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Click here for the online version of this book! This title, out of print in 2008, is now available free of charge, in it's entirety, online through the University of Arizona Press! Both a textbook and a status report for every facet of research into the formation of stars and planets, Protostars and Planets IV brings together 167 authors who report on the most significant advances in the field since the publication of the previous volume in 1993. Protostars and Planets IV reflects improvements in observational techniques and the availability of new facilities such as the Infrared Space Observatory, the refurbished Hubble Space Telescope, and the 10-m Keck telescopes. Advances in computer technology and modeling methods have benefited theoretical studies of molecular clouds, star formation, and jets and disks, while recent analyses of meteorites yield important insights into conditions and processes within our Sun's early protoplanetary disk. The 49 chapters describe context and progress for observational and theoretical studies of the structure, chemistry, and dynamics of molecular clouds; the collapse of cores and the formation of protostars; the formation and properties of young binary stars; the properties of winds, jets, and molecular outflows from young stellar objects; the evolution of circumstellar envelopes and disks; grain growth in disks and the formation of planets; and the properties of the early Solar nebula. Protostars and Planets IV is also the first book to include chapters describing the discoveries of extrasolar planets, brown dwarfs, and Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt objects, and the first to include high-resolution optical and near-infrared images of protoplanetary disks. Protostars and Planets IV is an unsurpassed reference not only for established researchers but also for younger scientists whose imagination and work will lead to tomorrow's discoveries.
Magnetism, when extended beyond normal frameworks into cosmic space is characterized by an enormous spatial scale. Because of their large sizes the nature of magnets such as the Earth and the Sun is entirely different from the nature of a horseshoe magnet. The source of cosmic magnetism is associated with the hydrodynamic motions of a highly conductive medium. In this aspect, cosmic magnets resemble a dynamo. However, currents in the dynamo flow along properly ordered wires, while chaotic, turbulent motions are dominant inside stars and liquid planetary cores. This makes more intriguing and surprising the fact that these motions maintain a regular magnetic field. Maintenance of magnetic fields is even more impressive in huge magnets, i.e. galaxies. In fact, we are living inside a giant dynamo machine, the Milky Way galaxy. Although the idea of the global magnetic field of our Galaxy was clearly proposed almost 40 years ago, firm observational evidence and definite theoretical concepts of galactic magnetism have been developed only in the last decade. This book is the first attempt at a full and consistent presentation of this problem. We discuss both theoretical views on the origin of galactic magnetism and the methods of observational study. Previous discussions were on the level of review articles or separate chapters in monographs devoted to cosmic magnetic fields (see, e.g., H. K. Moffatt, 1978, E. N. Parker, 1979 and Zeldovich et aI., 1983).
The study of extraterrestrial magnetic fields is a relatively new one, confirmation of the existance of the first such field (that of our Sun) having come a s late as 1908. In the past 30 years a great ammount of knowledge has been accumulated on Cosmic Magnetism, which has turned out to be a truly fascinating topic for study. Percy Seymour's book is the first to deal with the topic in a non-mathematical way, and he offers a fine introduction to his subject. The first three chapters consolidate our knowledge on magnetism in general and the magnetic field of the Earth, as well as discussing the reasons for studying astronomy and cosmic magnetism in particular. The remainder of the book is devoted to the main areas of cosmic magnetism - solar, plantetary and interplanetary fields, fields in stars and pulsars, fields of the milky way and fields in other galaxies. Cosmic Magnetism in an ideal book for sixth-formers and undergraduates studying physics or astronomy and will also appeal to amateur astronomers. as previous work on this topic has been 'hidden' in specialised academic journals.
Theideatocelebrate50yearsoftheSalpeterIMFoccurredduringtherecent IAU General Assembly in Sydney, Australia. Indeed, it was from Australia that in July 1954 Ed Salpeter submitted his famous paper "The Luminosity Function and Stellar Evolution" with the rst derivation of the empirical stellar IMF. This contribution was to become one of the most famous astrophysics papers of the last 50 years. Here, Ed Salpeter introduced the terms "original mass function" and "original luminosity function", and estimated the pro- bility for the creation of stars of given mass at a particular time, now known as the "Salpeter Initial Mass Function", or IMF. The paper was written at the Australian National University in Canberra on leave of absence from Cornell University (USA) and was published in 1955 as 7 page note in the Astroph- ical Journal Vol. 121, page 161. To celabrate the 50th anniversary of the IMF, along with Ed Salpeter’s 80th birthday, we have organized a special meeting that brought together scientists involved in the empirical determination of this fundamental quantity in a va- ety of astrophysical contexts and other scientists fascinated by the deep imp- cations of the IMF on star formation theories, on the physical conditions of the gas before and after star formation, and on galactic evolution and cosmology. The meeting took place in one of the most beautiful spots of the Tuscan countryside, far from the noise and haste of everyday life.