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Luke/Acts and the End of History investigates how understandings of history in diverse texts of the Graeco-Roman period illuminate Lukan eschatology. In addition to Luke/Acts, it considers ten comparison texts as detailed case studies throughout the monograph: Polybius's Histories, Diodorus Siculus's Library of History, Virgil's Aeneid, Valerius Maximus's Memorable Doings and Sayings, Tacitus’s Histories, 2 Maccabees, the Qumran War Scroll, Josephus's Jewish War, 4 Ezra, and 2 Baruch. The study makes a contribution both in its method and in the questions it asks. By placing Luke/Acts alongside a broad range of texts from Luke's wider cultural setting, it overcomes two methodological shortfalls frequently evident in recent research: limiting comparisons of key themes to texts of similar genre, and separating non-Jewish from Jewish parallels. Further, by posing fresh questions designed to reveal writers' underlying conceptions of history—such as beliefs about the shape and end of history or divine and human agency in history—this monograph challenges the enduring tendency to underestimate the centrality of eschatology for Luke's account. Influential post-war scholarship reflected powerful concerns about "salvation history" arising from its particular historical setting, and criticised Luke for focusing on history instead of eschatology due to the parousia’s delay. Though some elements of this thesis have been challenged, Luke continues to be associated with concerns about the delayed parousia, affecting contemporary interpretation. By contrast, this study suggests that viewing Luke/Acts within a broader range of texts from Luke's literary context highlights his underlying teleological conception of history. It demonstrates not only that Luke retains a sense of eschatological urgency seen in other New Testament texts, but a structuring of history more akin to the literature of late Second Temple Judaism than the non-Jewish Graeco-Roman historiographies with which Luke/Acts is more commonly compared. The results clarify not only Lukan eschatology, but related concerns or effects of his eschatology, such as Luke’s politics and approach to suffering. This monograph thereby offers an important corrective to readings of Luke/Acts based on established exegetical habits, and will help to inform interpretation for scholars and students of Luke/Acts as well as classicists and theologians interested in these key questions.
Acts is the sequel to Luke's gospel and tells the story of Jesus's followers during the 30 years after his death. It describes how the 12 apostles, formerly Jesus's disciples, spread the message of Christianity throughout the Mediterranean against a background of persecution. With an introduction by P.D. James
This new study is intended as a first introduction to the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, those two New Testament books which are so closely connected. Rather than getting caught up in the vast and complex discussions which have produced a vast scholarly literature, the author concentrates on interpretative questions which are connected with Luke-Acts as a whole. Why did the author of the Gospel, unlike other evangelists, choose to create a larger framework within which to interpret Jesus' ministry? What difference does it make to our interpretation of the Gospel and Acts that one follows the other? What themes distinguish and/or unite the two parts of Luke's history? Is the unified work of a different genre from either taken individuaily? Ore of the strong points of the book is the way in which it sees Luke-Acts against the general cultural background of its time and conveniently quotes passages from secular authors which illustrate Luke's approach and way of working.
The conclusion of Luke-Acts is regarded as one of the most important chapters of Luke's two-volume work. Several significant Lukan themes are found in Acts 28, all of which make some contribution to the purpose and aim of the author in writing Luke-Acts: the Gentile mission, the triumph of God's Word, and the relationship of Christianity with Judaism and Rome. Acts 28 contains many historical problems that have been debated for centuries, including the "we" statements, the figure of Paul in Acts 28, and the abrupt-ending. Puskas compares the conclusion of Acts with other important chapters of Luke-Acts: the introduction of the Gospel, the conclusion of Acts, the "defense of Paul" chapters, as well as other passages. In this significant chapter of Acts 28 there are still fundamental problems of exegesis that need to be addressed: What is the literary function of Acts 28? What is Luke trying to tell his readers in the text?
Litwak challenges previous studies of the use of the Old Testament in Luke-Acts as inadequate. In contrast to previous studies that consider only quotations or obvious allusions, he examines intertextual echoes of the Old Testament at strategic points in Luke-Acts, as well as quotations and allusions and echoed traditions. Thus, this study's database is larger. Previous studies generally argue that Luke's use of the Scriptures is in the service of christology. This leads to the exclusion of scriptural citations, such as those of the temptation (Luke 4.1-13) which have different emphases. Litwak views ecclesiology as the overall purpose behind Luke's use of the Old Testament, but he does not skip or avoid intertextual references that may lie outside an ecclesiological function. Whilst other studies contend that Luke uses the Old Testament according to a promise-fulfillment/proof-form-prophecy hermeneutic, Litwak argues that this fails to account for many of the intertextual references. Other studies often subsume all of Luke's use of the Scriptures of Israel under one theme, such as the 'New Exodus', but this study does not require that every intertextual echo maps to a specific theme. Rather, the many intertextual references in strategic texts at the beginning, middle and end of Luke-Acts, and Luke's use of the texts, are allowed to dictate the 'themes' to which they relate. JSNTS 282