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Lucianity, the Perverse Religion of Christians is a book about the hidden history of the New Testament -- where it not only reveals the scripture’s mysterious origin … but also its very unique and clandestine creation. In this book, the reader will learn that Christianity, the religion that people sincerely believe and practice today, is not the religion of Christ. Instead, it is the religion of an overzealous disciple who was able to gain possession of every gospel and almost every epistle, in addition to most of the other manuscripts related to early church affairs, and then after the death of the apostolic authors, edit and rewrite them to reflect his peculiar religious beliefs and philosophy. For instance, he conflated Jesus with God, and called him Lord. That disciple is identified as Lucius, the Bishop of Cyrene, who unfortunately, never understood the spiritual nature of man, the spiritual resurrection of Christ, or the purpose for why God sent Christ on a mission to Earth. As a consequence of ignorance, and the lack of understanding by Lucius, man has unknowingly accepted the false and unorthodox beliefs of Lucianity which have been incorporated into the creeds, gospels, epistles, and a host of other bible-related documents. This newly discovered information was deciphered by a seasoned detective when he deconstructed the 2000 year old biblical scripture line by line, and verse by verse. All Christians, who number in the billions today, will be stunned and perplexed by his findings, especially all the ministers who promote the Bible as the true word of God. Some of it is, and some of it isn’t; nevertheless, this book identifies God’s true word in Isaiah and Daniel, and it even illustrates the exactness and preciseness of His word (plus other prophetic scripture), by the use of numerous exhibits — since the detective believes a picture is worth a 1000 words. Christ flipped over the tables of the money changers signifying the coming end to the desolation that existed in the Jewish Temple. In like manner, the detective has upset an applecart full of false beliefs which will hopefully awaken people to the realization of Lucianity (or modern day desolation), and usher in the resurrection of true Christianity. “Christians” will learn the unvarnished truth about their ascribed beliefs for probably the first time in 2000 years, and more particularly, how they have been bamboozled and conned by a very clever disciple. The Bible is the most sold, and most read, book in the entire world, and yet, not a single person in the world has recognized the fact that at least 75% of the scripture in the New Testament is really the prodigious work of a secretive, behind the scenes, apostolic era Bishop. In his writings, Lucius used ancient manuscripts and even a book by Flavius Josephus to write various gospel chapters -- not the spoken words of Jesus. While looking over the Detective’s shoulder, the reader will see and learn exactly how he identified all the fraud implanted into the pages of the Bible via easy-to-understand scriptural analysis and a variety of exhibits. As such, reading the New Testament is generally a waste of time, unless one has the persistence, capability, and patience to do a thorough, time-consuming, focused, multi-year, forensic exam like the one contained inside the pages of the book “Lucianity.” No similar criminal investigation of the Bible has ever been completed, and no similar book exists. If a person is searching for “just the facts” regarding their Christian faith, then the Detective assures all seekers of truth that they will know more about the Bible, God, Moses, Isaiah, Daniel, and Christ (i.e. the Anointed One of God) after reading Lucianity than they ever will by reading Biblical scripture. And more importantly, if they truly understand the message of Jesus Christ as revealed within the pages of this book, they should also learn something about themselves … no matter their status, rank, position, race, or sex, their incarnation is not an accident of nature, but a self-chosen, deliberate, purposeful spiritual event. Just like Christ, every man, woman, and child has come to Earth in order to fulfill a spiritual mission, not to fulfill a short-sighted worldly aspiration for material goods and wealth.
