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After the publication of Yatharth Geeta, which is a commentary on "Srimad Bhagavad Gita", the devotees requested the revered Swami Ji to throw light on Patanjali's Yog Darshan too because yog is related with self - realisation. It cannot be perceived on material grounds. The revered Maharaj Shree is a Mahapurush who has passed through all the stages of Yog. The present work is the collection of what Maharaj Shree delivered in his preaching. Patañjali divided his Yoga Sutras into four chapters or books (Sanskrit pada), containing in all 196 aphorisms, divided as follows: Samadhi Pada (51 sutras). Samadhi refers to a blissful state where the yogi is absorbed into the One. Samadhi is the main technique the yogin learns by which to dive into the depths of the mind to achieve Kaivalya. The author describes yoga and then the nature and the means to attaining samādhi. This chapter contains the famous definitional verse: "Yogaś citta-vritti-nirodhaḥ" ("Yoga is the restraint of mental modifications").] Sadhana Pada (55 sutras). Sadhana is the Sanskrit word for "practice" or "discipline". Here the author outlines two forms of Yoga: Kriya Yoga (Action Yoga) and Ashtanga Yoga (Eightfold or Eightlimbed Yoga). Kriya Yoga is closely related to Karma Yoga, which is also expounded in Chapter 3 of the Bhagavad Gita, where Arjuna is encouraged by Krishna to act without attachment to the results or fruit of action and activity. It is the yoga of selfless action and service. Aṣṭāṅga Yoga describes the eight limbs that together constitute Rāja Yoga. Vibhuti Pada (56 sutras). Vibhuti is the Sanskrit word for "power" or "manifestation". 'Supra-normal powers' (Sanskrit: siddhi) are acquired by the practice of yoga. Combined simultaneous practice of Dhāraṇā, Dhyana and Samādhi is referred to as Samyama, and is considered a tool of achieving various perfections, or Siddhis. The temptation of these powers should be avoided and the attention should be fixed only on liberation. The purpose of using samadhi is not to gain siddhis but to achieve Kaivalya. Siddhis are but distractions from Kaivalaya and are to be discouraged. Siddhis are but maya, or illusion. Kaivalya Pada (34 sutras). Kaivalya literally means "isolation", but as used in the Sutras stands for emancipation or liberation and is used interchangeably with moksha (liberation), which is the goal of yoga. The Kaivalya Pada describes the process of liberation and the reality of the transcendental ego. By going through this commentary one can understand what Yog is but the real perception of Yog is possible only after practical pursuit of Yogic - Sadhana. With Tap, Swadhyaya, Ishwar - Pranidhan and chanting of Om, the real Sadhana starts. By their practice, the Avidhya and Kleshas got removed and the self starts transmitting beneficial vistas. In their light alone the Yogic - maxims written by Maharishi Patanjali can be truly comprehended. Yog is direct perception, no oral or written words can explain it. Practical pursuits alone can make the comprehension of Yog - Darshan possible.
महर्षि पतञ्जलि योग दर्शन - (महाराजश्री की स्वानुभूत व्याख्या) योगदर्शन की इस टीका से, योग क्या है ? इतना तो समझ में आ सकता है किन्तु योग की स्थितियाँ साधना में प्रवृत होने के पश्चात् ही समझ में आती हैं | तप, स्वाध्याय, ईश्वर – प्रणिधान और ओम् के जप से आरम्भ हो जाती हैं जिससे अविधादि क्लेशों के क्षीण होने पर द्रष्टा आत्मा जागृत होकर कल्याणकारी दृश्य प्रसारित करने लगता है | उसी के आलोक में चलकर समझा जा सकता है कि महर्षि पतञ्जलिकृत योगसूत्रों का अभिप्राय क्या है ? योग प्रत्यक्ष दर्शन है, यह लिखने या कहने से नहीं आता | क्रियात्मक चलकर ही साधक समझ पाता है कि जो कुछ महर्षि ने लिखा है उसका वास्तविक आशय क्या है | ध्यान - एक परमात्मा के चिन्तन में, नाम और रूप में, वृत्ति का एक तार चलना, क्रम न टूटना ध्यान है। योगसाधना के आठ अंग हैं- यम, नियम, आसन, प्राणायाम, प्रत्याहार, धारणा, ध्यान और समाधि। इनमें ध्यान सातवें स्थान पर है। ध्यान साधना के परिणाम के समीप है, साधना का आरम्भ नहीं। प्राणायाम - वृत्ति के दो विषय होते हैं- बाह्य और अभ्यंतर। बाह्य वृत्ति वह है जो संसार का विश्लेषण व चिन्तन करती है। अभ्यंतर योग साधना का विश्लेषण व चिन्तन करती है। इनदोनों के प्रवाह का रुक जाना प्राणायाम है। कुण्डलिनी - अनादि योग शास्त्र ‘गीता’ तथा महर्षि पतञ्जलि प्रणीत योग-दर्शन में कुण्डलिनी का उल्लेख नहीं है। यह परवर्ती महात्माओं द्वारा योग को समझाने के लिए भाषा-भेद से प्रयुक्त एक शब्द है जो काल-क्रम में रहस्यात्मक बनता गया। वस्तुतः अधोमुखी वृत्तियों का ऊर्ध्वमुखी होना कुण्डलिनी का जागरण है। पूज्य स्वामीजी द्वारा श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता के भाष्य ‘यथार्थ गीता’ का विश्व जनमानस में समादर की भावना देखकर भक्तों और साधकों ने निवेदन किया कि पातञ्जल योगदर्शन पर भी पूज्यश्री कुछ कहने की कृपा करें क्योंकि योग स्वानुभूति है जिसे मात्र भौतिक स्तर पर समझा नहीं जा सकता | पूज्य – चरण एक महापुरुष हैं, योग के स्तर से स्वयं गुजरें हैं | भक्तों के आग्रह पर महाराजजी ने कृपा कर जो प्रवचन दिये, प्रस्तुत कृति उसी का संकलन है | - Maharishi Patanjali, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Yog Darshan, Meditation, Pranayama, Samadhi, Kundalini.
