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Detroit Diesel Corporation (DDC) has successfully completed a five-year Low Emissions Aftertreatment and Diesel Emissions Reduction (LEADER) program under a DOE project entitled: ''Research and Development for Compression-Ignition Direct-Injection Engines (CIDI) and Aftertreatment Sub-Systems''. The objectives of the LEADER Program were to: Demonstrate technologies that will achieve future federal Tier 2 emissions targets; and Demonstrate production-viable technical targets for engine out emissions, efficiency, power density, noise, durability, production cost, aftertreatment volume and weight. These objectives were successfully met during the course of the LEADER program The most noteworthy achievements in this program are listed below: (1) Demonstrated Tier 2 Bin 3 emissions target over the FTP75 cycle on a PNGV-mule Neon passenger car, utilizing a CSF + SCR system These aggressive emissions were obtained with no ammonia (NH{sub 3}) slip and a combined fuel economy of 63 miles per gallon, integrating FTP75 and highway fuel economy transient cycle test results. Demonstrated feasibility to achieve Tier 2 Bin 8 emissions levels without active NOx aftertreatment. (2) Demonstrated Tier 2 Bin 3 emissions target over the FTP75 cycle on a light-duty truck utilizing a CSF + SCR system, synergizing efforts with the DOE-DDC DELTA program. This aggressive reduction in tailpipe out emissions was achieved with no ammonia slip and a 41% fuel economy improvement, compared to the equivalent gasoline engine-equipped vehicle. (3) Demonstrated Tier 2 near-Bin 9 emissions compliance on a light-duty truck, without active NOx aftertreatment devices, in synergy with the DOE-DDC DELTA program. (4) Developed and applied advanced combustion technologies such as ''CLEAN Combustion{copyright}'', which yields simultaneous reduction in engine out NOx and PM emissions while also improving engine and aftertreatment integration by providing favorable exhaust species and temperature characteristics. These favorable emissions characteristics were obtained while maintaining performance and fuel economy. These aggressive emissions and performance results were achieved by applying a robust systems technology development methodology. This systems approach benefits substantially from an integrated experimental and analytical approach to technology development, which is one of DDCs core competencies Also, DDC is uniquely positioned to undertake such a systems technology development approach, given its vertically integrated commercial structure within the DaimlerChrysler organization. State-of-the-art analytical tools were developed targeting specific LEADER program objectives and were applied to guide system enhancements and to provide testing directions, resulting in a shortened and efficient development cycle. Application examples include ammonia/NO{sub x} distribution improvement and urea injection controls development, and were key contributors to significantly reduce engine out as well as tailpipe out emissions. Successful cooperation between DDC and Engelhard Corporation, the major subcontractor for the LEADER program and provider of state-of-the-art technologies on various catalysts, was another contributing factor to ensure that both passenger car and LD truck applications achieved Tier 2 Bin 3 emissions levels. Significant technical challenges, which highlight barriers of commercialization of diesel technology for passenger cars and LD truck applications, are presented at the end of this report.
This research provides an understanding of the synergies between the combustion of bio-oxygenated fuels and thermal management of the aftertreatment systems for the control of diesel gaseous and particulate matter emissions. Blends of diesel with bio-alcohols and a bio-ketone with different molecular structure including butanol, pentanol, cyclopentanol and cyclopentanone proved to be promising alternative fuels in terms of energy density, viscosity, lubricity, tribological mechanisms, combustion behaviour and emissions reduction. Using bio-oxygenated fuels with a higher polarity (mainly cyclic compounds) resulted in lower wear scar size by up to 38%, compared to the diesel baseline, during the lubricity test. Engine-out hydrocarbons and particulate matter emissions were lower by up to 37% and 91%, respectively. The modified exhaust gas composition from the combustion of the aforementioned oxygenated fuel blends, improved the catalyst oxidation reactions, and light-off was achieved at lower exhaust gas temperatures. Furthermore, an active control strategy of heating the aftertreatment system was studied. Due to reduced catalyst light-off temperature when using the alternative fuels for combustion, e.g. by up to 26 °C for CO, a lower heater energy input was required for the catalytic light-off when compared to diesel combustion only. Importantly, modifying the exhaust gas composition of the diesel baseline by adding 500 ppm of H2 gas upstream of the catalyst decreased the CO light-off temperature by approximately 50 °C.
