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This Sonnet is for all of you to see what you will face when you do read this book. It will be such a great honor for me if you do like to take just a short look. I hope you like it and want to come back the way I talk about my memories. And even though the Sonnets may be black I hope you ́ll see their use as remedies. For me this is the place where my soul lives and where my past and future always meet. This is the place for evry hug I give and also for the dark in me to greet. Please don ́t be sad or happy just for me because these stories get alive through thee.
What am I suppose to do or be? Who should I keep in my life? Who do I trust? Who can I love and who loves me? Where do I want to go? What are my hopes? Growing up we ask ourselves a million questions. And finding answer can drive one insane. Even tough I might not have a lot of answers, for any of you, it could be a relive to know you are not the only one asking. That ́s what poetry is to me. The soothing of another human being feeling what I feel and finding words to say it. I hope this book will help you find words where you lost yours and describe what you find indescribable. In your hands I entrust a deep, honest and vulnerable part of my soul. Please be careful with it.
Stories, memories, feelings, ideas... writing can help sorting them and giving them an understandable shape. Tales of a Brain shows the journey of the author in the difficult mission of clearing her thoughts up.
this poetry book follows a person through the journey of processing a difficult time in life. it's about missing a person you thought you knew but never actually did. day by day, they become stronger. they grow and evolve, they change their mindset and learn to let people go. this book shows that change always comes and goes in phases, that acceptance is crucial for moving on.
Now you might think you know madness, although you might be intimidated or overwhelmed by the mad mess. You might find yourself asking: 'How can you do this job at all? The mad is unpredictable How do you even get ahead of the insane?!' But that's the game, You've gotta be game. And there's nothing seemingly bad when insanity has gone mad. Play along and toss the ball It's your call
Serendipity. Vielen Menschen sagt dieser Begriff nichts, aber trotzdem hat sie eine große Auswirkung auf das Leben jedes Einzelnen. Auf der Suche nach der Person, die man wirklich ist, spielt Serendipity eine große Rolle und sorgt nicht selten für ein wenig Drama. Aber man kann sich sicher sein, dass am Ende immer etwas Gutes dabei herauskommt. Oder? Mein Leben war noch nie perfekt. Es gab immer etwas, worüber ich mir Sorgen machte. Außer wenn ich mit meinem Bruder und seinen Freunden unterwegs war, denn bei ihnen war ich in einer anderen Welt. Ich war eine andere Version von mir selbst, aber ich mochte sie. Sie begann sich auszuweiten und auf meine erste Version abzufärben, was ja kein Problem gewesen wäre - wenn nicht beide Versionen plötzlich ihren Halt verloren hätten.