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The knowledge possessed by Western Occultists of the Esoteric Philosophy, and their range of perceptions and thought of the Eastern Occultism, is very superficial. By stating that “Above the dark abyss were the Waters,” Eliphas Levi leads the student away from the right track. For it changes entirely the core characteristics of Cosmogony, and brings it down to a level with exoteric Genesis — perhaps it was so stated with an eye to this result. In order to clarify that “Above the Breath appeared the Light,” Levi gives a figure that any Eastern Occultist would not hesitate to pronounce it a “left hand” magic figure. His left-hand magic figure is herein reversed. At the dawn of a new Manvantara, perpetual Motion becomes Breath; from the Breath comes forth primordial Light which brings forth the Thought concealed in Darkness, and this becomes the Word, from which this Universe sprang into being. The learned Abbé had a decided tendency to anthropomorphize creation. He ignores the first stage of evolution and imagines a secondary chaos. But in the face of the task Levi had set before himself — that of reconciling Jewish Magic with Roman Ecclesiasticism — he could say nothing else. Not only are his explanations unsatisfactory and misleading (in his published works they are much worse) but his Hebrew transliteration is entirely wrong. The philosophy that the French Magus gives out as Kabbalistic is simply mystical Roman Catholicism adapted to the Christian Kabbalah. Clearly, Levi’s Kabbalah is mystic Christianity, not Occultism. The material Universe was built by Water, say the Kabbalists who know the difference between the “two waters “— the Waters of Life and those of “Salvation” — so confused together in dogmatic religions. Moses and Thales said that only earth and water can bring forth a living Soul, water being on this plane the Principle of all things. In Egypt Osiris was Fire, and Isis was the Earth or, its synonym, Water, the two opposing elements (because of their opposite properties) being necessary to each other for a common object — that of procreation. The earth needs solar heat and rain to make her throw out her germs. But these procreative properties of Fire and Water, or Spirit and Matter, are symbols only of physical generation.
Colonel Olcott wrote what he then thought was the truth, honestly and sincerely; and, as I had a determined object in view, I did not seek to disabuse him too rudely of his dreams. It was only after the formation of The Theosophical Society in 1875, that he learned the whole truth! But when Colonel Olcott clearly says in his book that instead of being controlled by spirits to do their will, it is I who control the so-called “spirits,” yet he was made to say by Mr. Lillie that it is I who was controlled! I had known “John King” since 1860, for it was the form of an Eastern adept, who has since gone for his final initiation, passing through and visiting us in his living body on his way, at Bombay. What right does Mr. Lillie has to cross-examine me? But since he chooses to take such liberties, I will tell him plainly that he himself knows nothing, not only of initiations and Tibet (not even exoteric), let alone Esoteric Buddhism. Yet he who knows nothing of either Tibet or Buddhism, tries his best to make out Madame Blavatsky a liar in a cunning attempt to elevate himself above his station. Accusations and insinuations against one whom no insult of his can reach, are worthless and unworthy of a self-proclaimed Buddhist. Mr. Lillie is ruining terribly his reputation as an Orientalist. Indeed, before this controversy is settled, he may lay bare the last shreds of his supposed oriental learning for all to see. The irrepressible Arthur Lillie, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, continues his extravagant tirade against Madame Blavatsky. He keeps feeding his censer with his own incense with endless heaping of malignant nonsense, peppered with misconceptions, blunders, and unfair insinuations. His tactics are a sort of guerrilla skirmishing; one answers and corrects one set of blunders when, forthwith, there appears a fresh series. Mr. Lillie is a base man indeed who, having had truth revealed to him under the seal of secrecy, and solemnly pledged himself never to reveal the information, does nevertheless divulge it to the profane. I was a Spiritualist well before the truth of modern Spiritualism. As regards to mediums, séances, and the spiritualistic “philosophy,” so-called — belief in the latter alone constituting a Spiritualist. It is most unfortunate that Mr. Lillie hardly ever knows what he is talking about.
The Essential Works of Helena Blavatsky is a collection of philosophical and esoteric writings by the influential occultist and theosophist, Helena Blavatsky. The book delves into topics such as Eastern mysticism, spiritualism, and theosophy, offering readers a glimpse into Blavatsky's complex spiritual worldview. Written in a dense and intricate style, the book reflects the intellectual rigor and depth of Blavatsky's thought, drawing on a wide range of esoteric traditions and mystical philosophies. The book is a valuable resource for those interested in the history of occultism and theosophy, providing insights into the development of spiritual movements in the 19th century. Helena Blavatsky's work continues to influence esoteric and metaphysical beliefs to this day, making this collection an essential read for students of mysticism and philosophy. With its thought-provoking ideas and rich historical context, The Essential Works of Helena Blavatsky is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of esoteric traditions and spiritual philosophies.