Engineers, applied scientists, students, and individuals working to reduceemissions and advance diesel engine technology will find the secondedition of Diesel Emissions and Their Control to be an indispensablereference. Whether readers are at the outset of their learning journey orseeking to deepen their expertise, this comprehensive reference bookcaters to a wide audience.In this substantial update to the 2006 classic, the authors have expandedthe coverage of the latest emission technologies. With the industryevolving rapidly, the book ensures that readers are well-informed aboutthe most recent advances in commercial diesel engines, providing acompetitive edge in their respective fields. The second edition has alsostreamlined the content to focus on the most promising technologies.This book is rooted in the wealth of information available on, where the “Technology Guide” papers offer in-depth insights. Eachchapter includes links to relevant online materials, granting readers accessto even more expertise and knowledge.The second edition is organized into six parts, providing a structuredjourney through every aspect of diesel engines and emissions control: Part I: A foundational exploration of the diesel engine, combustion, andessential subsystems. Part II: An in-depth look at emission characterization, health andenvironmental impacts, testing methods, and global regulations. Part III: A comprehensive overview of diesel fuels, covering petroleumdiesel, alternative fuels, and engine lubricants. Part IV: An exploration of engine efficiency and emission controltechnologies, from exhaust gas recirculation to engine control. Part V: The latest developments in diesel exhaust aftertreatment,encompassing catalyst technologies and particulate filters. Part VI: A historical journey through the evolution of dieselengine technology, with a focus on heavy-duty engines in the NorthAmerican market. (ISBN 9781468605693, ISBN 9781468605709, ISBN 9781468605716, DOI: 10.4271/9781468605709)
The 21st Century Truck Partnership (21CTP), a cooperative research and development partnership formed by four federal agencies with 15 industrial partners, was launched in the year 2000 with high hopes that it would dramatically advance the technologies used in trucks and buses, yielding a cleaner, safer, more efficient generation of vehicles. Review of the 21st Century Truck Partnership critically examines and comments on the overall adequacy and balance of the 21CTP. The book reviews how well the program has accomplished its goals, evaluates progress in the program, and makes recommendations to improve the likelihood of the Partnership meeting its goals. Key recommendations of the book include that the 21CTP should be continued, but the future program should be revised and better balanced. A clearer goal setting strategy should be developed, and the goals should be clearly stated in measurable engineering terms and reviewed periodically so as to be based on the available funds.
The objective of this book is to present a fundamental development of the science and engineering underlying the design of exhaust aftertreatment systems for automotive internal combustion engines. No pre-requisite knowledge of the field is required: our objective is to acquaint the reader, whom we expect to be new to the field of emissions control, with the underlying principles, control methods, common problems, and fuel effects on catalytic exhaust aftertreatment devices. We do this in hope that they can better understand the previous and current generations of emissions control, and improve upon them. This book is designed for the engineer, researcher, designer, student, or any combination of those, who is concerned with the control of automotive exhaust emissions. It includes discussion of theory and fundamentals applicable to hardware development.
Thoroughly updated and expanded, Fundamentals of Medium/Heavy Diesel Engines, Second Edition offers comprehensive coverage of basic concepts and fundamentals, building up to advanced instruction on the latest technology coming to market for medium- and heavy-duty diesel engine systems.
The application of modern Diesel engines in automotive industry has been widely recognized for reasons of their distinguished performances on fuel economy, durability, and reliability. Meanwhile, NOx and particulate matters (PM) emissions have been the main concerns in the evolution of Diesel engines as more and more stringent emission standards have been legislated against Diesel engine emissions worldwide. In addition, as the Greenhouse gas emissions are receiving more and more concerns due to global warming issues, the demand of fuel economy improvement is increasing significantly. The objective of this research is to develop systematic control methodologies, based on fundamental insight into the system characteristics, to improve the overall fuel economy and emission performance of integrated Diesel engine and aftertreatment systems. The test platform of this research is a medium-duty Diesel engine equipped with high-pressure common-rail fuel injection system, dual-loop exhaust gas recirculation systems, variable geometry turbocharger system, and an integrated aftertreatment system including a Diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC), Diesel particulate filter (DPF), and two-catalyst selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system. The topics of this research fall into two groups. The first group focuses on the modeling, estimation, and control of integrated aftertreatment systems based on the interactions between the subsystems with the objective of maintaining low tailpipe emissions at low cost. Topics covered in this group include the modeling and observer-based estimations for oxygen concentration and thermal behaviors across the DOC and DPF, state estimator design for SCR system using production NOx sensor measurements, and the active NO/NO2 ratio controller design for DOC and DPF to improve the SCR performance. The second group mainly concentrates on the modeling, estimation, and control of integrated engine-aftertreatment systems grounded on the interactions between engine and aftertreatment systems to simultaneously maintain high fuel efficiency and low tailpipe emissions. Topics contained in this group include the air-fraction modeling and estimation for Diesel engines coupled with aftertreatment systems during normal operations and active DPF regenerations, control-oriented thermal model for integrated Diesel engine and aftertreatment system active thermal management, and integrated Diesel engine and aftertreatment active NOx emissions control for fuel economy improvement. The control-oriented models, observers, and controllers of integrated Diesel engine and aftertreatment systems proposed in this research, when applied in automotive fields, have potentials of improving the engine fuel efficiency, reliability, and reducing tailpipe emissions in systematic, real-time, and cost-effective manners.
Reducing emissions from diesel engines is one of the most important public health challenges facing the country. Despite EPA's stringent diesel engine and fuel standards taking effect over the next decade, the 20 million engines already in use will continue to emit large amounts of nitrogen oxides (NOX) and particulate matter (PM)-both of which will contribute to serious public health problems for years to come. Fortunately, a variety of cost-effective technologies can dramatically reduce harmful emissions, save fuel, and help our nation meet its clean air and sustainability goals. To meet these challenges, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the National Clean Diesel Campaign (NCDC). NCDC consists of both regulatory programs to address new engines and innovative nonregulatory programs to address the millions of diesel engines already in use. EPA standards apply to new diesel engines, and because these engines can last a long time, solutions are needed to reduce harmful emissions from the existing fleet. These innovative approaches promote a variety of emission reduction strategies such as retrofitting, repairing, replacing, and repowering engines; reducing idling; and switching to cleaner fuels. Through a dynamic network of Regional Collaboratives, whose development EPA initiated, environmental groups, industry, and government were inspired and motivated-despite their sometimes conflicting perspectives-to unite behind a common goal. NCDC mobilized diverse and unusual partners with historic differences to work together, creating broad support based on the urgency of the public health problem and bringing new technologies into use years earlier than would otherwise have occurred.