Lucianity, the Perverse Religion of Christians is a book about the hidden history of the New Testament -- where it not only reveals the scripture's mysterious origin ... but also its very unique and clandestine creation. In this book, the reader will learn that Christianity, the religion that people sincerely believe and practice today, is not the religion of Christ. Instead, it is the religion of an overzealous disciple who was able to gain possession of every gospel and almost every epistle, in addition to most of the other manuscripts related to early church affairs, and then after the death of the apostolic authors, edit and rewrite them to reflect his peculiar religious beliefs and philosophy. For instance, he conflated Jesus with God, and called him Lord. That disciple is identified as Lucius, the Bishop of Cyrene, who unfortunately, never understood the spiritual nature of man, the spiritual resurrection of Christ, or the purpose for why God sent Christ on a mission to Earth. As a consequence of ignorance, and the lack of understanding by Lucius, man has unknowingly accepted the false and unorthodox beliefs of Lucianity which have been incorporated into the creeds, gospels, epistles, and a host of other bible-related documents. This newly discovered information was deciphered by a seasoned detective when he deconstructed the 2000 year old biblical scripture line by line, and verse by verse. All Christians, who number in the billions today, will be stunned and perplexed by his findings, especially all the ministers who promote the Bible as the true word of God. Some of it is, and some of it isn't; nevertheless, this book identifies God's true word in Isaiah and Daniel, and it even illustrates the exactness and preciseness of His word (plus other prophetic scripture), by the use of numerous exhibits - since the detective believes a picture is worth a 1000 words. Christ flipped over the tables of the money changers signifying the coming end to the desolation that existed in the Jewish Temple. In like manner, the detective has upset an applecart full of false beliefs which will hopefully awaken people to the realization of Lucianity (or modern day desolation), and usher in the resurrection of true Christianity. "Christians" will learn the unvarnished truth about their ascribed beliefs for probably the first time in 2000 years, and more particularly, how they have been bamboozled and conned by a very clever disciple. The Bible is the most sold, and most read, book in the entire world, and yet, not a single person in the world has recognized the fact that at least 75% of the scripture in the New Testament is really the prodigious work of a secretive, behind the scenes, apostolic era Bishop. In his writings, Lucius used ancient manuscripts and even a book by Flavius Josephus to write various gospel chapters -- not the spoken words of Jesus. While looking over the Detective's shoulder, the reader will see and learn exactly how he identified all the fraud implanted into the pages of the Bible via easy-to-understand scriptural analysis and a variety of exhibits. As such, reading the New Testament is generally a waste of time, unless one has the persistence, capability, and patience to do a thorough, time-consuming, focused, multi-year, forensic exam like the one contained inside the pages of the book "Lucianity." No similar criminal investigation of the Bible has ever been completed, and no similar book exists. If a person is searching for "just the facts" regarding their Christian faith, then the Detective assures all seekers of truth that they will know more about the Bible, God, Moses, Isaiah, Daniel, and Christ (i.e. the Anointed One of God) after reading Lucianity than they ever will by reading Biblical scripture. And more importantly, if they truly understand the message of Jesus Christ as revealed within the pages of
Most people who attend their church services each week are not hearing the gospel. They are hearing an anti-gospel. The devil is a very subtle liar who opposes God and his gospel. See Genesis 3:1; John 8:44. That old serpent has stealthily introduced his deceptive anti-gospel into the pulpits of churches around the world. He has very craftily mixed the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees into the gospel and ruined the whole loaf. Matthew 16:6-12. The resulting false gospel is premised on the idea that all men are freed from the bondage to sin and therefore have the ability to choose of their own free will whether or not to believe in Jesus. This is not a dispute over a fine distinction that is only of interest to theologians. This issue goes to the heart of the gospel. It goes to the heart of salvation. It goes to the heart of who is Jesus. The bible states that man is spiritually dead and must be born again by the power of God. Ephesians 2:1-6; John 3:3-8. God has elected certain to be saved by his grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Ephesians 1:3-9; 2:8-10. He imbues his elect with the faith needed to believe in Jesus. Romans 3:21-26; John 1:12-13. The devil’s false gospel reverses the order of things. Under the false gospel preached in most churches, Jesus does not choose his elect for salvation, instead all men have a free will to choose Jesus. Instead of God choosing man, man chooses God. This mythology is not supported by the bible. It is at the heart of a devilish conspiracy against God and man. The free will anti-gospel denies the sovereignty of God and blasphemously makes God out to be a liar. The free will gospel is a heathen gospel that has a god, but that god is not the God of the bible. The calling of the true Jesus is effectual; all who are chosen for salvation will believe in him. John 6:37-40. The free will gospel has a false Jesus who only offers the possibility of salvation, with no assurance. The scriptures warn about such a false Jesus. 2 Corinthians 11:4. The free will gospel denies the total depravity of man and the sovereign election of God. The true gospel has a Jesus who loves only his children and saves them for eternity in heaven. The devilish anti-gospel has a false Jesus who loves everyone in the world, but this false Jesus casts most of those whom he loves in hell, suffering in torments for eternity in a lake of fire. The true Jesus makes it clear in Matthew 7 that he never loved those who are sent to hell. “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” Matthew 7:23. See also Romans 9:21-23. The true God of the bible saves those whom he has elected for salvation and he condemns those whom he has elected for condemnation. See Romans 9. The false Jesus of the anti-gospel looks on helplessly while the sinner who is spiritually dead in trespasses and sin decides whether to believe in him. The true Jesus preordained and chose his elect to believe in him before the foundation of the world. Ephesians 1:4-5. The false Jesus is an impotent Jesus, who must yield to the desires of men; if men decide after they are saved that they would rather reject Jesus and take their chances with being thrown into hell, they can forfeit their salvation. The false Jesus is powerless to stop them. The true Jesus is Lord of Lords and King of Kings, who is able to preserve his elect and will lose none of those whom he has chosen for salvation. John 10:27-29.
