human factor, the people involved on both sides and their styles and motivations. He writes in an accessible, often humorous way about real-world cases in industry, and his collaborations with police and government agencies worldwide, and the text features interviews with leading industry experts. The book is important reading for all professionals engaged with securing information, people, and enterprises. It’s also a valuable introduction for the general reader who wants to learn about cybersecurity.
A Frequency Dictionary of French is an invaluable tool for all learners of French, providing a list of the 5000 most frequently used words in the language. Based on a 23-million-word corpus of French which includes written and spoken material both from France and overseas, this dictionary provides the user with detailed information for each of the 5000 entries, including English equivalents, a sample sentence, its English translation, usage statistics, and an indication of register variation. Users can access the top 5000 words either through the main frequency listing or through an alphabetical index. Throughout the frequency listing there are thematically-organized lists of the top words from a variety of key topics such as sports, weather, clothing, and family terms. An engaging and highly useful resource, the Frequency Dictionary of French will enable students of all levels to get the most out of their study of French vocabulary. Former CD content is now available to access at as support material. Designed for use by corpus and computational linguists it provides the full text in a format that researchers can process and turn into suitable lists for their own research work. Deryle Lonsdale is Associate Professor in the Linguistics and English Language Department at Brigham Young University (Provo, Utah). Yvon Le Bras is Associate Professor of French and Department Chair of the French and Italian Department at Brigham Young University (Provo, Utah).