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This beautiful tradepaper graphic novel tells the story of one man taking on an empire, calling for truth, peace, and justice for his Tibetan people. Here, in full color for the first time, people can come to know the whole drama of his lifelong struggle. Since the age of 15, the Dalai Lama has defended his people against one of the last great empires, the People’s Republic of China. Under its "dictatorship of the proletariat," China began to invade Tibet in 1950, decimating and then continually oppressing its people. Since colonialism cannot be practiced in our era of self-determined nations, China always maintains that the Tibetans are a type of Chinese, using propaganda and military power to crush Tibet’s unique culture and identity. Yet the Dalai Lama resists by using only the weapon of truth—along with resolute nonviolence—even worrying some of his own people by seeking dialogue and reconciliation based on his more realistic vision. The great 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet has become the first global Dalai Lama, a prominent transnational leader of all who want to make the dramatic changes actually necessary for life on earth to thrive for centuries to come. Considered the incarnation of the Buddhist savior Chenrezig or Avalokiteshvara—archangel of universal compassion—he is believed to appear in many forms, at many different times, whenever and wherever beings suffer. Representing the plight of his beloved Tibetan people to the world, he has also engaged with all people who suffer oppression and injustice, as recognized in 1989 by his being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Most importantly, the Dalai Lama walks his talk throughout these pages, as he has throughout his life, and he radiates a powerful hope that we can and will prevail.Man of Peace presents the inside story of his amazing life and vision, in the high tension of the military occupation of Tibet and the ongoing genocide of its people—a moving work of political and historical nonfiction brought to life in the graphic novel form—here for all to see.
This book analyzes Leo Strauss's writings on political violence, considering also what he taught in the classroom on this subject.
It is hard to deny that todayÆs world can seem apathetic toward Christians. Some may look down at their iPhones when we mention God, motion for the check when we bring up church, or casually change the subject when we talk about prayer. In a world full of people whose indifference is greater than their desire to know Christ, how can we dream of growing the church? In Contagious Disciple Making, David Watson and Paul Watson map out a simple method that has sparked an explosion of homegrown churches in the United States and around the world. A companion to Cityteam's two previous books, Miraculous Movements and The Father Glorified, Contagious Disciple Making details the method used by Cityteam disciple-makers. This distinctive process focuses on equipping spiritual leaders in communities where churches are planted. Unlike many evangelism and church-growth products that focus on quick results, contagious disciple-making takes time to cultivate spiritual leadership, resulting in lasting disciple-making movements. Through Contagious Disciple Making readers will come to understand that a strong and equipped leader will continue to grow the church long after church planters move on to the next church. Features include: Engagement tools for use in the field Practical techniques to equip others to make disciples
A biography of the minister, orator, and crusader for equal civil rights who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.
This close look at what the Lord is doing to spread the gospel highlights the key scriptural principles that help Christians reach out in love to share the gospel in their own community.
Biography of the Civil Rights leader whose non-violent protests helped to ease racial discrimination in America.
Biografie van de president van Sinn Fein, de politieke vleugel van de IRA.
Jeff Hobbs tells the story of Robert DeShaun Peace, who went from a New Jersey ghetto to Yale but never truly escaped his past.
A Man of Peace Goes to War is just that: a compilation of the very stories Mr. Storey has carried with him for over seventy-five years, shared with thousands of people through writing and oral interviews, and repeated again to me. In order to help "fill in the gaps" between his stories, I have included sections of a piece titled The History of Company C, 10th Infantry U.S. Inf. Fifth Division, in the Battle of Europe. Lieutenant Robert Dunn worked closely with Mr. Storey and several other members of the company shortly after the war to compile and write The History of Company C. This piece tells the complete history of Mr. Storey's company during the war and gives a thorough overview of the locations and dates that correspond with Mr. Storey's retellings. The History of Company C was never published, and only used as a reference between the veterans of Company C after the war.