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An examination of macroeconomic policy, focusing on the relationship between free-market policies and government intervention.
This book presents the stylized facts on the important variables (output, inflation, money supply and interest rates, etc.) of the macro economy and uses them to differentiate how well particular economic theories perform or fail to do so. On the determination of aggregate demand, this book presents two approaches: the traditional IS-LM analysis under the assumption that the money supply is exogenous because the central bank uses its monetary policy to control it, and the emerging IS-IRT analysis under the assumption that the interest rate is the exogenous monetary policy variable set by the central bank to manipulate aggregate demand in the economy. The IS-IRT analysis is important for the macro analyses of many economies, yet is totally neglected in most textbooks on macroeconomics. The chapter on Paradigms in Economics introduces students to the heritage of ideas in macroeconomics, and the evolution of ideas and approaches over the last two centuries. It also provides the justification for the simultaneous relevance of both Classical ideas and Keynesian ones. The two growth theory chapters go beyond the Solow growth model to cover the broad evolution of growth from Malthus's theory to the present endogenous approaches, and the link between money supply, inflation and growth over very long periods.
Microeconomics in Context lays out the principles of microeconomics in a manner that is thorough, up to date, and relevant to students. Like its counterpart, Macroeconomics in Context, the book is uniquely attuned to economic, social, and environmental realities. The "In Context" books offer affordability, accessible presentation, and engaging coverage of current policy issues from economic inequality and global climate change to taxes and globalization. Key features include: Clear explanations of basic concepts and analytical tools, with advanced models presented in optional chapter appendices; Presentation of policy issues in historical, environmental, institutional, social, political, and ethical contexts—an approach that fosters critical evaluation of the standard microeconomic models, such as welfare analysis, labor markets, and market competition; A powerful graphical presentation of various measures of well-being in the United States and other countries, including income inequality, taxes, educational attainment, and environmental quality; Broad definitions of well-being using both traditional economic metrics and factors such as environmental quality, health, equity, and political inclusion; Significantly revised chapters on globalization and trade, economic and social inequality, labor markets, and public goods; Expanded coverage of high-interest topics such as behavioral economics, labor markets, and economic discrimination; Full complement of instructor and student support materials online. This new edition also features more international data and analysis, and further material on the importance of economic power in shaping policy. The latest addition to the "In Context" series combines real-world relevance with a thorough grounding in multiple economic paradigms. The book's companion website is available at:
Principles of Macroeconomics by Howard J. Sherman and Michael A. Meeropol differs from other texts in that this book stresses far more the inherent instability of the macro-economy. The details of the business cycle come early and are integrated throughout the core of usual macro topics (C, I, G, X). The book puts inflation into its proper perspective by recognizing that unemployment is the much greater threat to the economic well being of the vast majority of the people. Instead unemployment, and its human toll, are given far greater emphasis than other texts. The Keynesian model is fully developed; so is the statistical analysis of Wesley Mitchell. The neoclassical model is covered in both its historical evolution and in its implications for current policy debates. Finally, there is strong coverage of the Euro-zone crisis and its linkages to the United States.
This timely book uses cutting-edge research to analyse the fundamental causes of economic and financial crises, and illustrates the macroeconomic foundations required for future economic policymaking in order to avoid these crises. The expert contributors take a critical approach to monetary analysis, providing elements for a new paradigm of economic policymaking at both national and international levels. Major issues are explored, including: inflation, capital accumulation and involuntary unemployment, sovereign debts and interest payment, and the euro-area crisis. Opening new lines of research in the economic and financial crises, this book will prove a fascinating read for academics, students and researchers in the field of monetary economics. Monetary policymakers, central bank officials and international financial organisations will also find the book to be an invaluable resource.
“In some ways, the e?ect of achieving understanding is to reverse completely our initial attitude of mind. For everyone starts (as we have said) by being perplexed by some fact or other: for instance... the fact that the diagonal of a square is incommensurable with the side. Anyone who has not yet seen why the side and the diagonal have no common unit regards this as quite extra- dinary. But one ends up in the opposite frame of mind... for nothing would so much ?abbergast a mathematician as if the diagonal and side of a square were to become commensurable”. [Aristotele] This is the ?rst volume of a new series entitled “New Economic Windows”. Each volume in the series will, we hope, provide pointers towards a better understanding of the nature of economic phenomena and help to “reverse our initial state of mind” as economists. As H. Simon observed, Economics must be considered a “hard”, (in the sense of di?cult rather than precise), science. As he cogently argued, the problems dealt with are so complex they “cannot simply be reduced to analytically solvable models or decomposed into sepa- 1 rate sub processes”. In this he was following on from Einstein who, many years earlier, when asked why he had not turned his attention to economics said that he found it too di?cult a subject to handle scienti?cally.
This book considers the connections between macroeconomics and government politics. The central idea is the existence of a political economic equilibrium in which the government acts to dampen the business cycle. Special attention is given to relevant data and to the possibility of hypothesis testing. This is a revised and extended study edition that is updated to include topics such as political business cycles, government debt, and deficit and social security.
Now revised and updated to reflect critical changes in economic policy since the last edition, Macroeconomic Issues Today, Eighth Edition, provides Conservative, Liberal, and Radical interpretations and solutions for seven current macroeconomic issues, including all-new coverage of the Social Security debate. An instructor's manual with a test bank and discussion questions is available to professors who adopt the text, and PowerPoint downloads are available as teaching aids.
The main focus of this book, first published in 1977, is the construction and analysis of an integrated macroeconomic model. In this exercise, four main aspects are stressed that has not previously received adequate textbook attention. The 'intrinsic dynamics' of the macroeconomic system are emphasized, as well as developments in inflation theory, particularly pertaining to the role of inflationary expectations. In addition, several chapters are devoted to the international aspects of macroeconomics, and their thorough coverage makes this book especially relevant to countries that are heavily dependant on international trade. Several aspects of stabilization policy are also discussed in detail, and an introduction to optimal stabilization theory is also provided. The book is appropriate to advanced undergraduate and postgraduate courses in macroeconomics.