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A drought-ridden region. A mighty emperor. A humble village woman. From the author of Intrepid Dudettes of the Inca Empire comes a retelling of the fascinating Inca legend of Mama Chira, passed down from generation to generation in southern Peru. Adapted for adults from Inca-tastic Tales.
„Chira Chiralina e prima mea operă şi-mi rămâne scumpă între toate... Şi poate că azi plângem amândoi pe ruinele unor năzuinţi cari ne-au fost deopotrivă de scumpe...“ (Panait ISTRATI) Tragică, romantică, exotică, fermecătoare, plină de aventuri şi de pasiuni interzise, împletind viciul şi virtutea, abjecţia şi nobleţea, Chira Chiralina este una dintre cele mai tulburătoare scrieri din literatura română şi o neobosită pledoarie pentru libertate. Tânăra Chira, ademenitoare şi naivă, îndrăzneaţă şi nesăbuită, îşi duce zilele alături de mama ei în petreceri şi răsfăţ. Seară de seară, cu o nepăsare sporită parcă de apăsarea sorţii, fata îşi primeşte oaspeţii într-un cadru sufocat de erotism, devenind, cu voie ori fără voie, idealul amăgitor al fratelui ei mai mic, Dragomir. Când, asemenea oricărei iluzii, Chira îi scapă tânărului printre degete, acesta porneşte pe urmele ei prin lumea cea mare, într-o călătorie care-i perverteşte sufletul şi-i îngenunchează spiritul. Odiseea levantină a căutării surorii iubite zugrăveşte un preţios tablou al Orientului la mijloc de secol XIX şi oferă impresionante lecţii de viaţă. La capătul drumului, hoinarul Dragomir, înţelepţit, îşi transpune experienţa pribegiei într-o poveste de o frumuseţe răscolitoare. Scutite de grijile gospodăriei, cele două femei îşi petreceau vremea cu odihna, cu baia, cu toaleta, cu siropurile, cu mâncarea, cu narghilelele şi cu primirea curtezanilor. Nu uitau nici rugăciunile, dar nu se duceau niciodată la biserică, iar timpul sacrificat lui Dumnezeu era foarte scurt... Şi, desigur, mama era mulţumită de ceea ce Dumnezeu voia ca ea să facă, fiindcă el nu vrea lucruri silnice. El voia, mai întâi, ca mama şi fiica să stea în pat dimineaţa, cât le-o plăcea – loc potrivit pentru a ronţăi pesmeţi cu unt şi miere şi pentru a bea cafeaua cu lapte. Dumnezeu le poruncea apoi să se îmbăieze şi să-şi ungă corpul cu elixir de smirnă, să-şi înfrăgezeze obrajii cu abur de lapte fierbând la foc mic; să-şi facă părul lucios cu unt de migdale parfumat cu mosc; să-şi lustruiască unghiile cu o pensulă înmuiată în esenţă de anilină de acaju. Era apoi o întreagă daraveră cu toaleta genelor, sprâncenelor, buzelor şi obrajilor. Şi când totul era gata, urmau dejunul, fumatul şi siesta. Se trezeau când soarele era la chindie, pentru a arde aromate, pentru a bea siropuri şi în sfârşit pentru a începe marea dandana a zilei: cântecele, danţurile, cheful care ţinea până la miezul nopţii.
'Your ambition, Chira, don't let it die. Don't give up no matter the obstacles. I'll be happy wherever I am to know that you made it.' These are Chira's father's words to her from his hospital bed. Chira is the main character in THE FOURTH WORLD. She is an intelligent, hardworking, and soft-hearted young woman whose ambition is to rise above her deprived background by acquiring a good education. Her father's sudden death truncates Chira's education before she finishes secondary school and places on her young shoulders the heavy burden of having to look after her ailing mother who will no longer do anything for herself. Chira is dispossessed of the family land that could have funded her education, and her request for a loan from her best friend's father is turned down.With her ambition temporarily tucked away, Chira finds a job. Her salary is meagre but she must somehow stretch it to support the household and pay for her mother's medical treatment and inconsiderate demands. As Chira and her mother are about to be thrown out of their shanty for non-payment of rent, a possible saviour arrives in the shape of Maks, a wealthy but shadowy businessman. He covers the family debts and proposes marriage. Chira is torn between marrying this strange, possessive man and holding on to her dream - to continue her education and make something of herself, a pursuit she is sure this marriage will deny her.Chira's eternal desire to be educated and self-reliant, her humiliating encounters with the wealthy people that cross her path, the disturbing traits she discovers in Maks, and his inexplicable behaviour the first time she visits him - all combine to make her seriously question the wisdom of marrying him. She finally makes a decision. Tragedy strikes again and a door opens. Will this door lead her to the fulfilment of her ambition or to more tragedies?