"Arrayed against the renegade power of an amoral murderer, and with his naive philosophy shredded by the violent world of 1968 South Central Los Angeles, McLean soon becomes aware that the only men he trusts are those found in a hand-picked Special Problems Unit, and the only justice he is forced to recognize is his own. As he is pitted against the killer who want him dead, it becomes an intricate dance of providential fate leading to a battle of terror, intrigue, and courage."--Cover
In the 1960s the premise of this story did happen. Practicing physicians in this era were treated as omnipotent, creating a godlike complex allowing some of them to take it upon themselves to choose which babies, when born, should live or die. Selectively placing babies with visible flaws in boxes with medical tape over their mouths to silence their cries, than ordering nurses to place those boxes in a closet until...death. But what if they had lived? This could have been their story... Minnesota, 1969 - Carolyn, a young nurse, assisting with the delivery of a baby boy, watches in disbelief and horror as Dr. Jefferson attempts to dispose of the baby like unwanted trash just because he was born with a visible flaw. Unwilling to let the boy die, Carolyn finds herself doing the unthinkable – kidnapping the child and concocting a web of lies to protect herself, her family, and her new son Joe. Minnesota 1998 - Carolyn's tenuous web of lies begins to unravel. Joe, has overcome the challenges from his birth and is now an assistant district attorney. Upon learning the circumstances of his birth, he embarks on a journey for justice for him and the babies who came before him. Every step toward justice reveals unimaginable truths. Joe finds himself asking if the pain of discovering the secrets of the past is worth justice after all. The ethical and moral dilemmas along with multiple fast moving plot lines will engage the reader and generate great discussion points for book clubs across the country! Our hero, Joe, is handsome, smart, successful, and has risen to meet the challenges of his disability! If you have had to overcome challenges or know someone who has you will love this novel!
The Dance of the Sea is a tale of fisherfolk that live in an obscure coastal slum village situated in the southernmost tip of the Indian Subcontinent. It is the place where Sebastian becomes an engineer, rising up among the illiterate ruffian masses that have nerves of steel and a proclivity for ethnocentric violence. Sebastian deserts Gloria after their many trysts climax in a passionate lovemaking among the moonlit coconut grove where both lose their virginity. Gloria lives independently and becomes a rare and multi-faceted personality—a successful painter, an entrepreneur, and a social worker—riding well past Sebastian in fame and wealth. Torn between warring in-laws and his poverty-stricken sister Rebecca, Sebastian takes sides with the in-laws, leaving his sister in a financial predicament. She suffers from the overuse of loan usury to purchase a fishing trawler. Gloria supports Rebecca as much as she can in financial crises. Nature is unkind to them. The tsunami in 2004 wreaks devastating destruction, thousands of fisherfolk die like flies, and their properties return to the depths of the sea. The tsunami ends Gloria’s life as well. The rivalry between mechanised fishing and traditional vallam fishing escalates as arsonists set the fishing trawlers afire, including the one owned by Rebecca. Will Sebastian rescue his sister Rebecca from the aftermath of misfortunes? Will the karma of deserting Gloria haunt Sebastian forever? What is that secret which Gloria has kept undisclosed to Sebastian all along? What shapes the psyche of these Catholic fisherfolk, the faith in religion or sorcery? Reader will discover not only the answers, but also the dark tunnels of suspense and awe-inspiring unique lifestyles of humanity unknown to the rest of the world.
This is a story about a little girl who discovers that she has magic hair.
The author didn’t know what awaited him when he joined a college fraternity in the fall of 1965. He didn’t know one of his brothers was plotting the greatest sneak in fraternity history. He didn’t know about the Mudigas, or Peaches, or the famous party called The Bowery. Or a thousand other crazy goings-on. Nor did his frat brothers know, or think, he would ever write about it…
Like the Pharaohs he admired, Cecil John Rhodes (1853-1902) hoped to be remembered for 4,000 years. Barely 120 years later, many people want him expunged from history altogether. A major figure in the British Empire, he has been the subject of a bitter international controversy. This book sheds new light on a complicated story, relates the history of the Rhodes Scholarships, and suggests common-sense rules for commemorating contested figures as diverse as Robert E. Lee and Mahatma Gandhi.. Book Review 1: “It reads like a dream. At once masterful, thoughtful, and accessible.” -- Nigel Biggar, Regius Professor of Moral and Pastoral Theology, Christ Church College, Oxford Book Review 2: “Important, timely, and politically electrifying.” -- Edwin Cameron, Former Justice of South Africa’s Constitutional Court Book Review 3: “I could not put it down. I admire how you manage to combine a judicious and balanced approach while writing a book that is so exciting.” -- Timothy Radcliffe, OP, Blackfriars, Oxford Book Review 4: “Taut, clearly written, packed with information, judicious, personal, and direct.” -- Robert Baldock, Former Managing Director, Yale University Press, London Book Review 5: “Well done. A cool forensic account. Very timely.” -- Michael Holman, Former Africa Editor, Financial Times