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The sibilant sound of "Girl, you know you crazy!" resonates through our common airspace matter-of-factly. We grow up with different flavors of insanity all around. For our family it was great aunt Henrietta, who stopped wearing underwear because the Lord told her so. At least that is how she interpreted the Lord's divine message. Aunt Henrietta is proof that even the holiest require a personal crusade to stay sane. Chicken on a Leash: Lessons in Strength in Mind recognizes the challenges of growing into personal leadership getting from there to here sane. It is about one African American woman of color who reaches back into her childhood diary to see where her lessons in leadership began. To her amazement, leadership was rooted in the most insane, bizarre, or even violent moments. Susan Raleigh finds that life's path though littered with lessons in insanity, paved the way for purposeful leadership and strength of mind in every facet of her life from the bedroom to the boardroom. Readers will be able to wrestle with their own paths through the experiences of Dr. Susan Raleigh who eventually finds herself asking: "How did I manage to grow up sane?" The answer is amply described in thirty personality-shaping events that she adeptly calls: Lessons in Strength of Mind.
100 + Poems for Holidays and Special Occasions by Frederick Douglas Harper celebrates some of the most significant moments in our lives, like weddings and graduations. This anthology of poetry can and should be shared with the people who matter most to us our family, our friends, and our loved ones. The poems in this anthology serve as inspiration for people searching for the perfect poem to honor a special occasion. Through this anthology, poetry aficionados will also realize the power and potential of words to convey meaning at times when we are most speechless. The vast range of special occasions covered in this book ensures that it will appeal to diverse audiences and a wide range of ages. Within these pages, you will also find Harpers prose on spirituality with forgiveness, because healing is a process involved in most relationships and Harper provides a comforting voice that inspires intense introspection. This book is the ideal companion for someone who wants to experience a true love affair with words.
Love Poems-- is a collection of the finest love poems and thoughts by Frederick Douglas Harper. The author ingeniously organizes his poems into six sections of the book: (1) romantic poems, (2) nostalgic love poems, (3) sensual love poems, (4) poems on love lost, (5) poems on love restored, and (6) poems on love of family, children, friends, and nature. Harper's universal themes in his Love Poems-- are timeless and enduring for all humanity, and, thus, the book's reading and value will be priceless for years and generations to come. The wisdom, spirituality, and overall power of Harper's love poetry have been compared to Kahlil Gibran's redemptive love poems in his classic book, The Prophet. In Love Poems--, Harper conveys therapeutic and educational messages to the reader through the insightful meanings in his creative verse and thoughts. He teaches the reader the significance of unconditional love, how to deal with lost love in a non-destructive manner, how to forgive and love again, the need to savor romance and romantic memories, and ways to understand and tolerate individual differences that can often threaten a loving relationship. Love Poems of Frederick Douglas Harper also includes precious nuggets in the form of brief inspirational thoughts on love and relationships, found in the last section of the book.
Poems for Young People was written mainly for children, teenagers, and young adults--including college students. For young people, the book provides wise guidance and life-long education about living. The more than 100 poems in Poems for Young People are organized under the following themes: (1) Advice for Young People, (2) On Values, Character, and Morality, (3) Natural Beauty of Earth, (4) Courage, Inspiration, and Strength, (5) Healthy, Happy, and Safe Living, (6) Spirituality and Meaning in Life, (7) Love for Family, (8) Friendship, (9) Loss, Sadness, Grief, and Death, and (10) Identity, Understanding, Self-Esteem, and Self-Acceptance.
As Dr. Frederick Douglas Harpers 12th book of poetry with prose, Tributes, honors and pays homage to both the living and the dead. There are tributes to exceptional human beings based on their miraculous creations or their sustained humanitarian servicesexceptional human beings such as Helen Keller, Mother Teresa, Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Albert Schweitzer. There are tributes to exceptional human beings whom the author knows; those unsung heroes who have consistently sacrificed to help others. This book honors the dead who sacrifi ced much to benefi t or bring joy to others (e.g., Michael Jackson) or those who died unjustly at the hands of the unjust (e.g., Emmett Till). Also, there are tributes for special occasions (e.g.,birthday) and to persons in special groups (e.g., school or college graduates and outstanding athletes). Finally, there are tributes to two courageous animals (a dove and a dog) based on true stories of valor and character.
ABOUT THE BOOK Time and Timing is Frederick Douglas Harper's 11th book of poetry with prose. Typical of all of Dr. Harper's creative books, Time and Timing contains insightful and inspirational quotes in a section at the end of the book, that is, in addition to the poetry. Examples of poem titles include "This Is the Moment," "A Tribute to Michael Jackson," "Time and Space," "When Spirit Touches the Soul of a Child," "Living Outside Our Body," "The Prophecy," "No Time for Anger," "Time for Restraint and Rethink," "An Ugly Time, A Beautiful Time," "I Am Because of You," "Step Away From Your Body," "The Graduate," "Global Warming: Global Warning," "A Time for Love and Romance," "The Good Samaritan," "Time Stolen by Technology," "Memories of Elephants," and "Angels With No Wings."
Its Not Too Late is a book of poetry, poetic prose, and prose. Its theme and messages warn the reader that its not too late to develop the light of talent within us, to find and realize our purpose in life, to do the right things, to cooperate globally as one human race without group conflict and violence, and to save ourselves from premature extinction as a human species. Featured titles within the book include And God Spoke on TV, And Still We Had the Strength to Smile: Reflections on the Black American Struggle, A Tribute to White Civil Rights Advocates in U.S. History, Its Not Too Late, and Martin, Malcolm, and Medgar.
ABOUT THE BOOK As Harper's 10th book of poetry with prose, Beyond Fear beautifully addresses life fears and daily fears, both real and imagined, that we encounter and perceive as human beings. Typical of all of Dr. Harper's creative books, Beyond Fear also contains insightful and inspirational quotes in a section at the end of the book. Examples of poem titles from Beyond Fear include "Courage Has No Fear," "Beyond Fear," "Our Greatest Fears," "Suffering Can Be a Blessing," "Living Outside Our Body," "Intentional Happiness," "Trials and Triumphs," "Apology from Honorable Men to Woman and Girl," "In Honor of a Beggar Woman," "Don't Be Afraid to Help," "A Prayer for Courage," "Letter to God and Ancestors," "Words, So Essential to Our Lives," "Which Way Is It to Sleepy Town?," "Living Within an Oyster Shell," "Emotional Freedom," and "Do You Have the Strength To Be?"