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Machine learning is part of Artificial Intelligence since its beginning. Certainly, not learning would only allow the perfect being to show intelligent behavior. All others, be it humans or machines, need to learn in order to enhance their capabilities. In the eighties of the last century, learning from examples and modeling human learning strategies have been investigated in concert. The formal statistical basis of many learning methods has been put forward later on and is still an integral part of machine learning. Neural networks have always been in the toolbox of methods. Integrating all the pre-processing, exploitation of kernel functions, and transformation steps of a machine learning process into the architecture of a deep neural network increased the performance of this model type considerably. Modern machine learning is challenged on the one hand by the amount of data and on the other hand by the demand of real-time inference. This leads to an interest in computing architectures and modern processors. For a long time, the machine learning research could take the von-Neumann architecture for granted. All algorithms were designed for the classical CPU. Issues of implementation on a particular architecture have been ignored. This is no longer possible. The time for independently investigating machine learning and computational architecture is over. Computing architecture has experienced a similarly rampant development from mainframe or personal computers in the last century to now very large compute clusters on the one hand and ubiquitous computing of embedded systems in the Internet of Things on the other hand. Cyber-physical systems’ sensors produce a huge amount of streaming data which need to be stored and analyzed. Their actuators need to react in real-time. This clearly establishes a close connection with machine learning. Cyber-physical systems and systems in the Internet of Things consist of diverse components, heterogeneous both in hard- and software. Modern multi-core systems, graphic processors, memory technologies and hardware-software codesign offer opportunities for better implementations of machine learning models. Machine learning and embedded systems together now form a field of research which tackles leading edge problems in machine learning, algorithm engineering, and embedded systems. Machine learning today needs to make the resource demands of learning and inference meet the resource constraints of used computer architecture and platforms. A large variety of algorithms for the same learning method and, moreover, diverse implementations of an algorithm for particular computing architectures optimize learning with respect to resource efficiency while keeping some guarantees of accuracy. The trade-off between a decreased energy consumption and an increased error rate, to just give an example, needs to be theoretically shown for training a model and the model inference. Pruning and quantization are ways of reducing the resource requirements by either compressing or approximating the model. In addition to memory and energy consumption, timeliness is an important issue, since many embedded systems are integrated into large products that interact with the physical world. If the results are delivered too late, they may have become useless. As a result, real-time guarantees are needed for such systems. To efficiently utilize the available resources, e.g., processing power, memory, and accelerators, with respect to response time, energy consumption, and power dissipation, different scheduling algorithms and resource management strategies need to be developed. This book series addresses machine learning under resource constraints as well as the application of the described methods in various domains of science and engineering. Turning big data into smart data requires many steps of data analysis: methods for extracting and selecting features, filtering and cleaning the data, joining heterogeneous sources, aggregating the data, and learning predictions need to scale up. The algorithms are challenged on the one hand by high-throughput data, gigantic data sets like in astrophysics, on the other hand by high dimensions like in genetic data. Resource constraints are given by the relation between the demands for processing the data and the capacity of the computing machinery. The resources are runtime, memory, communication, and energy. Novel machine learning algorithms are optimized with regard to minimal resource consumption. Moreover, learned predictions are applied to program executions in order to save resources. The three books will have the following subtopics: Volume 1: Machine Learning under Resource Constraints - Fundamentals Volume 2: Machine Learning and Physics under Resource Constraints - Discovery Volume 3: Machine Learning under Resource Constraints - Applications Volume 3 describes how the resource-aware machine learning methods and techniques are used to successfully solve real-world problems. The book provides numerous specific application examples. In the areas of health and medicine, it is demonstrated how machine learning can improve risk modelling, diagnosis, and treatment selection for diseases. Machine learning supported quality control during the manufacturing process in a factory allows to reduce material and energy cost and save testing times is shown by the diverse real-time applications in electronics and steel production as well as milling. Additional application examples show, how machine-learning can make traffic, logistics and smart cities more efficient and sustainable. Finally, mobile communications can benefit substantially from machine learning, for example by uncovering hidden characteristics of the wireless channel.