The HIV/AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa has been addressed and perceived predominantly through the broad perspectives of social and economic theories as well as public health and development discourses. This volume however, focuses on the micro-politics of illness, treatment and death in order to offer innovative insights into the complex processes that shape individual and community responses to AIDS. The contributions describe the dilemmas that families, communities and health professionals face and shed new light on the transformation of social and moral orders in African societies, which have been increasingly marginalised in the context of global modernity.
Two kids find themselves trapped on a mountain when a flood suddenly covers their village. All alone with no food, they cry themselves to sleep every night until feasts begin to magically appear out of nowhere each evening. Who are the mysterious helpers who provide all this food? Read on to discover the secret in this super cute tale, adapted from an Indigenous legend. Taken from Jungle-Tastic Tales (out autumn 2022), an adventure through thousands of years of Amazonian history. For ages 8 and over.
The book discusses this long-standing relationship from a historical point of view, which in the past has been sometimes indifferent, sometimes fruitful and sometimes full of conflict. The relationship continues well into the present. While Christian fundamentalists attack evolution and related palaeontological findings as well as the geological evidence of the age of the Earth, mainstream theologians strive for a fruitful dialogue between science and religion. Much of what is written and discussed today can only be understood, when the historical perspective is added. This book considers the following topics: the development of geology from mythological approaches towards the European Enlightenment, Biblical or Geological Flood and the age of the Earth, geology within 'religious' organizations, biographical case studies of geological clerics and religious geologists, religion and evolution, historical aspects of creationism and its motives.
"I would recommend it to young readers and anyone else that wants to read tales about Incas. Children also get to find out what their Inca name is and this absolutely fascinated my children!" "This book really brings Inca history to life for kids!" "engaging and entertaining" Join the goddess Pachamama and the rainbow Cuychi on an epic journey through Inca-tastic history! You'll get to meet gods, goddesses, a magician, queens, kings, princes, princesses, kidnappers, warriors, conquerors, treasure hunters, explorers, heroes and 2 volcanoes who are in love. Buckle your seat belt and come along on this cultural and educational adventure in South America! 12 well-researched Inca-tastic stories to share with your kids! 8 beautiful legends and 4 narratives based on historical accounts9 well-loved stories adapted for children from narratives in 'Intrepid Dudettes of the Inca Empire' and 3 brand-new tales! Includes the brand new Bonus Section: Colouring Pages! For ages 8 to 80.
Hey, kids! For the first time ever, Jungle-tastic Tales and Inca-tastic Tales are coming together in one epic book. If you're aged 8 or over, this book is for you! // Jungle-tastic Tales is a collection of 13 short stories plus 3 chapters on archaeology that take the reader through thousands of years of Amazonian history, from the Ice Age to the present age. A legendary snake will guide you through with wit and cheek. It has a wide variety of themes, such as history, culture, nature, mythology, photography and even football. // Inca-tastic Tales is a cultural and educational adventure in South America. Twelve well-researched Inca-tastic stories make up this unique book, crammed with queens, kings, legends, volcanoes, warriors, priestesses and more! There are 9 well-loved stories adapted for children from narratives in 'Intrepid Dudettes of the Inca Empire' and 3 brand-new tales.
This book offers a comprehensive description of Kukama-Kukamiria, spoken by about 1000 elders in the Peruvian Amazon. The empirical basis for the grammar is fifteen years of fieldwork, including text data from 36 fluent speakers. Seventeen chapters deal with phonology, morphology, syntax and discourse phenomena. Salient typological features include a robust morphological distinction between male and female speech; the expression of TAM categories via fixed clitics; the encoding of three-place predicates by means of transitive clauses; six directive constructions that distinguish degrees of pragmatic force; and multiple types of purpose clauses that differ in terms of coreference control. This grammar also shows the Tupí-Guarani origin of an important number of Kukama-Kukamiria grammatical structures and advances comparative studies in the region.