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We spend so much time worrying about the little things in life, money, objects, bills, insignificant things really. We give these things much more importance than they deserve because these things are so truly trivial when compared to the significant things in life like love, health, family, and friends. We allow these trivial things to constantly overwhelm us and worry us sick. We always wish for the future, as opposed to rejoicing in the present and appreciating life for what it truly is, a gift, an opportunity to love and to be loved and by doing so opening our eyes to a truly beautiful reality, a reality we fail to see without love. We fail to see the true beauty of life, the beauty of a brand new morning, the beauty of a butterfly resting in a rose, or the sweet melodies the bird sing. Instead, we focus on the petty things, and by so doing we keep ourselves from achieving the true happiness we seek. Time and time again I have encountered unhappiness in life and particularily in relationships. People do not understand why their relationships are not going in the right direction. People wonder why they are not as happy as they wish they could be, and usually the reason for this is not an insurmountable one. This unhappiness is mostly caused by a lack of communication, lack of trust, lack of honesty, lack of attention or understanding. Sometimes a combination of these prevents us from achieving true happiness, but they can be overcome, and with my help and your willingness to change, you will achieve just that. These problems, unfortunately, are very common, but there is a solution, a simple solution I want to share with you. I want to change the status quo by providing you with the tools you will need to overcome these problems. I want to provide you with the tools you need to more successfully approach your love interest, to better deal with your significant other, and to even improve your marriage and everyday life. I will show you how to communicate, appreciate, and better understand your partner; above all, I will help you love again. The reason behind this book being written is the beautiful feeling one feels as soon as one falls in love, a feeling that should never disappear. It should evolve and become more objective, but no less beautiful; the flame of love should never vanish. The honeymoon period, whether you are married or have just entered into your first relationship, should not fade and pass; it should just transform and it can! It will require a little effort and awareness of each other's preferences, but remember all worthwhile endeavors do. The origin of this book then rests in the predominant lack of understanding between the sexes, in the predominant complaint, "My boyfriend pays more attention to his car than to me," as well as "My wife is always nagging; no matter what I do, she's never happy." The origin of this book is due to the strong belief that I can change that, that I can provide you, the reader, with a happy medium. I strongly believe that I can show you how to meet halfway, and become a happier person and a happier couple in the process. I believe that I can help change those statements to something more positive. I believe I can change those statements to something like: "my boyfriend enjoys spending time working on his car, but he loves me; I'm the most important thing in his life" or "my wife is the greatest - she knows how much I love her, and she knows any opportunity I get I want to be with her because I'm the most important person in her life." Myabe you noticed the use of "thing" and "person" and that is a purposeful mistake, as you will soon learn.
This distinctive volume explores how romantic coupleship is represented in books, magazines, popular music, movies, television, and the Internet within entertainment, advertising, and news/information. This reader offers diverse theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches on the representation of romantic relationships across the media spectrum. Filling a void in existing media scholarship, this collection explores the media’s influence on perceptions and expectations in relationships, including the myths, stereotypes, and prescriptions manifested throughout the press. Featuring fresh voices, as well as the perspectives of seasoned veterans, contributions include quantitative and qualitative studies along with cultural/critical, feminist, and descriptive analyses. This anthology has been developed for use in courses on mass media and society, media studies, and media literacy. In addition to its use in coursework, it is highly relevant for scholars, researchers, and others interested in how the media influence the personal lives of individuals.
A journalist offers an award-winning look at the issues of aging in a society that glorifies youth. Gross has culled 153 personal accounts from people over 60, including Nelson Mandela (recently remarried at 80), Carolyn Heilburn, William Segal, and Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee.
Volume offers a critical examination of the portrayals of relationships in the various media and debunks the myths perpetuated there. For courses in media criticism/media literacy, mass communication, & interpersonal communication.
Danika hasn't had an easy life. Being insanely attracted to bad boys has never helped make it easier. One look at Tristan, and every brain cell she possessed went up in smoke. This man was trouble with a capital T. It was a given. She knew better. Bad boys were bad. Especially for her. Considering her history, it was crazy to think otherwise. So why did crazy have to feel so damn fine? For as long as she could remember, Danika had been focused on the future with single-minded purpose. Tristan came along and taught her everything there was to know about letting go, and living in the present. She fell, hard, and deep. Of course, that only made her impact with the ground that much more devastating. Bad Things is about Tristan and Danika, and their train wreck of a love story. This series can be read as a standalone, or with the Up in the Air trilogy. This book is intended for ages 18 and up.
The Bible is well-known for its wisdom on spiritual concerns and righteous living. But did you know it can also guide you in matters of dating, courtship, and marriage? Wise and engaging, The Book of Romance digs deep into the Song of Solomon and what it says about the Bible's most passionate lovers. As you learn about their relationship, you'll discover how you, too, can experience the deep emotional, sexual, and spiritual satisfaction that God created to be enjoyed in marriage.
In this timely, insightful, and darkly funny investigation, the acclaimed author of Against Love asks: what does living in dystopic times do to our ability to love each other and the world? COVID-19 has produced new taxonomies of love, intimacy, and vulnerability. Will its cultural afterlife be as lasting as that of HIV, which reshaped consciousness about sex and love even after AIDS itself had been beaten back by medical science? Will COVID end up making us more relationally conservative, as some think HIV did within gay culture? Will it send us fleeing into emotional silos or coupled cocoons, despite the fact that, pre-COVID, domestic coupledom had been steadily losing fans? Just as COVID revealed our nation to itself, so did it hold a mirror up to our relationships. In Love in the Time of Contagion, Laura Kipnis weaves (often hilariously) her own (ambivalent) coupled lockdown experiences together with those of others and sets them against a larger backdrop: the politics of the virus, economic disparities, changing gender relations, and the ongoing institutional crack-ups prompted by #MeToo and Black Lives Matter, mapping their effects on the everyday routines and occasional solaces of love and sex.
From the author of "Sex, Dating and Love?" comes a foolproof guide to determining the strength of a relationship.
"The author presents a young boy learning to navigate through the rigid aristocratic society of the day, and he encounters two older, more experienced socialites who give him differing opinions of cultural evolution. Monsieur de Meilcour narrates his past, looking back to his debut, at the age of seventeen, into aristocratic society. Since many decades have passed between the time in which these events took place and the moment in which Meilcour narrates them, he sets the scene for his readers: “Manners have changed so prodigiously since then that I would not be surprised if my story were treated as a fable today. It is hard for us to believe that the vices and virtues that are no longer under our eyes ever existed: however, everything I write is real and I do not exaggerate.” Crébillon’s novel is essentially a moral tale."--Goodreads