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This book provides an up-to-date report on the recent advances in theory and experiment of the unconventional copper-oxide (known as cuprate) and iron-arsenic (called pnictide) superconductors. This book includes some experimental results which lead to the observation of spin-fluctuation spectrum in cuprates and pnictides.
In 1987 a major breakthrough occurred in materials science. A new family of materials was discovered that became superconducting above the temperature at which nitrogen gas liquifies, namely, 77 K or –196°C. Within months of the discovery, a wide variety of experimental techniques were brought to bear in order to measure the properties of these materials and to gain an understanding of why they superconduct at such high temperatures. Among the techniques used were electromagnetic absorption in both the normal and the superconducting states. The measurements enabled the determination of a wide variety of properties, and in some instances led to the observation of new effects not seen by other measu- ments, such as the existence of weak-link microwave absorption at low dc magnetic fields. The number of different properties and the degree of detail that can be obtained from magnetic field- and temperature-dependent studies of electromagnetic abso- tion are not widely appreciated. For example, these measurements can provide information on the band gap, critical fields, the H–T irreversibility line, the amount of trapped flux, and even information about the symmetry of the wave function of the Cooper pairs. It is possible to use low dc magnetic field-induced absorption of microwaves with derivative detection to verify the presence of superconductivity in a matter of minutes, and the measurements are often more straightforward than others. For example, they do not require the physical contact with the sample that is necessary when using four-probe resistivity to detect superconductivity.
Superconductivity is the ability of certain materials to conduct electrical current with no resistance and extremely low losses. High temperature superconductors, such as La2-xSrxCuOx (Tc=40K) and YBa2Cu3O7-x (Tc=90K), were discovered in 1987 and have been actively studied since. In spite of an intense, world-wide, research effort during this time, a complete understanding of the copper oxide (cuprate) materials is still lacking. Many fundamental questions are unanswered, particularly the mechanism by which high-Tc superconductivity occurs. More broadly, the cuprates are in a class of solids with strong electron-electron interactions. An understanding of such "strongly correlated" solids is perhaps the major unsolved problem of condensed matter physics with over ten thousand researchers working on this topic. High-Tc superconductors also have significant potential for applications in technologies ranging from electric power generation and transmission to digital electronics. This ability to carry large amounts of current can be applied to electric power devices such as motors and generators, and to electricity transmission in power lines. For example, superconductors can carry as much as 100 times the amount of electricity of ordinary copper or aluminium wires of the same size. Many universities, research institutes and companies are working to develop high-Tc superconductivity applications and considerable progress has been made. This volume brings together new leading-edge research in the field.
In The New Superconductors, Frank J. Owens and Charles P. Poole, Jr., offer a descriptive, non-mathematical presentation of the latest superconductors and their properties for the non-specialist. Highlights of this up-to-date text include chapters on superfluidity, the latest copper oxide types, fullerenes, and prospects for future research. The book also features many examples of commercial applications; an extensive glossary that defines superconductivity terms in clear language; and a supplementary list of readings for the interested lay reader.
This study reviews the experimental aspects of oxide superconductivity, with transition temperatures from 30 K to above 100 K. It discusses experimental descriptions of principle superconducting compounds and covers VSC theory, electron-photon interaction and new theoretical models.
In 1987 a major breakthrough occurred in materials science. A new family of materials was discovered that became superconducting above the temperature at which nitrogen gas liquifies, namely, 77 K or –196°C. Within months of the discovery, a wide variety of experimental techniques were brought to bear in order to measure the properties of these materials and to gain an understanding of why they superconduct at such high temperatures. Among the techniques used were electromagnetic absorption in both the normal and the superconducting states. The measurements enabled the determination of a wide variety of properties, and in some instances led to the observation of new effects not seen by other measu- ments, such as the existence of weak-link microwave absorption at low dc magnetic fields. The number of different properties and the degree of detail that can be obtained from magnetic field- and temperature-dependent studies of electromagnetic abso- tion are not widely appreciated. For example, these measurements can provide information on the band gap, critical fields, the H–T irreversibility line, the amount of trapped flux, and even information about the symmetry of the wave function of the Cooper pairs. It is possible to use low dc magnetic field-induced absorption of microwaves with derivative detection to verify the presence of superconductivity in a matter of minutes, and the measurements are often more straightforward than others. For example, they do not require the physical contact with the sample that is necessary when using four-probe resistivity to detect superconductivity.
