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Coédition Karthala - IRD. Madagascar se caractérise par une récession économique qui perdure et des crises socio-politiques récurrentes depuis son indépendance. Cette trajectoire atypique est d’autant plus étonnante que le pays n’a jamais connu de guerre ni de conflit majeur. De plus, l’Île est riche en ressources naturelles, un constat qui vient en contraste avec la pauvreté extrême de la majorité de la population. Comment expliquer ces deux faces antinomiques de la réalité malgache ? Quels en sont les ressorts ? La structure de l’économie et les mécanismes sous-jacents suffisent-ils pour expliquer la chute continue des niveaux de vie ? Dans quelle mesure les dispositifs institutionnels ou les systèmes politiques ont-ils joué ? Peut-on évaluer la part des facteurs historiques ? Comment les jeux et les stratégies des acteurs ont-ils nourri les crises à répétition ? À l’instar d’un puzzle qui se construit, cet ouvrage assemble les réflexions de différents spécialistes de Madagascar, d’horizons institutionnels et disciplinaires variés. Il couvre un large panorama de thématiques abordées sous l’angle économique, socio-politique, historique ou anthropologique, pour produire une vision d’ensemble. Les éclairages proposés, qui combinent les approches macro et micro, permettent de mieux comprendre l’enchevêtrement des contextes, le rôle des acteurs et leur enchâssement dans les structures. Les analyses s’attachent en particulier à décrypter les mécanismes qui enferment les acteurs dans une spirale crisogène et les facteurs qui étouffent les dynamiques et entrainent l’économie sur une pente récessive.
Since Independence in 1960, Madagascar has faced several periods of instability and crisis, as well as the threat of civil war. These periods were cyclical: each time the country made some significant economic and social progress, an unexpected crisis would occur to bring it to a halt. The book focuses on the crisis of March 2009, showing how a brewing conflict between the government of Marc Ravalomanana and the opposition led by Andry Rajoelina escalated and using it as a case for the study of further crises in Madagascar or other African countries. The book adopts a conflict approach to the study of crisis. Instead of focusing on external symptoms (street protests, violence, looting, massacre of protesters, military mutiny, etc.), or condemning it as a “coup d’état,” it analyzes the crisis of March 2009 as part of an ongoing conflict between the government and the opposition. It uncovers the causal mechanisms of the crisis as well as the process of crisis management and de-escalation, examining such factors as the context of the crisis, the major actors, the triggers, and the management of the crisis by national and international mediators. In addition, the book explains how a civil war was averted and who benefited as a result of this political crisis.
Since the beginnings of independence, a number of African nations have been plagued by repeated coup d'états. Within the African Union (AU), there has been a concerted effort to break this cycle through the official adoption of an 'anti-coup norm', by which the AU is mandated to suspend a member state and restore constitutional order following a coup. Supporters of this stance see it as strengthening democracy in Africa, while critics argue that it has served to prop up existing regimes. But there has been little analysis of what the AU's attempts to 'restore constitutional order' have meant for individual African states. In this book, Antonia Witt looks at the legacy of the AU's intervention in Madagascar following the 2009 'Malagasy crisis', one of the increasingly relevant yet under-researched cases of non-Western intervention in Africa. The book looks at the ways in which international intervention reconfigured the political order in Madagascar, how it facilitated the power struggle within the Madagascan elite and prevented more profound political change. It also considers what the example set by the Madagascan intervention means for the wider international order in Africa and the powers attributed to African international actors such as the AU.
Coups d’état continue to present one of the most extreme risks to democracy and stable governance worldwide. This book examines the unique role played by regional organizations (ROs) following the occurrence of a coup d’état. The book analyses the factors that influence the strength of reactions demonstrated by ROs and explores the different post-coup solutions ROs pursue. It argues that, when confronted with a coup, ROs take both basic democratic standards and regional stability into account before forming their responses. Using a mixed-methods approach, the book concludes that ROs’ response to a coup depends on how detrimental it will be for the state of democracy in a country and how far it risks destabilizing the region.
This Selected Issues paper surveys the economic costs of corruption in Madagascar, and provides a few ideas on how to advance anticorruption reforms. Madagascar’s governance indicators weakened significantly during the transition period 2009–13. Governance indicators that generally were on par with middle-income countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) ten years ago have regressed and converged to the average of fragile SSA countries. After the return of constitutional order in 2014, the government has started to address corruption, mainly through the introduction of new laws so far. More emphasis is needed on effective implementation and raising sufficient resources to fight corruption.
This handbook explores the challenges and opportunities for leadership and conflict response in the context of Africa at several levels. Leadership plays a vital role in affecting conflict response but is frequently only examined at the macro level of state, government, and international organizations. This handbook addresses the need to explore challenges and opportunities for leadership at several levels: macro (global, regional, national), meso (NGOs, religious groups, academics), and micro (civil society organizations, youth groups, women’s organizations). Analysis from multiple levels provides a broader explanation of conflict dynamics and helps to fit localized conflict transformation approaches into wider national or regional structures. The multidisciplinary essays presented in this volume encompass the psychological, political, and structural dimensions of conflict response and demonstrate how its success is fundamentally linked to the style of effectiveness of leadership, among other factors. The volume is divided into four thematic sections: Part I: The theory and dynamics of conflict response and leadership Part II: Macro-level leadership experiences in conflict response Part III: Meso-/micro-level leadership experiences in conflict response Part IV: Recommendations for improved leadership in conflict response This book will be of much interest to students of conflict resolution, peace studies, African politics, security studies, and international relations, in general.
In examining various aspects of the provision of security, the Small Arms Survey 2011 considers the growth of the private security industry and its firearms holdings worldwide; the firearms holdings of private security personnel; the use of private security companies by multinational corporations; the use of emerging weapons technology among Western police forces; and legislative controls over the civilian possession of firearms in 42 jurisdictions around the world. Case studies provide original research on ongoing security challenges in Côte d'Ivoire, Haiti and Madagascar. This edition also presents the 2011 Small Arms Trade Transparency Barometer, an estimate of the annual authorized trade in light weapons, and a review of developments related to small arms control at the United Nations.
This book is about South-North, North-South relations between Africa and Europe, presenting the personal narratives of musicians in different locations across Africa and Europe, and those of the people who constitute their networks within the wider artistic, cultural, and civil society milieus of globalizing societies.