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Much has changed in warfare in recent years, with America now dominant on the international scene and terrorism the new enemy. In light of these changes, the need for moral grounding in military actions is a more pressing concern than ever. When it was originally published, Moral Issues in Military Decision Making reflected the concerns posed by nuclear stalemate and the lessons of Vietnam. In that highly-praised work. Anthony Hartle outlined the essential elements of the Professional Military Ethic created for American military forces. In this new edition, he reexamines the moral foundations for America's military leadership in the post-9/11 era. Considering world affairs since the first edition - the Gulf War, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq, 9/11, and the emergence of the United States as an unrivaled military power - Hartle explains how these events have raised ethical issues that differ dramatically from those of the Cold War. by the war on terrorism, homeland defense, asymmetric warfare, the proliferation of American military interventions, and the UN's role in peacekeeping operations. Using meticulously analyzed case studies - twice as many as in the first edition - he considers such moral dilemmas as torture, challenging superior officers, use of overwhelming force, and responding to fire in the presence of civilian shields. In this revision, Hartle examines further the status of professional military ethics in light of current affairs, changes in the articulation of military values, and recent research. In a new chapter on human rights, he relates moral principles directly to values embedded in the Constitution and argues that overwhelming American military power cannot succeed unless it is accompanied by the moral force of the values it seeks to protect. difficulties of applying conventional laws of war and human rights doctrine in military operations. Hartle convincingly shows that national security is as much about the preservation of moral principles as it is about the protection of America's citizens and borders. His book demonstrates that the American military must continue to observe those principles in order to be effective in its primary mission.
This book offers a critical analysis, both theoretical and practical, of ethics education in the military. In the twenty-first century, it has become increasingly important to ensure that the armed forces of Western and other democracies fight justly and behave ethically. The ‘good soldier’ has to be not only professionally skilled but morally intelligent. At a time of relentless media scrutiny, the publicising of incidents of morally and legally unacceptable behaviour, such as the gross mistreatment of prisoners and the torture of suspected terrorists, can do much to undermine the credibility of those who claim to hold the moral high ground in any particular conflict. Written by an international team of academic theorists and military practitioners, this volume provides inter-disciplinary insights into the present state, and the future, of ethics education in the militaries of Western democracies. The contributors critically address the central question of whether such education is sufficient to prepare members of the armed forces to face the peculiar challenges of conflict environments that are now primarily ‘wars among the people’, in which the opposing combatants may have little or no regard for human life and fail to discriminate between soldiers and civilians when choosing their targets. Drawing lessons from recent examples of unethical conduct, this original book offers insightful and constructive advice, both theoretical and practical, as to how situations can be improved and on the means that could and should be employed towards this end. This book will be of much interest to students of military studies, ethics and international relations.
Many people believe that the violent and disruptive nature of war makes a military ethic impossible. The authors of this book, originally published in 1986 however, develop an ethical system that aims to control the military monster at least to some degree, rather than one that preaches to it idealistically – with little or no effect. Military ethics, they believe, must be an ethics for peacetime as well as an ethics for war, an ethics for soldiers in the field as well as an ethics for political leaders, and their book is designed to meet these needs. It presents a practical, utilitarian approach: an ethics of what is possible rather than what is ideal, drawing on real military experience and different from any other work previously published. The authors argue that both the pacifists, who claim that the horrible and ungovernable nature of war makes it morally wrong, and the realists, who believe that wars must be fought, but fought without moral scruple, are mistaken. They show that careful attention to the actual circumstances in which individual combatants function and the social institutions shaping their action allows genuine moral constraint. With its emphasis on real problems, Military Ethics will be of practical help to policy makers and military personnel at all levels, as well as being of great interest to students of applied philosophy and ethics.
Military professionals need to have a clear and working knowledge of the ethical decision-making process that underpin their profession in order to evaluate situations quickly. This volume identifies 14 key virtues and through introductory essays and real world examples, provides guidance for service personnel at every stage of their career.
This book debates competing approaches to ethical decision-making for members of the armed forces of liberal democratic states. In this volume, four prominent thinkers propose and debate competing approaches to ethical decision-making for military personnel. Deane-Peter Baker presents and expounds the ‘Ethical Triangulation’ model, an ethical decision-making method he has employed through much of his career as an applied military ethicist. Rufus Black advocates for a natural law-based approach, one which has heavily influenced the framework formally adopted by the Australian Defence Force. Roger Herbert outlines the ‘Moral Deliberation Roadmap’, the moral reasoning framework recently adopted by the US Naval Academy. Iain King then sets out a model of quasi-utilitarian decision-making developed in several post-conflict settings and refined at the UK’s Royal College of Defence Studies. After the opening chapters in which each author outlines their favoured decision-making approach, the four contributors then evaluate each other’s proposals, often critically. Philosopher David Whetham offers some concluding thoughts in which he summarizes areas of agreement between the authors, identifies key areas of difference, and suggests directions for future research. This book will be of great interest to students of military ethics, the ethics of war, moral philosophy, and International Relations, as well as military professionals.
