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Parabrahman (Absoluteness) is the One and Only Reality, an unthinkable and unspeakable state of Ultimate Subjectivity. Ishvara is Conscious Universal Mind (Second Logos), not the personal God and Master. Vishishtadvaita Philosophy in a nutshell. 1 The Vishishtadvaitis are a sect of Vedantins; refusing to accept dualism, they place willy-nilly the origin of evil and good in Parabrahman. 2 They believe that the sun-souls attract lost earth-souls, and direct them to the path that leads to Nirvana. 3 They refer to Advaitis as Buddhists in disguise. 4 Refined Vishishtadvaitism is Ancient Magianism. Madame Blavatsky comments on the non-dualistic philosophy of Vishishtadvaita, and distinction between Impersonal and Personal God. With key metaphysical concepts by the Series Editor.
Wm. Oxley is an ardent Spiritualist equipped with a wily tongue, and habitually swayed by deceitful visions in his boots. A.D. Bathell is another calumniator and manqué philosopher, yet a useful purgative of the Theosophical Society. Wm. Oxley attributes the authorship of the Mahabharata to a “Spirit” named Busiris. By adjusting the force of its two-faced blowing Wm. Oxley manages to keep himself from falling off the fence. The initiated Brahmans do not know when the Vedas, the Mahabharata, and especially the Bhagavad-Gita, were written, and by whom. But Wm. Oxley who is not a philosopher, still less a sage, does know. Harken! Whomsoever Wm. Oxley claims that he had seen and conversed with, was not with Master Koot-Hoomi as he alleges.
Man is truly the temple of God, for the Divine Principle can only be manifested (objectivised) to our consciousness through our senses, physical and spiritual. The “personal God” of Theosophist can only be perceived by his Higher Self, through his spiritual senses, i.e., the Divine Self is perceived by the self of the virtuous man. With diagram on “Theosophia: Fountain, Perspectives, Practice.”
Metaphysical, mystical, and philosophical excerpts from Dr. N.I. Pirogov, Problems of Life: The Diary of an Old Physician. Selected and translated from the Russian by H.P. Blavatsky, with extensive annotations and commentary. The thoughts of the false “I” or “personality,” are mere shadows of the true Individuality and Higher Ego. The records of past events and passing thoughts, even the most trifling ones, are impressed on the imperishable waves of Astral Light, not in the brain alone. Intuition is divine but faith is human, and the misapplication of inner intuition. “Personality,” being the illusion of separateness, is the root cause of all selfishness and evil. It has to be conquered and crushed before the lower is united with its higher counterpart. Loss of mind is due to the paralysis of the higher functions in Kama-Manas, the physical mind and, in cases of incurable insanity, to the severance of the lower self from the Higher Self during a person’s lifetime, thus preventing the reunion of the two. When one falls into a love of self and love of the world, with its pleasures, losing the divine love of God and of the neighbour, he falls from the illusionary life and fear of death to real death. The higher principles, which constitute the essential elements of his humanity perish, and he lives only on the natural plane of his faculties. The “atoms” of Science are not of this earth but belong to quite a different plane. And the atomic theory is on a par only with the undulatory theory of light. The Ether of Space is considerably different from the medium of Science. The chasm between mind and matter is impassable. No theory of evolution or “heredity” will ever cover or explain the mystery. The incessantly rolling and waving Ocean of Life of Dr. Pirogov is the triply manifested Deity of the Occultists — two opposing forces of spirituality and animalism eternally reacting upon each other, Universal Mind, and Eternal Atom. The immortal Higher Ego (Nous) is man’s true Individuality, that keeps reincarnating in a new personality at every birth. Dr. Pirogov’s purely natural idealism is a spiritual perception of eternal truths, that no scientific sophistry could destroy or even blunt. He esteems Truth higher than Science. Physical Science calls “atoms” that which the Occultists regard as particles or molecules. The real Atoms are the inner principles and the intelligent, spiritual guides of the cells and particles they inform. Man is produced in the image of God or Divine Nature. Every cell in the human organism corresponds with a like “cell” in the divine organism or the manifested universe. The “I” of man or Microcosm, and the Universe or Macrocosm are illusions, inseparable and interdependent, but illusion nevertheless. The human mind, or lower manas, is a direct ray or reflection of a Higher Principle, the Noetic Mind. The latter is the reincarnating Ego, which old Aryan philosophers call Manasaputras, the “Sons of Mind” or Mahat — the Universal Cosmic Mind. Dr. Pirogov can hardly be taken to task and declared unscientific, in accepting the existence of a seven-dimensional space in co-ordination with the seven states of consciousness. In the course of natural evolution our “brain-mind” will be replaced by a finer and more spiritually receptive organism, helped by the sixth and the seventh senses. A Higher Principle may be independent of the matter it rules, but only when outside of space and time. God is the centre; the Intellectual-Principle, an unmoving circle; Soul, a circle in motion. As our mind is but the product of Universal Mind, so is the latter but a differentiated ray of the Absolute Mind or No-Mind — a state of Perfect Unconsciousness. Atom is not the smallest constituent unit of matter, not even a mathematical point, it is an immutable Entity, a reality within an appearance — the molecule being in Occult Philosophy but a figment of maya-illusion. It may be described as a compact or crystallized point of divine Energy and Ideation. Occultism affirms that there is no such thing as inert, dead, or even inorganic matter. Time is abstract motion in space, i.e., force acting in space and transforming itself, by this very action, into substance. In philosophy the term empirical is the product of experience and observation, plus Science. The “sensing principle” in us is an entity capable of acting outside as inside its material body; and it is certainly independent of any organ in particular, in its actions — although during its incarnation it manifests itself through its physical organs. Our Higher Ego is a ray of the Universal Mind, individualized for the span of a cosmic life-cycle, during which time it gets experience through almost numberless reincarnations or rebirths, before returning to its Parent-Source. There are two minds in man, two aspects of the same divine principle, the higher or true Individuality, and the lower or Personality. It is these two that during our lifetime are in incessant struggle, the one trying to gravitate heavenward, the other dragged down by its animal nature to the earth earthy. Nothing that takes place, no manifestation however rapid or weak, can ever be lost from the skandhic records of a man’s life. The Universal Memory preserves every motion, the slightest wave and feeling that ripples the waves of differentiated nature, whether of man or of Universe. The metaphysician and the theosophist will applaud almost every word Dr. Pirogov says, regretting only that men of such profoundly intuitional nature should be so rare among the men of science.
How many of our distinguished scientists have derived honour and credit by merely dressing up the ideas of those old philosophers, whom they are ever ready to disparage, is left to an impartial posterity to say. An era of disenchantment and rebuilding has already begun. The cycle has almost run its course; a new one is about to begin, and the future pages of history may convey full proof of the above. The “Primal Being” is an emanation of the Demiurgic or Universal Mind, which contains from eternity the idea of the “to be created world” within Itself, which idea the Unmanifested Logos produces of itself. The first Idea, “born in darkness before the creation of the world,” remains in the Unmanifested Mind; the second Idea, a reflection from the Universal Mind, becomes clothed with matter and assumes objective existence.