Superconductivity is the ability of certain materials to conduct electrical current with no resistance and extremely low losses. High temperature superconductors, such as La2-xSrxCuOx (Tc=40K) and YBa2Cu3O7-x (Tc=90K), were discovered in 1987 and have been actively studied since. In spite of an intense world-wide research, a complete understanding of the copper oxide (cuprate) materials is still lacking. Many fundamental questions are unanswered, particularly the mechanism by which high-Tc superconductivity occurs. More broadly, the cuprates are in a class of solids with strong electron-electron interactions. An understanding of such 'strongly correlated' solids is perhaps the major unsolved problem of condensed matter physics with over ten thousand researchers working on this topic. High-Tc superconductors also have significant potential for applications in technologies ranging from electric power generation and transmission to digital electronics. This ability to carry large amounts of current can be applied to electric power devices such as motors and generators, and to electricity transmission in power lines. For example, superconductors can carry as much as 100 times the amount of electricity of ordinary copper or aluminium wires of the same size. This Publication presents new research on yttrium barium copper oxide superconductors, often abbreviated YBCO, which is a chemical compound with the formula YBa2Cu3O7. This material, a famous 'high-temperature superconductor', achieved prominence because it was the first material to superconduct above the boiling point of nitrogen. All materials developed before YBCO became superconducting only at temperatures near the boiling points of liquid helium or liquid hydrogen (Tb = 20.1 K). The significance of the discovery of YBCO is the breakthrough in the refrigerant used to cool the material to below the critical temperature.
The phenomenon of superconductivity - after its discovery in metals such as mercury, lead, zinc, etc. by Kamerlingh-Onnes in 19]] - has attracted many scientists. Superconductivity was described in a very satisfactory manner by the model proposed by Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer, and by the extensions proposed by Abrikosov, Gorkov and Eliashberg. Relations were established between superconductivity and the fundamental properties of solids, resulting in a possible upper limit of the critical temperature at about 23 K. The breakthrough that revolutionized the field was made in 1986 by Bednorz and Muller with the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in layered copper-oxide perovskites. Today the record in transition temperature is 133 K for a Hg based cuprate system. The last decade has not only seen a revolution in the size of the critical temperature, but also in the myriads of research groups that entered the field. In addition, high-temperature superconductivity became a real interdisciplinary topic and brought together physicists, chemists and materials scientists who started to investigate the new compounds with almost all the available experimental techniques and theoretical methods. As a consequence we have witnessed an avalanche of publications which has never occurred in any field of science so far and which makes it difficult for the individual to be thoroughly informed about the relevant results and trends. Neutron scattering has outstanding properties in the elucidation of the basic properties of high-temperature superconductors.
Superconductivity is the ability of certain materials to conduct electrical current with no resistance and extremely low losses. High temperature superconductors, such as La2-xSrxCuOx (Tc=40K) and YBa2Cu3O7-x (Tc=90K), were discovered in 1987 and have been actively studied since. In spite of an intense, world-wide, research effort during this time, a complete understanding of the copper oxide (cuprate) materials is still lacking. Many fundamental questions are unanswered, particularly the mechanism by which high-Tc superconductivity occurs. More broadly, the cuprates are in a class of solids with strong electron-electron interactions. An understanding of such "strongly correlated" solids is perhaps the major unsolved problem of condensed matter physics with over ten thousand researchers working on this topic. High-Tc superconductors also have significant potential for applications in technologies ranging from electric power generation and transmission to digital electronics. This ability to carry large amounts of current can be applied to electric power devices such as motors and generators, and to electricity transmission in power lines. For example, superconductors can carry as much as 100 times the amount of electricity of ordinary copper or aluminium wires of the same size. Many universities, research institutes and companies are working to develop high-Tc superconductivity applications and considerable progress has been made. This volume brings together new leading-edge research in the field.
This is an advanced textbook for graduate students and researchers wishing to learn about high temperature superconductivity in copper oxides, in particular the Kamimura-Suwa (K-S) model. Because a number of models have been proposed since the discovery of high temperature superconductivity by Bednorz and Müller in 1986, the book first explains briefly the historical development that led to the K-S model. It then focuses on the physical background necessary to understand the K-S model and on the basic principles behind various physical phenomena such as electronic structures, electrical, thermal and optical properties, and the mechanism of high temperature superconductivity.