This impressive report is a study of the literature on military professionalism and military ethics. It suggests that by developing and inculcating a recognized and well-defined Professional Military Ethic in all of the military services and at all rank levels, the modern American armed forces will gain common understandings of the nature of the Professional Military Ethic and apply it to actions in both peace and war.The literature suggests a hierarchy of values, or, at the least, certain virtues are more often discussed than others in the field of professional military ethics. Those virtues are selfless-service, sacrifice, honor, loyalty and integrity. Leadership is also recognized by military authors as more than a practice, or talent, but as raised to the level of an ethical imperative for the officer corps. Other common virtues are duty, courage, commitment, country, honesty, and competence. This thesis provides an in-depth discussion of these values, and demonstrates how they apply to modern American armed forces.The morality of war involves many important questions-when to kill, whom to kill, what level of force to employ, when to protect prisoners, when to act as peacekeepers or police in the changing face of warfare, when to stop genocide or oppression. These questions are faced, and answered, by members of a professional military on a regular basis, even in so-called peacetime operations. One would hope that people who have spent years developing a sense of morality and an ability to make ethical choices only make such decisions following careful consideration. But in the military, and especially in times of war, all levels of personnel make those important decisions every day, including soldiers who have not spent years developing a sense of morality. What do they use as their guiding principles? What definitions of morality are in place within the military?Military sociologists and other academics have studied the military under a number of different lights, attempting to define the military in terms of a legal basis for operation, political power, or as a reflection of the society it serves. All three are valid viewpoints for studying the military, but the main idea of this thesis is that the soldiers of the armed forces of the United States must have a more encompassing means of making their daily decisions, in peace and in combat. Those decisions should be based on society's recognition of the military as a professional body, and the military's own understanding and application of a Professional Military Ethic.Why discuss the idea of ethics and morality within the military? No one would argue against the proposition that the mission of the United States military is to defend the nation and its interests and visit violence upon those who threaten its security. Most people would also agree that the military serves the people of America and is a tool to be used by the President and elected political officials. If the role of a soldier, sailor, marine or airman (for the purposes of this thesis, hereafter referred to as "soldier") is simple obedience, what does it matter what his or her individual value system is? The United States military was founded on the western traditions of service to the state and the noble, chivalrous ethos of the warrior. Does such an ethic still have a place in modern warfare?
In this Brookings Essay titled “The Citizen-Soldier,” National Book Award winner, and U.S. Marine Corps veteran, Phil Klay sheds light on the tension and relationship between veterans and society. Klay is an established author and has previously received noteworthy praise for his book, Redeployment. In his first non-fiction work with Brookings, Klay valiantly explores the moral dimensions of veterans, their purpose in war, and their reintegration into the civilian world. The Brookings Essay: In the spirit of its commitment to high-quality, independent research, the Brookings Institution has commissioned works on major topics of public policy by distinguished authors, including Brookings scholars. The Brookings Essay is a multi-platform product aimed to engage readers in open dialogue and debate. The views expressed, however, are solely those of the author. Available in ebook only.
Responding to increasing global anxiety over the ethics education of military personnel, this volume illustrates the depth, rigour and critical acuity of Professional Military Ethics Education (PMEE) with contributions by distinguished ethical theorists. It refreshes our thinking about the axioms of just war orthodoxy, the intellectual and political history of just war theorizing, and the justice of recent military doctrines and ventures. The volume also explores a neglected moral dimension of warfare, jus ante bellum (the ethics of pre-war practices) – particularly jus in disciplina bellica (the ethics of educating for warfare). Using metaphor to exemplify the professionalization of the military, the book exposes ambivalences within military professionals' concepts of their professional responsibilities, analyzes issues of self-respect posed by service in an unjust cause, and surveys the deep conflicts inherent in PMEE. While primarily focused on US military academies, the volume will resonate with those responsible for education in military academies across the globe.
This edited collection will expand upon and refine the ideas on the role of ethics and the profession in the 21st century. The authors delve into whether Samuel Huntington and Morris Janowitz still ring true in the 21st century; whether training and continuing education play a role in defining a profession; and if there is a universal code of ethics required for the military as a profession. Redefining the Modern Military is unique in how it treats the subject of ethics and the military profession, as well as the types of writers it brings on board to address this topic. The book puts a significant emphasis on individual agency for military professionalism as opposed to broad organizational or cultural change. Such a review of these topics is necessary because the process of serious, intellectual self-reflection is a requirement--especially in a profession that involves life and death of people and nations.