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Zeno’s Republic, a design of the ideal state consisting of gods and wise citizens, has been controversial since antiquity. The study looks at the controversial topics and tries to come to a new reading of the Republic as the vision of a society where life is lived according to natural law. The provocative call to promiscuity, incest and cannibalism can be explained within the frame of the cosmo-biological system, outlined by the founder of the school. This reading confirms that Stoic ethics with its central theory of oikeiosis is not concerned with the individual’s self-discovery as with the cosmos’ self-preservation. Attached is a collection of the fragments with German translations. Zenons Politeia, der Entwurf eines idealen Staates bestehend aus Göttern und Weisen, ist seit der Antike umstritten. Die vorliegende Studie behandelt nicht nur die kontrovers diskutierten Argumente, sie will auch zu einer neuen Deutung der Politeia als der Vision einer Gesellschaftsform führen, in der das Leben nach dem Gesetz der Natur verwirklicht ist. Die provokante Forderung nach Promiskuität, Inzest und Kannibalismus erfährt auf diese Weise eine Erklärung innerhalb des kosmo-biologischen Systems, das der Schulgründer geschaffen hat. Damit bestätigt sich die vom Autor jüngst vorgelegte Deutung, daß die stoische Ethik mit der Oikeiosislehre als ihrem Zentrum nicht auf die Selbstentfaltung des Individuums angelegt ist, sondern auf die Selbsterhaltung des Kosmos zielt. Beigegeben ist eine Sammlung der Testimonien mit deutscher Übersetzung.
The Fabric of Cities presents an interdisciplinary collection of articles on urbanism in ancient Mesopotamia, Israel, Greece and Rome, which focuses on the social dimension of cities' topographical features. The contributions of this book offer investigations of neighbourhoods, city gates, streets, temples and palaces drawing on textual and archaeological sources as well as art. The topics treated in this work encompass the diverse functions of public and marginal spaces in Mesopotamian cities and Rome, the role of agency in the development of Babylonian neighbourhoods, the relationship between public and private in Assyrian palaces, the connection between political strategies and temple building in Sumerian literary texts, and the communicative uses of language in Classical Greek texts to talk about urban space.
The interaction between orator and audience, the passions and distrust held by many concerning the predominance of one individual, but also the individual’s struggle as an advisor and political leader, these are the quintessential elements of 4th century rhetoric. As an individual personality, the orator draws strength from his audience, while the rhetorical texts mirror his own thoughts and those of his audience as part of a two-way relationship, in which individuality meets, opposes, and identifies with the masses. For the first time, this volume systematically compares minor orators with the major figures of rhetoric, Demosthenes and Isocrates, taking into account other findings as well, such as extracts of Hyperides from the Archimedes Palimpsest. Moreover, this book provides insight into the controversy surrounding the art of discourse in the rhetorical texts of Anaximenes, Aristotle, and especially of Isocrates who took up a clear stance against the philosophy of the 4th century.