Machine Learning under Resource Constraints addresses novel machine learning algorithms that are challenged by high-throughput data, by high dimensions, or by complex structures of the data in three volumes. Resource constraints are given by the relation between the demands for processing the data and the capacity of the computing machinery. The resources are runtime, memory, communication, and energy. Hence, modern computer architectures play a significant role. Novel machine learning algorithms are optimized with regard to minimal resource consumption. Moreover, learned predictions are executed on diverse architectures to save resources. It provides a comprehensive overview of the novel approaches to machine learning research that consider resource constraints, as well as the application of the described methods in various domains of science and engineering. Volume 3 describes how the resource-aware machine learning methods and techniques are used to successfully solve real-world problems. The book provides numerous specific application examples. In the areas of health and medicine, it is demonstrated how machine learning can improve risk modelling, diagnosis, and treatment selection for diseases. Machine learning supported quality control during the manufacturing process in a factory allows to reduce material and energy cost and save testing times is shown by the diverse real-time applications in electronics and steel production as well as milling. Additional application examples show, how machine-learning can make traffic, logistics and smart cities more effi cient and sustainable. Finally, mobile communications can benefi t substantially from machine learning, for example by uncovering hidden characteristics of the wireless channel.
Machine learning is part of Artificial Intelligence since its beginning. Certainly, not learning would only allow the perfect being to show intelligent behavior. All others, be it humans or machines, need to learn in order to enhance their capabilities. In the eighties of the last century, learning from examples and modeling human learning strategies have been investigated in concert. The formal statistical basis of many learning methods has been put forward later on and is still an integral part of machine learning. Neural networks have always been in the toolbox of methods. Integrating all the pre-processing, exploitation of kernel functions, and transformation steps of a machine learning process into the architecture of a deep neural network increased the performance of this model type considerably. Modern machine learning is challenged on the one hand by the amount of data and on the other hand by the demand of real-time inference. This leads to an interest in computing architectures and modern processors. For a long time, the machine learning research could take the von-Neumann architecture for granted. All algorithms were designed for the classical CPU. Issues of implementation on a particular architecture have been ignored. This is no longer possible. The time for independently investigating machine learning and computational architecture is over. Computing architecture has experienced a similarly rampant development from mainframe or personal computers in the last century to now very large compute clusters on the one hand and ubiquitous computing of embedded systems in the Internet of Things on the other hand. Cyber-physical systems’ sensors produce a huge amount of streaming data which need to be stored and analyzed. Their actuators need to react in real-time. This clearly establishes a close connection with machine learning. Cyber-physical systems and systems in the Internet of Things consist of diverse components, heterogeneous both in hard- and software. Modern multi-core systems, graphic processors, memory technologies and hardware-software codesign offer opportunities for better implementations of machine learning models. Machine learning and embedded systems together now form a field of research which tackles leading edge problems in machine learning, algorithm engineering, and embedded systems. Machine learning today needs to make the resource demands of learning and inference meet the resource constraints of used computer architecture and platforms. A large variety of algorithms for the same learning method and, moreover, diverse implementations of an algorithm for particular computing architectures optimize learning with respect to resource efficiency while keeping some guarantees of accuracy. The trade-off between a decreased energy consumption and an increased error rate, to just give an example, needs to be theoretically shown for training a model and the model inference. Pruning and quantization are ways of reducing the resource requirements by either compressing or approximating the model. In addition to memory and energy consumption, timeliness is an important issue, since many embedded systems are integrated into large products that interact with the physical world. If the results are delivered too late, they may have become useless. As a result, real-time guarantees are needed for such systems. To efficiently utilize the available resources, e.g., processing power, memory, and accelerators, with respect to response time, energy consumption, and power dissipation, different scheduling algorithms and resource management strategies need to be developed. This book series addresses machine learning under resource constraints as well as the application of the described methods in various domains of science and engineering. Turning big data into smart data requires many steps of data analysis: methods for extracting and selecting features, filtering and cleaning the data, joining heterogeneous sources, aggregating the data, and learning predictions need to scale up. The algorithms are challenged on the one hand by high-throughput data, gigantic data sets like in astrophysics, on the other hand by high dimensions like in genetic data. Resource constraints are given by the relation between the demands for processing the data and the capacity of the computing machinery. The resources are runtime, memory, communication, and energy. Novel machine learning algorithms are optimized with regard to minimal resource consumption. Moreover, learned predictions are applied to program executions in order to save resources. The three books will have the following subtopics: Volume 1: Machine Learning under Resource Constraints - Fundamentals Volume 2: Machine Learning and Physics under Resource Constraints - Discovery Volume 3: Machine Learning under Resource Constraints - Applications Volume 1 establishes the foundations of this new field (Machine Learning under Resource Constraints). It goes through all the steps from data collection, their summary and clustering, to the different aspects of resource-aware learning, i.e., hardware, memory, energy, and communication awareness. Several machine learning methods are inspected with respect to their resource requirements and how to enhance their scalability on diverse computing architectures ranging from embedded systems to large computing clusters.
