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When Emily’s mother decides to marry, her fiancé says that twenty year old Emily needs to find a new place to live before the wedding. Emily has always been exceedingly shy and has no idea what to do. She runs across an advertisement for mail order brides and responds, hoping to find a good situation. Benjamin lost the love of his life just months before. He and his girls need a new mama in their house. Will Emily be the mama they need?
When Clara's husband dies and leaves her with two children and a farm she can't run on her own, the bank evicts her small family, and she needs to find a new home fast. She answers an advertisement to be a mail order bride, hoping that the agency will find a place where she can not only be useful, but her children can be loved. Recently widowed Montana rancher, Albert, can't raise his children alone, but won't risk loving another woman. Albert is convinced that he'll never love another woman like his deceased wife. When Clara shows up with two children, he's certain he's made a mistake by taking another woman into his home. Can Clara convince him that together they can be a happy family?
Mary Brown is forced to start over in Beckham, Massachusetts, when the love of her life is killed out West. She has no desire to be in the town where they grew up together and memories of him will flood through her at every turn. After five years as a cook, her employer suggests she become a mail order bride to a man who has no desire to find love…only a life partner. Unsure if she's making a mistake, she sends a letter in reply to the ad, unsure if she'll be able to handle marriage to a stranger after expecting a life of love. William Jones has always known he'd marry his love, but when her father insists he goes West to make his fortune before they can marry, he reluctantly agrees. After all, he wants his love to get everything she ever wants in life. When he finds out Mary has died after a tragic illness, he gets his farm ready, but he can't go through his entire life without love. He sends for a mail order bride, getting the biggest shock of his life. Will he ever be able to trust his bride? Or will he spend the rest of his life regretting his decision to marry?
Mabel Brida loves her job working as a cook for a family of means in Beckham, Massachusetts. What she doesn’t love is her employer chasing her around town, trying to catch her alone so he can make improper advances. When Bernard Tandy spots her being backed into a corner by her employer, he takes her home to his wife, hoping Elizabeth can find her a better life out west as a mail-order bride. Walter Caldwell lost his wife just days after his third daughter was born, and though he loved her dearly, he knows he needs to remarry, if only so his children can once again eat decent meals and wear clothing that fits. When he sends off for a mail-order bride, he’s not expecting much. How could a woman who was pretty and capable be available to be a mail-order bride? When Mabel and Walter marry, neither has any real expectations of the other, but they find that both of them are willing to work hard for their family. But will a mutual love of the children be enough? Or will they spend their lives in a loveless marriage?
Merry Winters wants something more out of life, but she feels beholden to her sister and brother-in-law, who have given her a home for the past four years. When a fire takes their lives, and leads her with their two young children to raise, she agrees to move to Montana to be a mail order bride as long as she can keep running her business. Clyde Bellman has a plan for his life, and he’s at the point where that plan calls for a wife. He sends a letter to a matchmaker in Massachusetts hoping for a strong, independent bride. When Merry arrives with two young children in tow, he knows he needs to be the best uncle the two children have ever seen. Can he help his new bride to overcome her sadness and become a good wife? Or will he spend the rest of his life hoping for love that will never come?
When Rose Henderson steps off the train at the Harrisville Depot, she is confident that she can make a new start as a hatmaker and create a home for herself as far away from her father and his plans for her as possible. But when she meets the man who has promised to marry her, she suddenly finds her plans beginning to unravel. With barely any money to her name and an unstable future ahead of her, will Rose be able to find a place for herself in Harrisville, or will she have to succumb to her father’s will instead? Harl Adams is a self-proclaimed bachelor, content to live on his family’s apple orchard and take care of his mother and the farm. Harl’s past as a soldier in the Civil War still haunts him, keeping him from any possible future with a wife and children. But when he meets Rose Henderson, Harl sees things quite differently. Rose is unlike any woman he has ever met before, and she challenges him to see things in a whole new way. Unfortunately, Rose has come to Harrisville to marry someone else, and Rose does not share the same faith that Harl does. With a past chasing at her heels and an unsure future in front of her, what choice will Rose make?
Critics describe these books as a very sweet invigorating set of books which are heart-warming, full of love, mystery, hope, and the true meaning of friendship. Includes 4 series starter books (Faith Creek Brides #1, Sun River Brides #1, Silver River Brides #1, Ruby Springs Brides #1)
Isabelle Landry is beautiful, wealthy and courted within the highest echelons of Massachusetts' society. But every man her Mama thinks a suitable match, she finds dull and often repulsive. She longs for a simpler life, one where her worth has nothing to do with her annual income, or her vast inheritance. A new friend gives her the confidence to follow her own path, and she answers an advertisement, praying it might change her life forever. John Kimball has become a lone wolf. Strong and quiet, he drives the Stage coach, delivers the mail and keeps himself to himself. But even a lone wolf needs a mate. A chance encounter makes him realise that his life isn't as good as he has led himself to believe, and putting past heartache behind him he decides to take on the challenge of becoming the new Sheriff of Faith Creek. As he faces his first challenges in keeping the town free from a gang of vicious bandits he also hopes to find love.
Widowed midwife Patsy Lawrence spent too much time working and not enough with her young daughter. She felt like life was passing her by, and she knew Emily's childhood would be over before she realized it. So she took matters into her own hands and responded to a letter for a mail order bride, hoping for a better future for herself and her daughter. Dr. Wesley Hardy was happy with his frontier existence, but he needed a wife to complete him, so he sent a letter to a mail bride agency back East, hoping to find someone compatible. The idea of having a wife who would cook all his meals and keep his home and clothes in order made him happy. When he received a letter from a widow with a young daughter, he was thrilled with everything but her profession. Could he live with the fact that his new bride was a midwife? Or would they be destined to live without love for the rest of their days?