This comprehensive text provides clear illustration. Step by step & details of chakraawareness. It guides the fractional or teacher from the simplest to the most advanced practices of the health yoga system. A therapeutic index is included for use by doctors and yoga therapist incorporating resent inspiration from research into yoga. This edition successfully brings the exposition of yoga practiced to the standard of a university text.
The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali are universally acknowledged as the fundamental text on yoga and meditation in the Indian classical tradition. This English translation of Yoga Philosophy of Patañjali is widely regarded as the most authoritative and authentic that has been available in recent times. It is a serious and clear presentation of Patañjali's sutras and Vyāsa's Bhāsya, providing these basic texts both in the original Sanskrit and in readable and accurate English. These classical works are augmented by the commentary of Swami Hariharananda Aranya, a scholar and yogi of great repute, who, in his lifetime, was the foremost exponent in India of the Sāṃkhya Yoga system of which the Yoga Aphorisms of Patañjali are the principal work.
This translation is a non-conventional attempt to desacralize the meaning behind the original 'sacralized' text of Maharshi Patanjali's work known under another title as Yoga Sutras. The common problem of mostly all existing translations is that they are 'sacralized', that is, they are deprived of the original practical intent and, instead, imparted some religious or, let's say, spiritual meaning which had not been there in the beginning as a result of counteractions against ever-spreading Buddhism on Hindu territories. Maharshi Patanjali's work was used as a part of initiatives to stop further spreading of Buddhist ideology by replacing it using Hindu text. For this reason, this Guide to Unity became something it never intended to be - a sacralized text for many yoga practitioners. The author of this translation attempted to desacralize the text and restore its straightforward and direct practical meaning.
Embark on a transformative journey into the path of yoga with "Patanjali Yoga Sutra" featuring Swami Vivekananda's profound insights. Prepare to delve deep into the ancient wisdom of yoga as Vivekananda illuminates the timeless teachings of Patanjali, guiding readers on a path of self-discovery, inner peace, and spiritual enlightenment. As you explore the sacred text of the Yoga Sutras, be prepared to uncover the secrets of the mind, body, and soul. Vivekananda's interpretation offers clarity and guidance, helping readers understand the essence of yoga philosophy and its practical applications in daily life. But amidst the vast ocean of spiritual wisdom, one question arises: What transformative power lies within the teachings of Patanjali, and how can they help us navigate the complexities of modern existence? Join Vivekananda as he demystifies the ancient scriptures, offering practical insights and timeless wisdom that can empower individuals to overcome obstacles, cultivate inner strength, and achieve true liberation. Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening? Prepare to be inspired by the profound teachings of "Patanjali Yoga Sutra" with Swami Vivekananda. Don't miss the opportunity to unlock the transformative power of yoga in your life. Dive into this sacred text now, and let Vivekananda's insights illuminate your path to spiritual fulfillment and inner peace. Seize the chance to deepen your understanding of yoga philosophy and practice. Purchase your copy of "Patanjali Yoga Sutra" today and embark on a journey of self-transformation and spiritual evolution.
The Yoga Sutra is the great text on Yoga, cognized in ancient India by Maharishi Patanjali. Yoga means "union," and the Yoga Sutra describes the experience of unity, the complete settling of the activity of the mind. In 195 short sutras, this text illuminates the teaching of yoga and meditation, and gives a profound understanding of life in transcendence.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are the foundational texts of the science of yoga. In this book, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a master of yoga for the 21st century, offers his own commentary on this fundamental work. "The aim of Patanjali Yoga is to set man free from the cage of matter. Mind is the highest form of matter and man freed from this dragnet of Chitta or Ahankara (mind or ego) becomes a pure being." - H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar