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Two companies are competing to build the intercontinental railway. When one sends saboteurs to intercept the powder needed to pierce tunnels through the mountains, the other calls upon Lucky Luke to protect a last chance convoy. The problem is, it’s not powder that gets loaded onto the train this time – it’s nitroglycerin! And as if that wasn’t enough, the saboteurs are still around ... and the Daltons are convinced the train is full of gold!
Marcel Dalton is the Dalton Brothers’ Swiss uncle. He is not only honest, but a banker to boot. Having purchased a small bank in the US, he decides to hire his nephews to force them to make a honest living. Although he’s assisted by Lucky Luke, they have their work cut out for them. Especially since – as if the ingrained instincts of the four dumbest bandits in the West weren’t enough – there’s also the small matter of the competition: a very unscrupulous banker ...
Gold has been found in the Klondike, a remote region in the Canadian far north! Jasper, the manservant of ‘Tenderfoot’ Waldo, went to try his luck ... and vanished. Worried about his man, Waldo calls upon his old friend Lucky Luke. The two men will have to make the dangerous trip to the Klondike, only to face all those who, in that desolate, inhospitable land, will stop at nothing in order to fleece their fellow man.
é Returned to their penitentiary by Lucky Luke for the umpteenth time, the Daltons meet a troubling character: Dunkle, a self-proclaimed prophet fond of fiery speeches. His continual preaching eventually converts the ever hapless Averell. Soon, all five escape together and find refuge in a friendly, welcoming community, where they sow chaos and discord each in their own way – unaware that Lucky Luke is already tracking them ...
Passing through New Orleans, Lucky Luke stumbles upon a heated argument between two steamboat captains. The argument soon turns into a wager: whichever boat reaches Minneapolis first after steaming up the Mississippi will win the exclusive rights to the route. Captain Barstow quickly invites Luke to travel on his Daisy Belle, fearing that his opponent will cheat. And while he’s not wrong, the biggest danger to both boats remains Old Man River himself ...
Kid Luck, still travelling with Old Timer, arrives in Mushroom City. After months in the wild, they’re both glad to find a place where they can have some fun! While the old gold miner has every intention to enjoy himself, though, he immediately sends Luke ... straight to school! A horrible sentence for the young cowboy-in-the-making, who is about to meet a quartet of already nasty little brats, and a pistolero with somewhat ... flexible morals!
Lucky Luke is contacted by a rich individual with an unusual request: he wants to hire the Lonesome Cowboy to escort his stepdaughter Gisella on a trip across the Wild West. He wants her to see for himself the hard life of settlers and frontiersmen at least once before she settles into a comfortable married life. Luke arranges a few fake, safe incidents to entertain the young woman, but she’s no shrinking violet, and tends to charge headlong into trouble ...
Once again, Luke is called to the penitentiary, though for once the Daltons haven’t escaped. They have, however, just learned that their cousin Emmett, last survivor of the original Dalton gang, has a son – and that Averell was chosen as his godfather! Now Lucky Luke has to accompany the dumbest bandits in the West to the young boy’s house, as Averell has been temporarily entrusted with his education. A job that his brothers see as an excellent opportunity to get rich ...
Arriving in Cattle Gulch, Lucky Luke runs into an unexpected scene: an apparent crackpot called Ovid Byrde is about to get lynched. The man’s revolutionary opinions – animal welfare and the sanctity of life – aren’t particularly well-received in this town full of ranchers and cowboys! After Luke intervenes, though, the locals simply ignore Byrde ... until he suddenly finds gold, and a pack of unscrupulous bandits take advantage of the poor idealist to establish a vegetarian dictatorship!
When a former convict at the penitentiary where Rin Tin Can ‘works’ passes away, he leaves his entire fortune to ... the stupidest dog in the West! The inheritance includes multiple buildings in Virginia City, including most of Chinatown, which isn’t to everyone’s taste. Even worse, the will states that if anything should happen to Rin Tin Can, everything would then pass onto ... Joe Dalton. Following the inevitable escape of the four Daltons, Lucky Luke will have to protect the canine millionaire!