Machine learning is part of Artificial Intelligence since its beginning. Certainly, not learning would only allow the perfect being to show intelligent behavior. All others, be it humans or machines, need to learn in order to enhance their capabilities. In the eighties of the last century, learning from examples and modeling human learning strategies have been investigated in concert. The formal statistical basis of many learning methods has been put forward later on and is still an integral part of machine learning. Neural networks have always been in the toolbox of methods. Integrating all the pre-processing, exploitation of kernel functions, and transformation steps of a machine learning process into the architecture of a deep neural network increased the performance of this model type considerably. Modern machine learning is challenged on the one hand by the amount of data and on the other hand by the demand of real-time inference. This leads to an interest in computing architectures and modern processors. For a long time, the machine learning research could take the von-Neumann architecture for granted. All algorithms were designed for the classical CPU. Issues of implementation on a particular architecture have been ignored. This is no longer possible. The time for independently investigating machine learning and computational architecture is over. Computing architecture has experienced a similarly rampant development from mainframe or personal computers in the last century to now very large compute clusters on the one hand and ubiquitous computing of embedded systems in the Internet of Things on the other hand. Cyber-physical systems’ sensors produce a huge amount of streaming data which need to be stored and analyzed. Their actuators need to react in real-time. This clearly establishes a close connection with machine learning. Cyber-physical systems and systems in the Internet of Things consist of diverse components, heterogeneous both in hard- and software. Modern multi-core systems, graphic processors, memory technologies and hardware-software codesign offer opportunities for better implementations of machine learning models. Machine learning and embedded systems together now form a field of research which tackles leading edge problems in machine learning, algorithm engineering, and embedded systems. Machine learning today needs to make the resource demands of learning and inference meet the resource constraints of used computer architecture and platforms. A large variety of algorithms for the same learning method and, moreover, diverse implementations of an algorithm for particular computing architectures optimize learning with respect to resource efficiency while keeping some guarantees of accuracy. The trade-off between a decreased energy consumption and an increased error rate, to just give an example, needs to be theoretically shown for training a model and the model inference. Pruning and quantization are ways of reducing the resource requirements by either compressing or approximating the model. In addition to memory and energy consumption, timeliness is an important issue, since many embedded systems are integrated into large products that interact with the physical world. If the results are delivered too late, they may have become useless. As a result, real-time guarantees are needed for such systems. To efficiently utilize the available resources, e.g., processing power, memory, and accelerators, with respect to response time, energy consumption, and power dissipation, different scheduling algorithms and resource management strategies need to be developed. This book series addresses machine learning under resource constraints as well as the application of the described methods in various domains of science and engineering. Turning big data into smart data requires many steps of data analysis: methods for extracting and selecting features, filtering and cleaning the data, joining heterogeneous sources, aggregating the data, and learning predictions need to scale up. The algorithms are challenged on the one hand by high-throughput data, gigantic data sets like in astrophysics, on the other hand by high dimensions like in genetic data. Resource constraints are given by the relation between the demands for processing the data and the capacity of the computing machinery. The resources are runtime, memory, communication, and energy. Novel machine learning algorithms are optimized with regard to minimal resource consumption. Moreover, learned predictions are applied to program executions in order to save resources. The three books will have the following subtopics: Volume 1: Machine Learning under Resource Constraints - Fundamentals Volume 2: Machine Learning and Physics under Resource Constraints - Discovery Volume 3: Machine Learning under Resource Constraints - Applications Volume 2 is about machine learning for knowledge discovery in particle and astroparticle physics. Their instruments, e.g., particle accelerators or telescopes, gather petabytes of data. Here, machine learning is necessary not only to process the vast amounts of data and to detect the relevant examples efficiently, but also as part of the knowledge discovery process itself. The physical knowledge is encoded in simulations that are used to train the machine learning models. At the same time, the interpretation of the learned models serves to expand the physical knowledge. This results in a cycle of theory enhancement supported by machine learning.
