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The Holy Bible of Adhyatma-Yoga-Dharma, God's Eternal Universal Religion, as given to Humanity by The One Universal God through Maitreya Adhyatma Bhagavan The Friend of All Souls for the Salvation and Liberation of all Souls and to secure the continued survival of Humanity.
Saint Germain shows that miracles are nothing more than the natural outgrowth of the practice of spiritual alchemy. In this greatest of all self-help books, Saint Germain describes the principles of alchemy and how they can be used to effect spiritual, mental, emotional and physical transformation.
Western scholarship has hitherto described the assimilation of Buddhism in Korea in terms of the importation of Sino-Indian and Chinese intellectual schools. This has led to an overemphasis on the scholastic understanding of Buddhism and overlooked evidence of the way Buddhism was practiced "on the ground." Domesticating the Dharma provides a much-needed corrective to this view by presenting for the first time a descriptive analysis of the cultic practices that defined and shaped the way Buddhists in Silla Korea understood their religion from the sixth to tenth centuries. Critiquing the conventional two-tiered model of "elite" versus "popular" religion, Richard McBride demonstrates how the eminent monks, royalty, and hereditary aristocrats of Silla were the primary proponents of Buddhist cults and that rich and diverse practices spread to the common people because of their influence. Drawing on Buddhist hagiography, traditional narratives, historical anecdotes, and epigraphy, McBride describes the seminal role of the worship of Buddhist deities—in particular the Buddha Úâkyamuni, the future buddha Maitreya, and the bodhisattva Avalokiteúvara—in the domestication of the religion on the Korean peninsula and the use of imagery from the Maitreya cult to create a symbiosis between the native religious observances of Silla and those being imported from the Chinese cultural sphere. He shows how in turn Buddhist imagery transformed Silla intellectually, geographically, and spatially to represent a Buddha land and sacred locations detailed in the Avataṃsaka Sûtra (Huayan jing/Hwaŏm kyŏng). Emphasizing the importance of the interconnected vision of the universe described in the Avataṃsaka Sûtra, McBride depicts the synthesis of Buddhist cults and cultic practices that flourished in Silla Korea with the practice-oriented Hwaŏm tradition from the eight to tenth centuries and its subsequent rise to a uniquely Korean cult of the Divine Assembly described in scripture.
This book analyses a group of Buddhist sculptures from ancient Southeast Asia, putting them into their historical, religious, and artistic context and then traces their relationship with art from India and elsewhere in Southeast Asia.
This book analyses a group of Buddhist sculptures from ancient Southeast Asia, putting them into their historical, religious, and artistic context and then traces their relationship with art from India and elsewhere in Southeast Asia.
The publication tells about the activities of the community “Revival”, Bakshi Galina Muzaeva and her disciples.The contents of the book are records of contacts made with messengers of the Lord of the Universe, Kegshin Tsagan Aawa. In addition to the amazing information about the Cosmos transmitted to the Earth, the way of understanding the secrets of the universe is revealed, and the performance of responsible tasks in order to strengthen ties with Higher Forces is described.Projects, drawings and diagrams obtained during communication sessions with the space forces over a number of years are presented. These landmarks helped us achieve our goal in many ways.Издание повествует о деятельности общины «Возрождение», Бакши Галины Музаевой и ее учеников.Содержание книги – записи контактов, установленных с посланцами Властелина Вселенной Кегшин Цаган Аавы. Кроме удивительной информации о Космосе, переданной на Землю, раскрыт путь постижения тайн мироздания, описано выполнение ответственных заданий с целью укрепления связей с Высшими Силами.Представлены проекты, рисунки и схемы, полученные во время сеансов связи с космическими силами на протяжении ряда лет. Эти ориентиры-указатели во многом помогли достичь поставленной цели.Данное издание – еще одно яркое доказательство малопознанных резервов и возможностей, таящихся в человеке. Изложенная «фактура» заставляет задуматься над судьбой землянина и его «обители», посмотреть на себя со стороны как на детище Космоса.Книга рассчитана не только на массового читателя, но и адресована ученым разных специальностей, интересующимся необычными, невероятными явлениями и исследующим их.В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.
This is a new release of the original 1942 edition.