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Progressing from Thelemic Magick, Maat Magick transforms the ashes and rubble of the destruction caused by the old formula of the Dying God into a new world society. These rituals are designed for the individual, but can be adapted for group work.Introduction by Kenneth Grant, foreword by Jan Fries. Includes "Liber Pennae Praenumbra," a document received by Nema while in a visionary trance. Glossary. Bibliography. Index.
Progressing from Thelemic Magick, Maat Magick transforms the ashes and rubble of the destruction caused by the old formula of the Dying God into a new world society. These rituals are designed for the individual, but can be adapted for group work.Introduction by Kenneth Grant, foreword by Jan Fries. Includes "Liber Pennae Praenumbra," a document received by Nema while in a visionary trance. Glossary. Bibliography. Index.
A return to the substance and source of African morality by recovering the rational kernel of Africa's ancient moral and ethical traditions and putting it to paper. The term Maat essentially means "truth and justice incarnate" in all aspects of life. Our aim in preparing this book is to serve as a bridge, a portal, a medium for transmitting the transcendental wisdom of our ancestors across centuries, to absorb the most valuable elements of preceding ancient and modern developments, molding those vast experiences into an enlightening repository of guiding principles.--Page 18-19.
A travel guide to the inner realm of spirit. It is the flipside of magick: personal spiritual development, also known as mysticism or mystery. Respected occultist Nema explores our human desire and need for transcendence and how to go about achieving it. The Way of Mystery guides you to the inner realms, providing information on landmarks, pitfalls, and ways of navigating them. It's a practical and pragmatic manual for pursuing metaphysical truth, based in both Eastern (chakra) and Western (Qabalistic) teachings. When you've experienced high levels of spirituality, it guides you by explaining what to do next. It ends with two versions of the short book of mystical revelation for which Nema is famous in magical circles. Selling Features •A guide to solitary contemplative spirituality, using the techniques of magick to complement the way of the mystic •Written by one of the most important occultists in the world today, whose writings have influenced many top occultists and writers •A nondenominational guide to transcendence without the need for a personal guru/teacher•Reveals the nature of the soul through self-experience, and presents drugless methods of altering consciousness
The ultimate source text of Enochian Magic never before available in book form • Contains the actual and complete Tables of Enoch given to Dr. John Dee by the Angels • Explains the difference between Dee’s Tables of Enoch and the apocryphal Book of Enoch • Includes directions for powerful magic rituals and meditations using these tables • Presents a reconstruction of the possible 49th missing Table of Enoch Originally considered a vital part of inspirational literature used by the early church, the Book of Enoch never made it into the cannon or accepted books of the Old Testament because of its strange and mysterious content about Enoch’s experiences in the higher realms, or heavens. The real Book of Enoch, which is a set of almost 100 mystical tables, was given again to humankind in the 1580s, when it was conveyed directly by angels to Dr. John Dee, a 16th-century mathematician, scientist, occultist, and the astrologer of Queen Elizabeth I. Called “the most important book ever given to man by God” by Dee’s angelic messengers, the Book (or Tables) of Enoch is said to hold all the secrets of heaven and earth and the physical and spiritual realms. Decoding the Enochian Secrets reproduces for the first time ever the exact and complete copy of these tables, which are housed in the British Library. The tables are written in the handwriting of Dr. Dee and Edward Kelly, Dee’s assistant and scryer. The tables also include the phonetic pronunciations, written by Dee in the margins, of all the magical Enochian Calls. Covering the history of this Book or Tables of Enoch, John DeSalvo explains the difference between these tables and the apocryphal Book of Enoch and examines how later magicians such as Aleister Crowley used them. Including Enochian Magic Meditations and rituals, Decoding the Enochian Secrets presents the source text to the most powerful form of magic known to mankind.
Founded in 1979, The Horus Maat Lodge was birthed along with the internet where it flourished and gained most of its members and offered all the written and artistic fruits of the praxis of Horus and Maat for over three decades. It is a grimoire of a truly modern occult order proclaiming itself the first 'cyber occult order' in that most ritual work is done via the internet in conjunction with astral gatherings. Though some nodes of adepts meet in person, most of these group-workings are organized, agreed upon and set in motion online. The records, rituals, dialogues, discussions, papers, art and so on that are generated by the members of this Lodge have always been online, including our Journal, and our 'Book of Rituals' has almost always been our website except for a small pamphlet published before the internet existed. We have never done things like any other magickal order, nor do we declare a long lineage or ancient pedigree of any sort. We have always been the 'l'enfant terrible' of the occult world and embraced Quantum physics, string theory and the core of Erisian ethos way past what has been seemly amongst the more august and serious occult orders. I like to think we are the punk rockers of the occult world, and there is some literal truth there. We embraced what became 'Chaos Magick' before the term existed and we focused on sigil magick and outré, creative, flexible, original art-based magickal rites as TOPY and other such far-out magicks flourished. So 'Solve' were we, it seems that now it is time to 'Coagula.' If we had an OHO or guru, it would have been Nema, Priestess of Maat, the most awesome, far-out, border-breaking Magus I have ever encountered.
This text discusses how W. B. Yeats, Aleister Crowley, Ezra Pound and Robert Graves had access to the forbidden knowledge of the Goddess. These four poets experienced a confrontation with their unconscious and let the grace of the Goddess touch their heart strings. Consequently, through this surrendering, they created avant-garde poetry and were inspired to write seditious manifestos that would teach humanity an esoteric creed. This creed, based on humans’ eternal divine essence, aspires to liberate the eternal feminine. These poets became the instruments of the Goddess. As defenders of the Light, they took arms against the forces of inertia and proclaimed the eleusis of a new faith. This creed pledges to overthrow the anachronistic religious and social institutions and initiate a new world order and a new divinity based on the ancient rites of the Great Goddess. No matter how disparate these four were in character, they shared the vision of transmitting esoteric knowledge to profane humanity. They were specifically chosen by the Goddess as Her troubadours and they pave Her way to the religious consciousness of the people.
Throughout history, Western esoteric movements have provided meaning and power for what the Rosicrucians of the early modern period called the quest for "Universal Reformation"--the utopian restructuring of religion, science, the arts, and human society. Yet Western esotericism has been roundly ignored as a source of reflection in mainstream Christian theology, including the radical theologies of liberation that might otherwise see in esotericism a kindred spirit to their commitment to radical social change. In The Inner Church is the Hope of the World, guided by his work in contemporary movements for social change, Nicholas Laccetti puts Western esotericism in dialogue with liberation theology, treating esotericism as a legitimate source of spiritual and theological insight. If, as Gustavo Gutierrez writes, "God is revealed in history," then we will also encounter God within the particular history of human religious expression that is Western esotericism. And from these theological reflections, the Inner Church of the esotericists, occultists, and mystics is revealed to be the true ekklesia of all who have conformed themselves to God's vision of freedom and liberation, and who struggle to enact that vision in human society. The Inner Church is truly the hope of the world.
High strangeness denotes happenings so uncanny they are deemed "utterly absurd." It involves the intersection of multiple paranormal phenomena, revealing an eerie undergirding of reality. MY COSMIC TRIGGER is a deep dive into the subject, covering its history, theories, and notable researchers, analyzing mechanisms behind this cosmic enigma. The author's personal experiences provide a penetrating understanding of the phenomenon by demonstrating how and why extramundane weirdness manifests on a personal level, helping people navigate their own 'synchromystic initiation' with a sense of clarity, fostering a constructive relationship with odd occurrences (not a destabilizing one), and enabling readers to successfully pull their own cosmic trigger.