Machine Learning under Resource Constraints addresses novel machine learning algorithms that are challenged by high-throughput data, by high dimensions, or by complex structures of the data in three volumes. Resource constraints are given by the relation between the demands for processing the data and the capacity of the computing machinery. The resources are runtime, memory, communication, and energy. Hence, modern computer architectures play a significant role. Novel machine learning algorithms are optimized with regard to minimal resource consumption. Moreover, learned predictions are executed on diverse architectures to save resources. It provides a comprehensive overview of the novel approaches to machine learning research that consider resource constraints, as well as the application of the described methods in various domains of science and engineering.Volume 3 describes how the resource-aware machine learning methods and techniques are used to successfully solve real-world problems. The book provides numerous specific application examples. In the areas of health and medicine, it is demonstrated how machine learning can improve risk modelling, diagnosis, and treatment selection for diseases. Machine learning supported quality control during the manufacturing process in a factory allows to reduce material and energy cost and save testing times is shown by the diverse real-time applications in electronics and steel production as well as milling. Additional application examples show, how machine-learning can make traffic, logistics and smart cities more effi cient and sustainable. Finally, mobile communications can benefi t substantially from machine learning, for example by uncovering hidden characteristics of the wireless channel.
The past decade has witnessed how the field of machine learning has established itself as a necessary component in several multi-billion-dollar industries. The real-world industrial setting introduces an interesting new problem to machine learning research: computational resources must be budgeted and cost must be strictly accounted for during test-time. A typical problem is that if an application consumes x additional units of cost during test-time, but will improve accuracy by y percent, should the additional x resources be allocated? The core of this problem is a trade-off between accuracy and cost. In this thesis, we examine components of test-time cost, and develop different strategies to manage this trade-off. We first investigate test-time cost and discover that it typically consists of two parts: feature extraction cost and classifier evaluation cost. The former reflects the computational efforts of transforming data instances to feature vectors, and could be highly variable when features are heterogeneous. The latter reflects the effort of evaluating a classifier, which could be substantial, in particular nonparametric algorithms. We then propose three strategies to explicitly trade-off accuracy and the two components of test-time cost during classifier training. To budget the feature extraction cost, we first introduce two algorithms: GreedyMiser and Anytime Representation Learning (AFR). GreedyMiser employs a strategy that incorporates the extraction cost information during classifier training to explicitly minimize the test-time cost. AFR extends GreedyMiser to learn a cost-sensitive feature representation rather than a classifier, and turns traditional Support Vector Machines (SVM) into test- time cost-sensitive anytime classifiers. GreedyMiser and AFR are evaluated on two real-world data sets from two different application domains, and both achieve record performance. We then introduce Cost Sensitive Tree of Classifiers (CSTC) and Cost Sensitive Cascade of Classifiers (CSCC), which share a common strategy that trades-off the accuracy and the amortized test-time cost. CSTC introduces a tree structure and directs test inputs along different tree traversal paths, each is optimized for a specific sub-partition of the input space, extracting different, specialized subsets of features. CSCC extends CSTC and builds a linear cascade, instead of a tree, to cope with class-imbalanced binary classification tasks. Since both CSTC and CSCC extract different features for different inputs, the amortized test-time cost is greatly reduced while maintaining high accuracy. Both approaches out-perform the current state-of-the-art on real-world data sets. To trade-off accuracy and high classifier evaluation cost of nonparametric classifiers, we propose a model compression strategy and develop Compressed Vector Machines (CVM). CVM focuses on the nonparametric kernel Support Vector Machines (SVM), whose test-time evaluation cost is typically substantial when learned from large training sets. CVM is a post-processing algorithm which compresses the learned SVM model by reducing and optimizing support vectors. On several benchmark data sets, CVM maintains high test accuracy while reducing the test-time evaluation cost by several orders of magnitude.
This book presents recent advances towards the goal of enabling efficient implementation of machine learning models on resource-constrained systems, covering different application domains. The focus is on presenting interesting and new use cases of applying machine learning to innovative application domains, exploring the efficient hardware design of efficient machine learning accelerators, memory optimization techniques, illustrating model compression and neural architecture search techniques for energy-efficient and fast execution on resource-constrained hardware platforms, and understanding hardware-software codesign techniques for achieving even greater energy, reliability, and performance benefits. Discusses efficient implementation of machine learning in embedded, CPS, IoT, and edge computing; Offers comprehensive coverage of hardware design, software design, and hardware/software co-design and co-optimization; Describes real applications to demonstrate how embedded, CPS, IoT, and edge applications benefit from machine learning.
The 2020 Thirtd International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers and Communications (ICAECC) will be held at REVA University, Bangalore, India The conference presents an open forum for scientists, researchers and engineers to exchange the latest innovations and research advancements in the areas of next generation electronics, computers, communication architectures, protocols and algorithms, content systems, applications and services The conference will include plenary sessions and invited talks from eminent researchers on the state of the art in related areas Contributions describing original research, surveys and applications are invited